Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 485 Now I want to name a strange fire

It was difficult for Zi Yan to say what kind of waves went through her heart when she heard Yao Chen's straightforward words for the first time.

No, it's more of a pure shock than a wave.

No, how long has it been? Could it be possible that everything has been solved?

Zi Yan's gaze towards Yao Chen gradually changed, causing Yao Chen to be stunned for a moment, and then she said angrily: "Girl, why do you have this attitude after I've won a chance for you?"


Zi Yan sighed after realizing it, but she still couldn't help but be curious, and then she couldn't help but ask: "Yao Lao, what did you say about Senior Tong Xuanyi?"

——It can’t really be seductive, right?

Zi Yan cursed in her heart, but Yao Chen, who had already realized that this girl had not learned well and was filled with rubbish in her mind, frowned, and then slapped her head mercilessly, knocking Zi Yan to pieces. Stagger.

"If you don't learn well at a young age, your little head will be filled with all sorts of things."

Yao Chen couldn't help but say, of course he mentioned this matter very seriously to the three talkers including the other two Danta giants through Xuan Yi's relationship, but it turned out that Zi Yan, the little girl, was thinking about something messy. Don't know anything.

"Cough cough cough...I'm sorry, I was wrong, Yao Lao."

Zi Yan admitted her mistake obediently, but Yao Chen did not pursue the matter further.

Can he really care about the little girl?

Yao Chen smiled helplessly. If he said that he went to seduce Xuan Yi or something, it would be nonsense. Naturally, after he got straight to the point with Xuan Yi, he took the initiative to have a good chat with the three Danta giants.

After all, Zi Yan did not go in to obtain the strange fire for herself, but for Xiao Yan. As the champion of the Dan Club this time, Xiao Yan's cultivation has reached the realm of Dou Zun. It can be said that he is currently the most powerful in conquering the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo. The candidate of hope, as for the old man Mu Gu? The three Danta giants felt as sick as eating flies just thinking about him, let alone let him win the Three Thousand Flames.

So when Xuan Kongzi was hesitant, Yao Chen simply gave them three very simple and clear multiple-choice questions: Do you want Xiao Yan to get three thousand Yanyan, or do you want Old Man Mugu to get three thousand Yanyan? fire?

After analyzing the problem to this point, there is no need to talk further, so the Danta giants have no choice at all.

Xiao Yan is just increasing his probability of conquering the strange fire. Nothing is better than giving it to Old Man Mu Gu.

Therefore, the three giants naturally chose to agree, but they also asked Zi Yan not to conquer the Three Thousand Flames by herself, otherwise she would not be able to explain to the Danhui and the Danta. This is a very serious issue, and it cannot be careless, and the medicine Chen also readily accepted this.

From this, everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind.


Two days later, the top ten players in the Dan Pavilion were about to enter the Star Realm under the leadership of the Dan Pagoda Elder. Zi Yan, following the hints of Yao Chen and the three Dan Pagoda giants, silently followed the Dan Pagoda. Behind the tower elder, he didn't say a word. He just followed the elder's actions and supported the opening of the space door to the star field.

Since he is the person next to the great elder, it is natural for others not to comment too much.

Only the old man with bones put his skinny hands into his sleeves and looked indifferent.

The twelve people disappeared through the door of space, and Xuan Kongzi sighed quietly: "It's best not to have anything happen."

The door to space slowly twisted and disappeared. The fragrance of the eighth-grade elixir released in the past few days had not yet dissipated in Shengdan City, but an inexplicable depressive atmosphere could already be felt unknowingly.

Yao Wan felt the fluctuations in the space and couldn't help but smile. In this way, the eighth achievement of the highlight is coming. Unfortunately, he can't catch up with Xian'er this time. Could it be that these three thousand flames are really in conflict with Xian'er's fate? Can't?

But that's all she could guess, since it wasn't easy for her to enter the Star Realm.

In the dim starlight space, there was a sudden fluctuation, and twelve figures slowly emerged.

After breaking through the space, Xiao Yan suddenly felt a blazing temperature coming towards him. At the same time, his body was also blazing, his heartbeat accelerated, and the five-color strange fire that was usually peaceful seemed to wake up. The lion felt a little afraid of the absolute protagonist in this space. Even when encountering other strange fires, the five-color strange fire still showed such fear again.

As for Wan'er's Flame of Ashes? In the face of that pure death, even the strange fire could only shrink back, and there was no need to be afraid.

"Star Territory."

Xiao Yan murmured softly, then looked at the dots of starlight in this void space, and subconsciously picked it up with his hands. However, the seemingly illusory starlight penetrated his fingertips, and then he seemed to feel something. It's like something is attracting it, speeding away in a certain direction.

