After noticing this instinctive discomfort, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan naturally could not continue to turn a blind eye like this.

After looking at each other, the two left the alchemy room, but happened to meet Han Shanshan who felt the same way.

"Sure enough, you also noticed it?"

Han Shanshan would not be surprised when she saw Xiao Yan and Yao Wan. After all, even she could detect this premonition, and there was no reason why the two of them, who could both refine medicine and fight, couldn't detect it.

"Should we go to the palace master now?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask, the sense of oppression and uncertainty in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if something was squeezing his heart.

"No need. I think it won't be long before Elder Tianhuo and the others start to announce something... they are coming."

Before Han Shanshan could finish her words, they saw a fiery red figure speeding past in the sky.

"All the powerful men in the Heavenly Sword Palace, this time the Spirit Devouring Evil Clan's troops are divided into three groups, intending to break through the defense line of our human race. Naturally, we cannot agree!"

Lord Tianhuo's voice sounded like a bell, causing everyone to straighten their backs.

"It came so quickly, it's less than a month ago."

Yao Wan couldn't help but murmured as she recalled the last fight she accidentally encountered.

"On weekdays, the attacks of the Swallowing Spirit Tribe usually carry out tentative attacks once every two months and large-scale attacks once every six months. It is not even a month since the last attack. Maybe the Swallowing Spirit Tribe is I’m really desperate.”

Han Shanshan also noticed something was wrong. In any case, the Swallowing Spirit Clan seemed to be really anxious.

Before Xiao Yan and Yao Wan could reply, they also felt several auras no less powerful than Lord Tianhuo rising from the surroundings of Tianjian Mountain, like new stars, dazzling.

"Even those elders responded... I'm afraid this Spirit Devouring Tribe's attack is not a feint."

Han Shanshan, who was undoubtedly more aware of the power dispute between humans and the Spirit Devouring Clan in the Ruins of Forgotten than Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Yan, Yaowan."

The voice of Lord Tianhuo came next and said: "Has the injury been healed?"

"It's nothing serious."

"Well, we still need your help this time. There are so many demon generals from the Spirit-Devouring Clan. We will definitely lose if we only rely on their numbers."

"What about Palace Master Yun?"

"The Palace Master is different, but he can't take action easily. His opponent is the demon who leads the Spirit-Devouring Tribe. Both sides want to win, but they don't want to end up with both sides losing. Therefore, the general will fight against the king against the general. The king is the safest.”

Lord Tianhuo explained, Xiao Yan nodded slightly: "I understand."

"Tianjian Mountain is two thousand miles east. You follow me and Lord Demon Ghost to fight against the enemy's vanguard."

After Master Tianhuo explained all this, he severed contact and communication with them.

Seeing the turmoil under Tianjian Mountain, Yun Potian frowned slightly. There was another fight, and he didn't know how many compatriots he would leave this time.

Although there is always a balance between destruction and birth in the Ruins of Oblivion, and strong people will naturally be born when strong people leave, but everyone's life is only placed in the Ruins of Oblivion only once.

But he could only watch and find it difficult to intervene.

Now that I think about it, what I did in the past was really a bad move.

Yun Potian thought as he stepped into the depths of the Tianjian Palace. Deeper than where Xiao Yan and Yao Wan had previously visited Yun Potian's residence, countless sword formations intertwined with each other to seal off the dark and evil demonic energy.

The demonic energy was never willing to be restrained like this, so it couldn't wait to release the tentacles composed of the demonic energy. It was about to spread, but it was chopped into pieces and suppressed by the majestic sword intent formed by countless sword formations intertwined.

Yun Potian frowned slightly and looked worriedly at the core of the sword array in front of him. A living thing like a chicken egg was beating, and accompanied by the beating of the heart, although the surrounding demonic energy was immediately killed by the sword, But in fact, it breeds again immediately, and the cycle repeats, as if the demonic energy is endless.

But it is really endless. I have sealed this demon for hundreds of years, but the demonic energy still has not weakened. If it were not in the Ruins of Oblivion, I could have maintained it at its peak state, but I am afraid that I can't suppress this terrifying power. The presence.

Yun Potian closed his eyes slightly, and the memories that belonged to him came to his mind again like fragments, as if they were still vivid in his mind even after hundreds of years.

During the battle in the Devil's Heart Palace, he entered the palace and killed every ten of the spirit-devouring demon generals. Both he and the demon leader were injured, but he also split the demon fetus into two, cutting off the possibility of its spontaneous recovery. However, it was difficult for the demon fetus to survive. Yun Mie, even Yun Potian's sword intent could not achieve this.

Therefore, leaving it alone will inevitably cause chaos within the human race. Letting the tiger return to the mountain will actually not weaken the Swallowing Spirit Clan. Therefore, he simply sealed it in Tianjian Mountain and used his sword power to combine with the power of the Ruins of Oblivion. Suppress it, spend your days and nights, and one day you will be able to completely kill it.

