Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 450 Crying with Resentment

When Xiao Yan detonated the Ash Extinguishing Fire Lotus, the space barrier blocking Yao Wan also shattered, but she didn't care about any extra thoughts and rushed into the dark scorched earth.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan!!!"

Yao Wan had never called a person's name so urgently. All the pain was inflicted on her heart at this moment, which was extremely painful.

After the raging of the Ash Extinguishing Fire, everything seemed so dark, as if the whole world had lost its color and everything became gray, which made Yao Wan feel so uncomfortable.

But what made her even more uncomfortable was her own heart, as if she was about to lose something.

Yao Wan couldn't accept this.

The burning divine consciousness still refused to give up and swept across the land in front of her that was swept by the robbery flame.

Where? Where? !

There was no reaction in the divine consciousness, as if in her perception, she was the only living person left around her... But how could this be possible?

She tried hard to deny the ominous premonition that was gradually rising in her heart, and at the same time simply gave up the exploration with divine thoughts, and simply searched for Xiao Yan's traces with the connection between the two that had not been completely severed.

It was unknown how long it had passed before Yao Wan noticed the extremely inconsistent breath in the black air that had not yet completely dissipated. She slightly widened her beautiful eyes and hurriedly flew down, landing on the charred and hot scorched earth. Almost as soon as she landed, Yao Wan's body staggered.

Yao Wan's eyes kept shaking, and the dizziness in an instant almost made her unable to stand steadily, but she didn't care so much, just silently gritted her teeth and quickly approached the existence that was particularly strong in her intuition.

Her steps had never been so panicked, as if she was about to fall, and the uneasiness and ominousness in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"Xiao--Xiao Yan...?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but let out a sigh, and a trace of dullness appeared in her tone. Her pale golden eyes reflected the familiar figure lying in a pool of blood and burnt flesh.

"Xiao Yan!"

Yao Wan's voice was filled with trembling and tearing heartache, like a cuckoo crying blood, and she stepped forward and hugged Xiao Yan's wounded body regardless of everything.

Subconsciously checking his physical condition, the place where her mind reached was already a piece of wounds, all burned by the flame of ash destruction. The fighting spirit and life energy were extremely exhausted to the extreme. If she hadn't repeatedly checked him for him several times without giving up, Yao Wan would not even have noticed that a trace of tenacious life and a wisp of life flame in his body were entangled with each other.

That trace of life flame was still protecting the last trace of life in Xiao Yan's heart, like a candle in a stormy night, as if it would soon be extinguished in the wind.

When she saw Xiao Yan like this, Yao Wan's vision suddenly blurred, and an uncomfortable choking feeling suddenly surged into her throat, and an unspeakable bitterness spread in her mouth.

"... I told you not to be stubborn - don't let you be stubborn! Why don't you listen to me!!!"

The warm tears slightly blurred the blood on Xiao Yan's face. Yao Wan bit her silver teeth, and a hint of crying appeared in her tone, but she was unwilling to let go of Xiao Yan's body.

After briefly venting her fear, Yao Wan still took the initiative to pass her own flame of life to Xiao Yan, and then picked him up, only the slightly swollen eyes were full of resentment that could not be dissolved.

As long as Xiao Yan still had a breath of life in his body, he would definitely not die!

She comforted herself in this way in her heart, and when she was about to leave, she noticed a trace of unusual breath released from Xiao Yan and herself.

She looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a silver-gray, metallic-luster cone-shaped crystal the size of a goose egg slowly flowing in the filthy flesh and blood that was evaporating under Xiao Yan, removing all the dirt.

Yao Wan was slightly startled, and immediately realized that this thing must be the product of the fat and thin demons fusing the evil core and removing the demonic energy. The worries that had been accumulated in her heart faded a little. If there was an eight-star Dou Zun-level demon core as an energy source, there would be no problem in curing Xiao Yan--

With a thought, she held Xiao Yan in her arms, and pulled the crystal with her to cut through the lifeless, sky-covering smoke and dust.

While breaking through the heavy smoke caused by the explosion of the Ash Lotus, Yao Wan couldn't help but look down at Xiao Yan in her arms, whose face had no expression, and was numb like a lifeless corpse.

I will never forgive you when I go back...!

Yao Wan was so angry that she almost bit her silver teeth.

She couldn't care about the battle between humans and the Soul Devouring Clan now. Who cares about that kind of thing——

However, even so, with the rolling smoke and clouds, the demonic energy that had just been dispelled by death returned at a speed visible to the naked eye. Two demonic shadows tore through the curtain of smoke and dust, one in front and one behind, blocking Yao Wan's way.

