Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 473 I feel inferior to Xiao Yan

Chapter 473 Feeling not as good as... Xiao Yan

Yao Wan had no intention of denying Feng Qing'er's dependence.

Gently stroking Feng Qing'er's green hair, she finally took this blood pill. The bloodline unique to the Sky Demon Phoenix clan was stimulated in Feng Qing'er's body, making her groan. If it weren't for She also possesses the extremely pure bloodline of the Demon Phoenix. If she takes this Demon Phoenix Blood Pill directly, she is afraid that she will explode and die because she cannot bear and transform this power. Even so, Feng Qing'er is feeling When that force surged through his body, he couldn't help but frown, a trace of pain uncontrollably showing on his face.

"Don't rush to refine this bloodline power that is too suitable for you, absorb it without hesitation."

Yao Wan spoke up in time: "Absorbing too quickly can make your cultivation level rise by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, but the foundation is unstable. Little Phoenix doesn't want to be stuck in Dou Zun all his life. How can he be one step away from Dou Zun?" You can’t go any further, right?”

Yao Wan's words made even Feng Qing'er, who was concentrating on dealing with the explosion of blood power in her body, tremble involuntarily. Naturally, she could not accept this fact.

If she is stuck in a certain realm and has no chance to make progress in this life, it will probably be more sad than death.

Therefore, Feng Qing'er naturally had no choice but to continue to suppress the power of the blood in her body. However, this was the first time that Feng Qing'er had experienced such an extremely torturous cultivation method. It was not because of the pain, but because of the pain. Suppressing the power of bloodline, the rebound of this bloodline power also increases the natural state like breathing.

Simple pain is not terrible. What is terrible is that someone seems to be telling you that as long as you give up the act of torturing yourself now, you can immediately get a massive amount of blood power to help you push your cultivation to a higher level.

This temptation is undoubtedly very terrible.

Although Feng Qing'er tried hard to resist this invisible temptation, she was disturbed by it, and her cultivation efficiency also dropped a lot.

Yao Wan then knew that it was not easy to resist such temptation and torture, but the eyes looking at Feng Qing'er couldn't help but dim a bit.

Sure enough, is it because her expectations for Feng Qing'er are too high, or is it because she has long been used to Xiao Yan's miracles, so when she looks at ordinary people, there will inevitably be some psychological gap?

Yao Wan couldn't help but raise her hand to support her chin, her eyes reflecting the beautiful figure of the gorgeous woman in front of her could not help but flicker with the light that only shines when staring at someone.

Xiao Yan is different after all.

The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile that was clear and somewhat smug. Humph, at least half of the credit for being so powerful is due to her.

Every time he naturally thinks of Xiao Yan like this, the entanglement that only arises after turning his mind around will not appear in his mind like a dizzying noise, and he can't even help it. Looking forward to what the next meeting with Xiao Yan will be like——

Just when she thought of this, the joy in Yao Wan's heart and the smile on her lips suddenly stopped.

Because she suddenly thought that if she met Xiao Yan again, there would probably be many troublesome problems. Apart from other things, how would she explain to Xiao Yan and how would she face Xiao Yan?

——Why don't we just stop meeting each other, as long as he's fine anyway.

When thinking about this kind of problem that makes people's heads hurt just thinking about it, Yao Wan naturally wants to escape from such a problem - at least it doesn't have to be solved at this time, right?


"It's finished."

Xiao Yan exhaled, then couldn't help but pinched his collar and lifted it twice, then withdrew the five-color strange fire, and then put away about ten pills.

After putting it into a jade bottle, Xiao Yan threw the bottle of elixir to Zi Yan, who was protecting him for the time being.

Of course, Xiao Yan could actually guess with his knees that the reason why Zi Yan was staring at him was naturally because he was refining the elixir.

So he had no intention of keeping it at all.

"Eh? Don't you want it yourself?"

The corners of Zi Yan's mouth raised slightly. Since she got an advantage, it naturally didn't prevent her from being good. But before that, she couldn't help but ask. After all, it was not easy to eat Xiao Yan's food alone. If you eat something from him, you will always get something back.

"I don't need it."

Xiao Yan shook his head. Now that he has been promoted to the realm of one-star Dou Zun, if he wants to bring about a big improvement in his cultivation, he needs to refine at least a seventh-grade cultivation elixir, but even Xiao Yan He had the heart, but he didn't have the power. Xiao Yan didn't have the resources or his own condition.

But at least it proved that his alchemy skills had indeed made great progress.

It is enough to know this. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.


