"Don't be too stressed."

Seeing Xiao Yan's somewhat distressed look on his face, Yao Wan did not continue to ridicule Xiao Yan, but comforted him and said: "Don't take the destined person too seriously, it is not your responsibility in the first place. , there is no need for you to bear too much responsibility.”

Xiao Yan nodded silently, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth, and a hint of sweetness in his heart.

It's the best thing to have someone to accompany you at this time.

Not to mention that this person is Yao Wan who has always been by his side. Although Yao Wan always has a bad tone, whenever Xiao Yan encounters this kind of temporary hesitation, Yao Wan will always Stand by his side and give him the strongest trust and encouragement.

Even her trust and support alone is better than the pressure from the entire Ruins of Oblivion.

"I think……"

Xiao Yan murmured softly.

"Think? What do you think?"

Yao Wan was slightly startled and couldn't help asking subconsciously, but she caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan's warm and cheerful smile like the rising sun.

"I'm thinking, it's so nice to have Wan'er by my side——"

Xiao Yan's heartfelt sigh made Yao Wanchu freeze in place for two seconds before he recovered. With his thoughts coming back to his senses, he was filled with unconcealable shame and tears that covered his cheeks. Hongxia.

"You, what did you say!"

Yaowan became angry again for no reason, but in Xiao Yan's opinion, it was not annoying or scary at all. On the contrary, the bulging look looked like a bloated agouti, which was really cute.

The pretty face of the silver-haired beauty in front of her was filled with red clouds, and her golden eyes were full of anger. She couldn't help but scolded, she didn't know how Xiao Yan could have such a thick skin to say such shameless words in broad daylight and in front of everyone.

Although it was impossible to see the sun in the Ruins of Oblivion, she was right in front of everyone, right? !

"Huh? What's wrong? Did I say the wrong thing?"

Obviously, he accidentally made Wan'er angry again, but Xiao Yan was not impatient and asked with a smile.

"You're still laughing! I don't know how you can say such shameless things!"

Yao Wan gritted her teeth with hatred for the smiling Xiao Yan, wishing she could pounce on him and bite off a piece of his meat so that he could remember it for a long time.

"I don't think it's so shameful."

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders innocently, and couldn't help but say, "Being obedient when you get an advantage is a skill he learned from Wan'er and has become more and more proficient in it. Now he can be regarded as a successful apprentice."

Although Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan with hatred at the root of her teeth, she really had nothing to do with this guy, so she just snorted angrily and had no choice but to give up. Not only that, while the two were talking, she also Many pedestrians passing by cast curious eyes on this pair of young men and women who are particularly well matched in appearance and temperament. After all, no matter how advanced a person is in cultivation, he is still a human being. He likes to watch the fun. His temperament is really not something that can be eradicated so easily.

And feeling the eyes of others, even if everyone was in good faith and did not say anything more, just those curious eyes made Yaowan suddenly have a strong desire to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. This is too shameful. !

Xiao Yan did not dare to hold Yaowan's hand at this time, but walked side by side with her deeper into the bustling street.

In fact, there wasn't much to see, and Xiao Yan didn't expect any adventure to happen to him again by chance.

If there was a reason why, it was probably because the greatest adventure in the world had already happened to him.

Walking side by side with Yao Wan, Xiao Yan had never felt such peace in his heart, as if the warm spring sun was shining on the lake, and the wind was blowing the willows on both sides, surging like waves.

From the corner of his eye, Xiao Yan has been secretly looking at Yao Wan, who is gradually regaining his composure. Although he never intentionally wants to make Yao Wan angry, Xiao Yan does like to see Yao Wan show off more in front of him. In addition to calmness and calmness, there are more and more intense emotions.

Wanting to see her angry, wanting to see her expression moved for him, although it is a bit abnormal, it is still more or less human nature.

After all, she has always been as indifferent as if the world is just a painting in her eyes. Xiao Yan does not want Yao Wan to stay like this.

"Well, what is that?"

Yao Wan and Xiao Yan were halfway through the road when they noticed a weapons store that was larger than the elixir store just now. Among them, most of the people who came to choose suitable weapons were cultivators of Dou Huang and below. After all, they were from the Dou Sect. At the beginning, foreign objects played less and less roles in the battle, but this was also related to the local environment of Dou Qi Continent.

At least among the many inheritances that have been handed down so far, the methods for refining high-level weapons have long disappeared with the disappearance of the powerful Dou Emperor warriors and the passing of tens of thousands of years. The weapons of Zun Dou Sheng have long since disappeared.