They were two Soul Devouring Clan Dou Zongs who had not directly bumped into Xiao Yan and his group who came to rescue. When they stopped Yao Wan, they were even stunned for a moment.

"The Demon General has fallen, but this woman is still alive?!"

"By the order of Your Majesty, neither of you will leave here alive today!"

If they were facing two weak and dying human Dou Zongs, other strong men of the Devouring Soul Clan might have the interest to play with the struggling prey. However, although the two Devouring Soul Clan Dou Zongs were a little slow, they were not fools. The terrifying blow that could turn the two into ashes with the aftermath was beyond their reach. How could a Dou Zong who could release such terrifying power be a normal Dou Zong? ! However, the two of them secretly felt lucky that they were a step late and had a chance to take advantage of the situation. Otherwise, they would not even know how they died. However, when they declared so and were about to take action, Yao Wan laughed. The silver bell-like sweet laughter was now mixed with unspeakable heartbreak and anger and resentment that was touched. "Alive... leave...?" She murmured the words of despair and heartbreak, and the breath that had been shriveled suddenly surged again like a last gasp. The Soul Devouring Tribe Dou Zong, who was full of serious alert, suddenly opened his eyes wide, but Yao Wan ignored him. The extremely twisted aura on her body condensed into substance. If it weren't for the terrifying power filled with the aura of Dou Qi, they would have almost thought that the woman in front of them should be one of their own.

"You said - alive, leaving?!!!"

The extremely twisted aura of death enveloped Yao Wan. She put Xiao Yan down for the time being. Then the Soul Devouring Tribe Dou Zong in front of her felt a very intense soul-tearing pain in his heart, which made him suddenly open his eyes wide, and a piece of black blood spurted out of his mouth.

He looked down at his empty transparent chest in disbelief. The dark blood hole was empty. His heart core -

Before the two Soul Devouring Tribe Dou Zongs could fully react, the bloody evil core with some internal organs attached was put into her ring, and then she pressed the other person's neck, and the broken golden stone hammer in the other hand revealed a cold golden light.

"No - no -"

The screams of the Soul Devouring Tribe Dou Zong did not reduce the force of Yao Wan swinging the stone hammer to hit his head. On the contrary, when Yao Wan heard his screams, the stone hammer in her hand hit his head even harder, making an extremely dull and creepy knocking sound.

Yao Wan's eyes were red, and tears slid down her pretty face, silent and hot, but she no longer had a single word of nonsense. She wanted them to die, to die after experiencing all the most painful punishments in the world!!!

Want all -

All the Soul Devouring Tribe to die!

Dirty pieces of meat and skull fragments splashed on her dusty plain silk dress, and disgusting blood stains stained her flawless skin and silver hair, but she didn't care, and the stone hammer in her hand fell down like this with anger and resentment.

Until the person she had strangled had been smashed to the point where the shape of his head could not be seen at all. The head, facial features, and teeth had all turned into a piece of meat that was barely stuck together, with only a very slight gasp, indicating that the person Yao Wan had found at this moment was still alive and not completely dead.

Having lost his five senses, even his mind was smashed to pieces. The Soul Devouring Tribe Dou Zong, who was thrown away by Yao Wan like garbage, no longer had the idea of ​​fighting Yao Wan, but subconsciously crawled away from Yao Wan when he touched the ground.


Run quickly!

This woman is a demon! A demon that is more terrifying than them!

But how could Yao Wan let him escape?

The stone hammer turned into a broken spear, and the man was pierced through the throat by Yao Wan, and was nailed to death on the scorched earth in front of him. Then Yao Wan dug out the evil core in his body. She deliberately dragged the process very slowly, so slowly that he could savor the feeling of having his heart pierced, clenched, and then forcibly pulled out.

Looking at the evil core in her palm that quickly lost its activity and faded away from the demonic energy, Yao Wan, whose tears were not yet dry, turned her head and hugged Xiao Yan again.

Even so, the pain in her heart did not get relieved at all.

But before she left too far, she noticed that the other two battlefields seemed to be about to decide the outcome. Obviously, after the two Devouring Soul Demon Generals noticed that the breath of the fat and thin demon generals was completely annihilated, they already knew that their action had failed again.

At the same time, another breath different from the Devouring Soul Clan rushed from the west. The people who came were another Dou Zun strongman and several Dou Zongs.

But when they hurried over, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Wasn't the woman who was alone holding another person the protector of the destined person?


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