Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 464 I would rather bear the pain of losing you for the rest of my life than forget you

"Damn it!"

Emoji couldn't help but curse, but it would take some time for his limbs to fully recover.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Is there any other way to kill these two people? ! Holy King! We are waiting for the Holy King of the Swallowing Spirit Tribe! The long-sleeping king! Please tell me, please have mercy on me!

Eclipse screamed like crazy in his heart, but no one responded. Only the demon fetus began to devour his flesh and blood in order to prevent the damage to the body from continuing to expand.

Egyu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't feel any pain at all. Instead, he became more enthusiastic and excited. Great... great, the Holy King heard his call and responded!

“The king I’m waiting for—the king I’m waiting for—! The king I’m waiting for has already made his choice, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Eclipse Yu smiled crazily, while Xiao Yan and Yao Wan's eyes were inevitably a little complicated. They didn't know what Eclipse Yu had experienced, and from their perspective, the demon fetus on Eclipse Yu's stump began to devour it crazily. The flesh and demonic energy of the eclipse is similar to a beast chewing flesh and bones, making a muffled sound that makes people feel numb.

"It's really sad to be favored by such a king..."

Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head, and then subconsciously used the black flame to completely end the ominous demon fetus.

However, after devouring the flesh and blood of Xi Yu, the demon fetus seemed to become a little more active.

The dark purple light formed a barrier, cutting off the fighting spirit and forcibly converting the fighting spirit in the nearby area into demonic energy. The demonic energy formed the soil where this evil seed sprouted and took root. Root-like flesh and blood grew in the center of the demonic fetus. Extending out, while intertwining with each other to form a simple human shape, at the same time, they began to eagerly search for blood food to replenish the shriveled embryo.

Naturally, this also includes Yao Wan and Xiao Yan.

Yao Wan frowned slightly, she must not let this terrible demon fetus continue to exist in this world.

Such an existence, even if placed in an illusory dream, is still the most terrifying disaster.

"——Xiao Yan."

There was a bit more seriousness and solemnity in Yaowan's tone. Before Xiao Yan could answer, she continued: "Let's put an end to all this -"


Xiao Yan didn't think too much. At this moment, it only took a moment for the two people to communicate with each other in thousands of words, and the other person's thoughts were already reflected in his heart.

Then, the clasped hands of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan slowly raised above their heads. Xiao Yan's five-color strange fire formed the frame, Yao Wan's ashes of flames formed the flesh and blood, and a flaming sword was completely composed of strange fire as the flames flowed. He was held by both of them.

Xiao Yan did not understand such fighting skills, but everything at this moment was guided by Yaowan, and the trajectory of the strange fire running in the body was unknowingly engraved into the blood. In just one thought, he could It came naturally, and he completed a fighting skill that he had never known or practiced before, but it was as perfect as instinct.

While the roots of flesh and blood were grabbing at them like piercing the void, Yao Wan slightly guided Xiao Yan and said softly: "Look, this move is called -"

"Flaming sword, broken mountain."

The dark red sword edge was swung down with the brilliance of the five-color strange fire, and everything in front of him turned into a sea of ​​fire, completely burning away all the impurities.

The demon fetus suddenly recalled the pain of being burned by the flames of destruction and the fear of being imprisoned by the sword formation for thousands of years, and instinctively wanted to escape. However, in the blink of an eye, it was completely submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​​​fire is churning, but this movement does not look as terrifying as the Ash-Destroying Lotus, but its destructive power is far greater than that of the Ash-Destroying Lotus.

Xiao Yan's face was filled with joy, but he still tensed his nerves, for fear of another sudden change.

However, before anything strange happened in the pitch-black sea of ​​fire, the familiar and unusual medicinal herbs beside him gently exhaled a breath of turbidity, feeling relieved, but also quickly weakened.

"Huh... Xiao Yan, I... I'm so tired."

Yao Wan smiled reluctantly, and then her limp body fell into Xiao Yan's arms, and he hurriedly supported her.


Xiao Yan was startled, but she suddenly realized something. Breaking the shackles of the Ruins of Oblivion, what kind of backlash would it cause to her? Such a problem could be guessed without even thinking about it. It was just because the situation just now was so urgent that he had to put it all behind him for the time being.

But forgetting for a moment does not mean that the problem ceases to exist.

Xiao Yan suddenly became frightened and quickly hugged Yaowan tightly. At the same time, he tried to return all the fighting spirit after the two of them merged to her while exploring her overwhelmed body.

"How...why are you tired? Wasn't it just...just fine? Wan'er?"