"Is it time to change your Xuan Zhong ruler?"

Yao Wan said casually, she didn't have much hope anyway, after all, it would not be easy to find a weapon that was better than the Xuan Zhong Ruler.

The Xuan Zhong Ruler is not an outstanding weapon in nature. It has special characteristics, is solid and durable, can withstand the terrifying energy of alien fire fusion, and can suppress Dou Qi to a certain extent.

Xiao Yan was able to use this thing for so long simply because he was used to it.

"never mind."

Xiao Yan shook his head. The Xuan Zhong Ruler was not broken. What would he do with the Xuan Zhong Ruler? However, when talking about his weapons, he couldn't help but ask: "Wan'er's stone hammer seems to be likely to break at any time. Doesn't it need to be replaced?"

"That's just something I made up at random. Speaking of weapons, it's actually more similar to fighting skills."

While passing by the weapons depot, Yao Wan couldn't help but explain.

Transactions were going on in the shops after that... to be precise, it should be available to visitors, and the various types can be said to be diverse.

When passing by a magic weapon shop, Yao Wan couldn't help but paused, as if he suddenly recalled something.

"...Right, having said that."

Yaowan let out a light sigh, and then said with a hint of seriousness in her tone: "Back when we were in Wutan City, did Xiao Xun'er pester you to go shopping like this?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


Xiao Yan didn't know what to say all of a sudden. Wan'er's ability to think divergently was too strong.

Yaowan didn't have much to say, but when he turned around, he suddenly thought of this. After all, they were all dragged out to go shopping together, so the sense of déjà vu was a bit too strong.

It's just that she was very resistant to this kind of thing at the beginning... Of course, she doesn't like it now either. She was just coerced by Xiao Yan. It's not like she wanted to be with Xiao Yan. She was completely different from the scheming woman like Xiao Xun'er. The reasons and reasons are force majeure.

Seeing that Yao Wan remained silent after asking her question, Xiao Yan did not hide anything.

"Well, it does happen. Not only in Wutan City, but also in Canaan College...ah, did I say something wrong?"

"It's okay...it sounds like you've said the right things along the way."

The resentment in Yao Wan's tone did not diminish, but she was naturally not angry either. The reason was as simple and straightforward as ever. There was no need to be angry. Her displeasure with Xiao Xun'er did not hinder the intimate relationship between her, her destined first wife, and Xiao Yan. , Yaowan is not so angry about even this kind of thing.

It's just...very unpleasant.

...It's not because of Xiao Yan, but simply because of Xiao Xun'er.

From Yao Wan's point of view, Xiao Xun'er was naturally not qualified to point fingers in front of her, especially since she had not taken the initiative to interfere in the relationship between the two. In the end, her favorite thing to do was to seek out enemies in the air. If it hadn't been for the last time they returned to the Jia Ma Empire, she would have broken out with him while he was a little deflated. Yao Wan really didn't expect that she had been thinking about him for so long.

There is really no one left. I can only say that women with a love brain are really scary.

Fortunately she doesn't.

Yao Wan once again criticized Xiao Xun'er in her mind from beginning to end, saying that she was not as good as Xiao Xun'er in terms of figure, height, and strength except for her appearance. What a shame in front of her. Apart from Xiao Yan, she was really not as good as her. Never been afraid of anyone.

As for Xiao Yan’s ownership issue? Putting aside the facts, even if she has 99% of the problems, doesn't Xiao Xun'er not have the 1% of the problems?

See if you have worked hard to get points. It was before, and it is now. You still think you are in Wutan City now.

Yao Wan actually felt a lot more relaxed after talking trash in her heart.

But just when Yao Wan was furiously trash-talking Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Yan noticed the shop on one side and couldn't help but walk in.

When Yao Wan caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan's movements, she couldn't help but let out a light sigh, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...just looking..."

Xiao Yan just accidentally caught a glimpse of something similar to jewelry out of the corner of his eye, so he couldn't help but want to take a look.

When he walked into the store, all Xiao Yan saw were amulets shaped like jewelry or some powers with this different aura.

"have a look?"

A faint suspicion flashed in Yaowan's pale golden eyes. It would be strange to believe him. When this guy can take a look at it casually, he may have spotted something good.

Walking to the counter, Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his hand and pick up one of the bracelets. There was a different kind of power flowing in the translucent amber bracelet.

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