Zi Yan couldn't see that even now, Xiao Yan was still missing half of his soul. She couldn't help pouting, and then raised her hand to stuff a pill that had not yet dissipated. He put it in his mouth, and while savoring the sweetness of the elixir, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan.


Xiao Yan took a short break and sat on the stone platform where he had just refined the elixir and placed the medicinal ingredients. Then he took out a bunch of beautiful azure tassel-shaped earrings from his Nai Ring, and lay quietly in Xiao Yan's hand. , only slightly colliding with the weak swing of Xiao Yan's body caused by Xiao Yan's breathing, emitting an extremely slight, ethereal tinkling sound.

The rough and slender fingertips gently rubbed the earring in his hand, and Xiao Yan's eyes drifted unconsciously to the outside of Xingyun Pavilion.

Seeing Xiao Yan's obviously distracted look, Zi Yan couldn't help but exhale softly, her eyes dark.

"Ugh...something from Yao Wan?"

Zi Yan said vaguely while a hint of the warm red pepper fragrance melted in her mouth.


"Did she give it to you?"

"No, I gave it to her."

Xiao Yan said.

"Why is that happening to you?"

"She was afraid that she would lose it in the end, so she left it to me for safekeeping..."

Xiao Yan's tone paused slightly. After learning from Yao Lao that Yao Wan might not really be dead, and now seeing things and thinking about people, it was inevitable that he would follow her actions not long ago and become a little suspicious. How could she put this earring? Put it on yourself.

Is it because Wan'er already knew that she would die...?

A trace of unavoidable hesitation and sourness gradually appeared in Xiao Yan's heart.

"What's wrong?"

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan's expression and couldn't help but say.


Xiao Yan came back to his senses and shook his head.

Zi Yan looked at the distraught Xiao Yan and was speechless. She didn't like Xiao Yan's look. It was not interesting at all. Although Xiao Yan didn't speak very well on weekdays, she could quarrel with him more often than he did. Now this somewhat distracted look is much stronger.

"...I said you should be more cheerful, you have been silent all the time."

Zi Yan couldn't help but said.

"……Have it?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his head and asked, as if he didn't even realize this.

"Yes, don't tell me how normal you think you are now - at least cheer up. If nothing else, Yao Wan would be very upset if she saw you looking so depressed, wouldn't she? ?”

Zi Yan couldn't help but said.

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned. Although she had never seen Yao Wan talk about this in her memory, she definitely didn't like her current boring look.

Although Xiao Yan really didn't realize why he was bored now, he felt that he was quite normal now.

"Hmm - you're right...I understand."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, then put away the earrings in his hand and patted his cheek.

Seeing Xiao Yan's appearance, Zi Yan looked better than the widowed widow just now, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Then, she smiled and patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder: "Hehe, that's right. Wait, when you go to the Medicine Clan to find her later, I'll help you out!"

Xiao Yan was startled. He couldn't laugh or cry at the same time, but he was a little moved. When he thought about it carefully, he found that it was indeed Zi Yan's style. He then said, "Thank you, but you also have something to do, right? Just follow me." It’s been so long since you’ve been in Zhongzhou, why don’t you plan to go back and have a look?”

"Go back? Of course you have to go back."

Zi Yan shook her head slightly, but said: "But isn't the matter on your side not over yet? I will go back after you go to the Dan Pagoda and get the Three Thousand Flames."

"But you are already a Dou Zong now...I am just a Dou Zong now, so I'm afraid I can't help you much..."

Zi Yan coughed lightly, causing Xiao Yan to open his eyes slightly. He was obviously very surprised by Zi Yan's speech at this moment. It seemed that Zi Yan was really becoming more sensible after her body grew bigger. .

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zi Yan was stunned, but noticed Xiao Yan's slightly strange expression.

"Nothing--it just feels like the sun is coming out in the west."

Xiao Yan said honestly, but Zi Yan was so embarrassed that she hit Xiao Yan with a pink fist that could kill Douzong. Xiao Yan couldn't help but snorted. If he hadn't officially started practicing the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique, , the complete glazed virtual image was condensed, and the physical strength and physical fitness soared. Otherwise, Dou Zun's body, which had never used fighting energy to protect his body, would have been broken by her small pink fist.

"What are you talking about! Huh, do you think everyone is like you? If it were anyone else, I wouldn't care. How about love! You're better off. I'll comfort you a few words, but you still make sarcastic remarks to me! "

Zi Yan said with fury, Xiao Yan coughed and lightly hammered his chest, feeling like he almost lost his breath.

He now feels completely healed.

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