There was a hint of trembling and panic in Xiao Yan's tone for no reason. He had already vaguely realized something, and the vindictiveness of those who fed Shi Wan back for free did not help. Naturally, the wooden barrel with a big hole in the floor could no longer accommodate it. Even a drop of water exists.

"...Shh, don't make any noise, let me sleep for a while first."

Yaowan forced a smile and looked at Xiao Yan's nervous face because of her, but she felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, as if she didn't want to see Xiao Yan show such an expression.

But when Xiao Yan heard what she said, his heart tightened even more, as if the pain was like a knife cutting him. He hurriedly stroked Yao Wan's cheek and whispered: "No, it's not over yet. Let's wait a while." Are you okay, Wan'er? Don't sleep - don't sleep, I beg you..."

The joy of victory in sight was completely washed away, and Xiao Yan was only filled with unspeakable fear and worry, and there was no rain in his heart.

Xiao Yan's tone was not strong, only a strong sense of powerlessness and weakness came from all directions like water, but it was colder than the demonic energy.

Yao Wan knew very well what was happening to her body, and all of this was within her expectation. At most, it might be just a little bit faster, but the demise of distraction was already inevitable.

The damage caused to her by using the flames of ash destruction many times regardless of the cost, as well as the forcible breaking of the shackles of the Ruins of Oblivion, all contributed to her collapse at this time.

Therefore, Yao Wan was neither surprised nor sad, but she really felt tired. The strong sense of fatigue came down and she lowered her eyes. This was not a lie.

But when she saw Xiao Yan's eyes glistening with tears, Yao Wan inevitably softened her heart.

"You...what are you doing? Don't cry..."

Yao Wan couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed now. This seemed to be the first time she saw Xiao Yan shed tears.

"Stop crying... isn't it embarrassing for such a big person to cry?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but raise her hand to wipe away the tears from his eyes, but at this moment, Yao Wan's tenderness hurt Xiao Yan's heart even more.

"I can't let go of you - I can't let you go. I don't want you to die! I want you to stay by my side! Always - always stay by my side!"

Xiao Yan grasped Yao Wan's wrist tightly, feeling her cool body temperature, and tears fell down his cheeks, making a loud sound.

"That's why I said you are greedy..."

Yaowan had no choice but to feel sleepy.


She still reluctantly raised her eyes, looked directly at Xiao Yan, and said, "Although it is troublesome, I don't regret it too much."

"Now don't say anything about regrets... I will take you to find the master. She will always have a way..."

Xiao Yan shook his head, unable to accept Yao Wan's dying tone.

"No are an alchemist after all. You know my physical condition...there is no need to trouble her."

Yao Wan shook her head slightly, looked at Xiao Yan, and said: "At least at this time, I want to be by your side and spend the last time here with you..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a strange sound flying out of the sea of ​​​​fire, flying towards the dark sky at an extremely fast speed, as if he was planning to completely escape from this bad land that had trapped it for thousands of years.

"...Forget it, I can't catch up anyway."

Hearing the strange noise, Yao Wan couldn't help but turn her eyes, her pale golden eyes reflected the dark demonic figure escaping, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"That...Xiao Yan."

Yao Wan spoke slowly and said, "Do you know why I accompanied you to the Ruins of Oblivion?"

"Stop talking about this, don't talk about this now...I don't care about this, I don't care either, I just want you to stay with me safely -"

Xiao Yan couldn't accept this kind of thing no matter what, so he just hugged Yaowan's body tighter, as if he was tightly squeezing the quicksand that would eventually slip away from his fingers.

"Listen to what I have to say..."

Yao Wan slowly said: "You don't know... Before I came to the Tianxing Mountains to find you, I had seen and found Xiao Xun'er... Because of her, I realized that the relationship between you and me is ambiguous and inconsistent. normal."

"I don't like this feeling, and I don't want you to stalk me, but I know you too well, and you won't let me go even if I explain it clearly."

"So, I wanted to accompany you to the ruins and take the opportunity to modify your perception... Who knew that it would become like this once I came here."

"So although I always look very impatient, I'm actually quite happy to be able to accompany you on such a journey."

Yaowan smiled and couldn't help but said softly.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but tremble slightly and said, "Wan'er... do you want me to forget you?"

His tone was full of fear and anger, but Yao Wan shook her head: "It's not that serious. At most, it just wants you to stop thinking about me, but it's too late to say this now..."

"Angry?'s okay to be angry. I know my idea is really wrong..."

But before she could finish her words, Xiao Yan's slightly salty lips sealed her lips, as if he didn't want to hear her say these unpleasant things anymore.

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