It's just that this process is too long, and I'm afraid he won't be able to wait until that time.

And before that...

Yun Potian's closed eyebrows frowned slightly, as if he had had a nightmare, but soon, accompanied by a sound transmission like a strong wind, Yun Potian opened his eyes again.

"Tianhuo, what's going on?"

"The arrangement has been completed, but there will be some sacrifices, but just dealing with this wave of offensive is not a big problem."

Lord Tianhuo's voice was unconsciously filled with a hint of hesitation. Before Yun Potian could speak, he said, "Perhaps there will be a turning point when the demon fetus is killed."

"You mean them?"

Yun Potian was startled, but shook his head: "No, the risk of killing the demon fetus is too great. I still need to be extremely careful. Your Fallen Heart Flame can't do anything about it. How can you put such a heavy burden on two even Dou Zun?" Not on the descendants? "

"Sigh... That's true, but there is no other way. If the devil comes back, are you still sure?"

This is what Lord Tianhuo is most worried about now. After all, even if Yun Potian and the opponent's demon head don't take action, the two are still the strongest in the Ruins of Forgetfulness. Therefore, it is no longer their own wish for the two to fight. You can control and decide easily.


However, beyond Lord Tianhuo's expectation, even so, Yun Potian still nodded firmly, which made him somewhat unable to understand.

"It's just the devil. I'm naturally confident, but I have to make sure everything is foolproof."

Yun Potian said slowly with firm eyes.

Lord Tianhuo can understand why the Dou Zun below has been replaced from time to time, but it has happened that hundreds of years since the founding of Tianjian Palace, the reason why Yun Potian is still at the top is still in charge.

When Xiao Yan and Yao Wan left Tianjian Mountain, they were speechless. They just watched the two Dou Zong leading at least ten Dou Zong including them towards the east of Tianjian Mountain.

The other directions are led by the strong Dou Zun who originally guarded this place to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

But the closer he got to the battlefield, the ominous premonition in Yao Wan's heart became stronger.

Xiao Yan turned his head and wanted to ask Yao Wan some more questions, but he saw her somewhat uneasy expression.

In silence, Xiao Yan's fingertips slowly grasped Yao Wan's slender hand. Yao Wan was slightly startled, but just by virtue of the temperature and slightly rough touch, Yao Wan had already guessed that it must be Xiao Yan. There is so much courage.

But when she raised her head, what she saw was Xiao Yan's eyes full of relief. Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh, but she felt a lot more relieved, so she let him hold her hand like this, all the way towards Tianjian. The mountain is galloping two thousand miles eastward.

But before they reached their destination, the overwhelming demonic energy roared in, causing them to frown slightly.


Lord Tianhuo whispered, but his gaze had already penetrated the demonic realm in front of him, pointing directly at the twisted demonic shadow hidden deep in the demonic energy. Then he snorted coldly, and the Fallen Heart Flame released a strong inner fire, irritating the surrounding people. The uncomfortable demonic energy was burned away in one breath.

The exploding demonic energy naturally attracted the attention of the Spirit Devouring Clan who were on their way and even ignored the cities below them, only thinking of marching straight in.

"Leave the demon general to me and the Venerable Demon Ghost to deal with, Xiao Yan Yaowan, don't force yourself too much."

Lord Tianhuo just turned his head and said something, and immediately threw himself into the battlefield. The Lord Yaogui, who had a slightly strange appearance but an extremely upright and awe-inspiring aura, followed closely behind and threw himself directly into the deepest part of the battlefield. , and almost immediately locked onto his opponent.

But having said that, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan also knew exactly what kind of opponent was waiting for them on such a battlefield.

Then there were several waves of demonic energy surging. Xiao Yan looked at the sea formed by the gathering of demonic energy, but he saw several demonic figures that immediately hit him head-on.

Under the strong collision of demonic energy, the formation that lost the protection of the two sages was immediately disrupted. However, many fighting sects affiliated with Tianjian Palace did not panic, but immediately found their opponents after adjusting their postures. , and went up to kill him.

Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were not separated because Xiao Yan's hand never let go.

Their eyes subconsciously glanced at each other, and after making sure that the other person was fine, they locked onto the demon general who had crossed the demonic energy and blocked them in front of them.

Naturally, the Spirit-Devouring Clan did not dare to make any more effort in this attack. Even the vanguard sent three demon generals and more than ten Spirit-Devouring Clan fighting sects.

Yao Wan and Xiao Yan looked at the twisting and shaking demonic figure in front of them, frowning slightly, and then followed the fingertips that touched each other, and the strange fire and fighting spirit of the two merged.

"Both men and women of the Dou Sect have strange fires... It turns out to be you."

The demon general in front of him sneered, and then another demonic energy tore open the barrier of strange fire and rushed straight towards the two of them.

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