Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 453 Who are you doing this for? !

Yao Wan slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and the expression on her pretty face seemed like a boulder smashing through a calm lake, causing violent waves.

Seeing Yao Wan's originally calm expression being torn to pieces in front of his light words, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a bit of amusement mixed with pity in his heart.

"...Am I too talkative during this period?"

After seeing Xiao Yan's eyes with hidden jest, Yao Wan's stunned expression turned into uncontrollable anger in the blink of an eye.

"——No, I really came back to sleep."

Xiao Yan said seriously, and there was even a hint of innocence in his tone. Yao Wan subconsciously looked away and the anger in his tone dissipated a little. She couldn't help but subconsciously rub her eyebrows. , is it because the backlash is approaching, and as a result, I am a little nervous?

"But I also need to rest now."

Yaowan said word by word.

"But this is my room?"

Xiao Yan became even more innocent. Yao Wan couldn't help but hold her forehead and said, "Can't you go to my room to sleep?"

"...Can't we come together?"

"I knew you Weasel didn't have any good intentions in giving New Year greetings to the Rooster!"

The emotions that were finally under control suddenly collapsed again, Yao Wan cursed.

Xiao Yan sighed, and simply raised his hands in a gesture of surrender like a French military salute, indicating that he really had no ill intentions, let alone any inappropriate thoughts, and then said: "Actually, it was mainly because I guessed what Wan'er said tonight You might be attacked by the Flame of Ashes... I don't want you to suffer like this alone again."

Xiao Yan's sincere words made Yao Wan pause for a moment.

"The Flame of Ash Destruction is too dangerous, and you can't solve it..."

Yao Wan glanced at Xiao Yan and gave her own judgment and answer.

"But I'm a Dou Zun now! Using the Dou Zun realm to run the Burning Technique won't be useless at all, right?"

"But your Burning Technique has not been improved. The last time you were able to inexplicably solve the crisis of ashes was a blessing among misfortunes. It's too messy to gamble with your life on whether a second miracle will happen. ”

Yaowan shook her head, but still chose to refuse.

But even so, it still didn't make Xiao Yan retreat.

"That's at least better than just watching you suffer through it alone. We can share the joys and sorrows together."

Xiao Yan looked seriously into Yao Wan's eyes and said.

Yao Wan was a little annoyed by Xiao Yan like this, and couldn't help but said: "Don't you just want to sleep with me? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Yan was choked by her and couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, then I just want to sleep with you tonight. It doesn't matter whether you say it's okay or not. I've already decided!"

Yao Wan probably didn't expect that Xiao Yan was already so courageous, but now Xiao Yan was determined to protect her for the whole day. Accept it or not, and she really couldn't stop him now. Using the characteristics of the secret method and the flames of destruction to burn anyone to death, it is indeed a bit of a dream for me, as a junior Dou Zong, to defeat Xiao Yan's current Dou Zong cultivation.

"...I'll start with my ugly words. The bed is only so big. You're not allowed to hug me, squeeze me, or touch me. Half of you are half of me and half of me. Other than that, let me sleep honestly, otherwise I will - —”

In her heart, she had already guessed her current level of Douzong's basic cultivation. Before she used Krypton Life as a source of power to explode with him, Yao Wan knew in her heart that she probably couldn't beat Xiao Yan, so Xiao Yan was too stubborn. Naturally, she could only turn a blind eye. At the same time, she was silently hoping that the authority she had established before could be put to some use in front of Xiao Yan.

As a result, before Yao Wan finished speaking, she felt a breath that couldn't be called fragrant, but was pleasant and refreshing.

She was slightly startled, and the embrace that exuded an inexplicable sense of familiarity had already grasped her like a flying insect like a spider web, and she could no longer struggle away.

Yao Wan still remembers her violent struggle when she was hugged by Xiao Yan on the bed for the first time, and her second symbolic struggle. Now she doesn't even bother to struggle.

This guy won't let go of him even if he dies, and it's useless to struggle. Instead, he will inevitably sink deeper and deeper.

Until the end, Yaowan's last expression was just a gentle sigh.

Sure enough, unexpected and reasonable.


A clear and crisp sound came to Yao Wan's ears. She seemed to realize it and was about to say that she would do it herself.

"Don't move, otherwise it will be very painful if you get hit."

Xiao Yan took off the earrings and the hairpin on the back of her head, and gently threw them away, making a jingling sound as they landed on the table beside the bed.