Xiao Yan suddenly understood, and saw the great elder of the Dan Pagoda leading them forward, and a dark purple dragon-shaped strange fire was right there.

At the end of the starlight gathering, there is a huge dragon with no end. The dragon's eyes are tightly closed, and its body is winding. On its huge body, there is a strange purple-black flame. As the flame rises, the surrounding people The space feels distorted.

In the vast void, the giant dragon is entrenched, and the purple-black flames are constantly seeping out of its body, burning tirelessly. This spectacular scene makes people feel a sense of shock that is difficult to conceal. Standing in front of the giant dragon, They were like ants, feeling as insignificant as grass and grass in their hearts.

Xiao Yan looked up at the giant dragon, and the shock in his eyes flashed away. Although it was shocking, he had seen it, so it was no big deal. Could it be stronger than Wan'er? Could it be more terrifying than the demon fetus? After experiencing the baptism of the Ruins of Oblivion, Xiao Yan's tolerance for these things can be said to have increased linearly.

And just when everyone's attention was on the three thousand flames, Xiao Yan felt someone holding his hand while others were not paying attention.

It was Zi Yan.

Even without looking, Xiao Yan felt relieved by the strong but measured force, but at the same time, curiosity emerged. It seemed that Zi Yan had a way to help him?

Xiao Yan was delighted, but he heard Zi Yan's rather serious voice: "The Three Thousand Flames have the aura of my people. I will try to plant a dragon seal on you to see if I can control the Three Thousand Flames."

Xiao Yan was surprised: "So powerful?"

Zi Yan seemed to be frightened by Xiao Yan's tone, and hurriedly said: "Don't be too proud, I can't guarantee that it will really work, but considering that you are already a Dou Zun... It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the Three Thousand Flames."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but want to laugh: "Facing the Three Thousand Flames, I'm afraid that even high-level Dou Zun dare not take it lightly... Are you so confident in me?"

"Don't say it, it's true."

Zi Yan answered Xiao Yan while engraving the dragon seal for him.

"When have you ever been ordinary, you bastard? Hurry up, I believe you."

Zi Yan kept a certain distance from Xiao Yan in time, and at the same time, several people had already returned in defeat and could only return to the back of the Great Elder of Danta in disappointment.

"Well, I believe you too."

Xiao Yan took a step forward. The one who persisted the longest was the old man Mu Gu, but even so, he still returned empty-handed. He just stared at Xiao Yan with his cold eyes, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yan followed the command of the great elder of Danta and began to try to contact the Three Thousand Flames. He felt an extremely angry voice exploding in his ears.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

"If you are not looking for death, I will not come to you."

Xiao Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense and said: "I came here to subdue you. I still have many important things to complete, and you are one of them."

It's just that the reaction of the Three Thousand Flames was far beyond his expectations.

"No need to say more, since you are here to die, then I will fulfill your wish!"

The angry dragon roared, and then the purple-black flames suddenly exploded. Almost in an instant, the Three Thousand Flames, which were gushing like a volcanic eruption, engulfed Xiao Yan's body.

"Xiao Yan!"

Zi Yan exclaimed.

"Xiao Yan——! Wait, what's going on?!"

The stunned Danta elder then looked at the sneering old man Mu Gu, and he understood everything: "Mu Gu, you are looking for death!"

"You lifted the seal of the Three Thousand Flames!"

"Hmph, the good things that you Danta can't afford, but my Soul Palace has this appetite. In this case, why not?!"

Old man Mu Gu laughed, and seeing the scene of Xiao Yan being swallowed by the Three Thousand Flames made him smile even more. The previous depression and frustration seemed to disappear in an instant.

"It's a pity that the Three Thousand Flames are too fierce. It's estimated that he died without much pain. It's such a pity-if it falls into my hands-hum, I will definitely let him know what it means to be unable to live or die!"

Old man Mu Gu recalled Xiao Yan's moment of astonishment and death, and suddenly felt extremely happy.


However, before they had a chance to continue talking, they heard Xiao Yan's voice coming from the dragon-shaped strange fire.

"Unfortunately, your wishful thinking has come to nothing."

Accompanied by a painful dragon roar, a golden glazed light broke through the purple-black strange fire and reappeared in front of Xiao Yan.

Everyone recognized the golden light and the figure of glazed glass.

The faint purple-black flame on his glazed Dharma body quickly extinguished, and the terrifying flame that even Dou Zun dared not touch easily could not hurt Xiao Yan in the slightest.

"The virtual image gathers, the Dharma body is formed - if you want to kill me like this, you are still a few hundred years too early."

The glazed Dharma body and Xiao Yan overlapped into one, making him the brightest light source in this dark void, illuminating the night like the sun, but unlike the sun, he was not so dazzling.

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