Xiao Yan felt the warm soft jade in his arms twisting slightly. Between his chest and abdomen, even if Xiao Yan didn't hold her hard, he could still feel the soft and full texture. Pressing on one's body, one can even feel a little breathless.

Although this is indeed a bit exaggerated.

"Are my words really falling on deaf ears in your ears?"

Yao Wan's tone was resentful, but rather than saying she was lifeless, it was simply because all her anger had been vented. At this time, she no longer had the anger she should have, so naturally she looked a little weird.

"No, I'm just taking care of Wan'er."

"Take care of me? Just to satisfy your own dark preferences, right?"

Xiao Yan didn't resent the evaluation of him. Anyway, as long as they knew each other, there wouldn't be any misunderstanding.

On the contrary, Xiao Yan suddenly said after a moment: "Wan'er seems to be in a bad mood."

"Mood? Is there any day when I am not like this in front of you?"

Yao Wan gradually felt something, and her voice became slightly lower. Xiao Yan also felt an inexplicable burning sensation spreading from Yao Wan's body to his.

"But it must have changed... just like the girls in Wutan City who have menstruation."

Xiao Yan did not control his voice. Yao Wan's pretty face inevitably turned red when she heard this, but she didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

Xiao Yan understood even without saying this that a woman's menstruation is always accompanied by physical weakness and worsening of her mood.

"How could I possibly have something like women's menstruation!"

Even though that's what they say, isn't it exactly the same in terms of performance?

It's just that Xiao Yan has not yet reached such a state of ignorance about life and death, so he stopped talking about this topic in time.

Yaowan subconsciously exhaled a fiery breath, feeling distracted. This was a sign that the flames of ashes were about to break the balance with the flames of life. However, with her distracted mind, the original twin flames between the different fires were The balance has long been broken.

Even though she had already experienced a backlash, Yao Wan also noticed that she was unavoidably uneasy and helpless.

Her worries gradually spread to Xiao Yan. He hugged her gently and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan seemed to not want Yao Wan to remain silent, but kept remembering the psychological burden in his heart, so he said: "Wan'er smells so good, but why is there some blood?"

"Don't say anything in front of me about the smell on my body. It's disgusting... After fighting all the way back, some of the blood is normal. I haven't taken a shower, I just used fighting energy to clean it."

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment when she heard Xiao Yan say this, thinking, does this guy have a dog nose? I have already used Dou Qi to clean it and I can still smell it.

"Then why don't you wash it?"

"No time, busy healing."

"—and take care of me?"

Xiao Yan suddenly held down one of her wrists, which was never particularly peaceful, and looked down at her beautiful pale golden eyes that were panicked but also confused.


"Wan'er hasn't explained it to me yet."

Xiao Yan said, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can't die anyway, why should I worry about you? After all, you are all people who can survive as long as you give me some energy."

Yao Wan had a vague feeling that Xiao Yan might have noticed something, but since he was already safe and sound, she naturally didn't want to do anything superfluous.

But Xiao Yan obviously didn't intend to let her go like this.

"Then why is Wan'er crying? So crying so hard?"

Xiao Yan's pressing step by step completely caused Yao Wan to lose its footing.

"You - how did you know? - No, no, who did you hear about this kind of thing!"

Yao Wan inevitably became angry, but Xiao Yan did not give her a chance to continue her willfulness, but still held her wrist, which seemed particularly weak but inexplicably hot at the moment, and looked directly into her eyes.

"I know everything. I've asked other people, and I actually feel it too."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, as if he was considering what words he should use before he asked seriously and solemnly.

"Are Wan'er crying for me? Because you think I'm really going to die?"

"No, I'm just angry. There are people who are so stupid that they don't listen to my advice and do stupid things like that."

Yao Wan gritted her teeth with hatred in Xiao Yan's arms.



"Why don't you listen to me! Don't listen to my advice! I told you that you will die. Are you so not afraid of death?!"

The emotions that he had suppressed in his heart finally burst out after Xiao Yan took the initiative to expose them. Those beautiful light golden eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and the resentment and anger in his tone seemed to want to drive Xiao Yan away. It hurt like it was being torn into pieces.

What hurt was not just Xiao Yan's heart, but her own heart.

"You never listen to what I say, and you never believe it. You even squander your own life like garbage. Tell me, who are you doing this to?"

Along with the angry resentment, tears flowed from the corners of Yaowan's eyes.

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