Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 488 It should be healed soon, right?

"Just help little brother Xiao Yan succeed as soon as possible."

The great elder of Danta arched his hands and said solemnly.

He suddenly had a premonition that he seemed to be witnessing the birth of a true legend, a young talent who could defeat three powerful Dou Zun warriors at one-star Dou Zun and force back several powerful Soul Palace warriors. It will definitely become the most pinnacle existence on this Dou Qi continent.

And when Xiao Yan obtained Three Thousand Flames of Fire, he must have become even more powerful.

The others looked at Xiao Yan with dull eyes, and there was a trace of unspeakable confusion in their eyes as they didn't know how to face him.

I originally thought that Xiao Yan was just amazing at alchemy, but I didn't expect that the combat power he displayed was even more terrifying. As for a top alchemist in the mainland, just thinking about it makes him feel scary.

After this storm, he transformed into a dragon and ascended to heaven.

Regardless of whether they are willing or not, others also know that these three thousand flames are already in Xiao Yan's pocket.

Therefore, after the Great Elder of Danta broke through the space, the other eight people all followed, leaving only a beautiful purple figure standing in the void, with beautiful eyes as clear as amethyst looking curiously at Xiao Yan's hand. A small black and purple dragon that is constantly twisting and struggling.

"Although I already guessed that you would be fine, I really didn't expect that you could be solved so easily."

Zi Yan stepped forward and couldn't help but look at the three thousand flames, and now she was extremely sure that the three thousand flames in Xiao Yan's hands must have a lot to do with their Taixu ancient dragon clan.

"The dragon seal you gave me - is this thing really useful?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look down at the red and eye-catching ancient dragon mark, and couldn't help but say.

As a result, before Zi Yan could reply, Xiao Yan felt an unreasonable resentment inexplicably, but it didn't come from the outside world, but more like it came from the dragon seal on his body...?

Xiao Yan blinked, and then couldn't help but look at Zi Yan in front of him.

"What's this?"

"Hmph, the one who planted the dragon seal has the same mind as the one who applied the seal. Don't I know what you are thinking about?"

Zi Yan snorted softly, then crossed her chest with her hands, squeezing the fullness under the smart long skirt, and said displeasedly.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but want to laugh: "Then what am I thinking about now?"

"Refining Three Thousand Flames of Fire—Okay, listen to me and sit down honestly."

As Zi Yan spoke, she urged Xiao Yan to sit down. The original fire of the three thousand flames in Xiao Yan's hands kept twisting and struggling, but it still could not escape Xiao Yan's control.

"As expected, these Three Thousand Flames of Fire must have been raised by our clan. There should be a dragon seal left in the body. You face its dragon seal, and then..."

"His will not work when it comes to mine?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously said, but Zi Yan's mood when the dragon seal was transmitted showed that Xiao Yan didn't seem to have guessed correctly.

"...Although I don't know what's wrong with you, in a sense it is true, but you must be able to suppress it before you can control it through the dragon seal, otherwise you will be controlled by it in turn - —”

Zi Yan said seriously, not joking at all.

"However, with your current strength, it is not difficult to control these three thousand flames, so as long as you spend time with this guy slowly, there won't be any big problems."

"Well, that's best."

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, and then focused his attention on the small black and purple dragon that he held tightly with his fingers.

"Human, you deserve to die!"

"My skills are inferior to those of others, but I am willing to admit defeat."

Xiao Yan's answer was neither salty nor bland. If he wanted to become stronger, strange fire was the best way. There was nothing to say.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan placed the original fire on his chest and began to refine the three thousand flames.

Naturally, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo was not willing to be refined by Xiao Yan like this, and struggled wildly. However, Xiao Yan, who had the body protection of Dharma Body, was like a copper wall and was not affected by the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo.

Seeing that the direct attack on Xiao Yan was ineffective, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo began to ignite the entire star field with the power of its own strange fire. Even if it could not defeat Xiao Yan for a while, it did not intend to make Xiao Yan easy. .

It's just that this is just a stubborn resistance with little effect on Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's mind moved, and he used five-color strange fire to protect Zi Yan's body. Zi Yan was slightly startled, and saw the golden light sitting quietly in a sea of ​​black and purple fire, like a god in purgatory. Like a Buddha, motionless as a mountain.

But just when Xiao Yan started the long tug-of-war with Sanqian Yanyanhuo, he felt a trace of worry coming from the dragon seal, and a faint arc appeared on his face with his eyes closed tightly.

Zi Yan was startled and suddenly became very angry. Fortunately, she was still a little worried about him, so he could still laugh!

The black-purple Three Thousand Flames ignited the entire star field, naturally attracting the attention of the alchemy giants in the Holy Alchemy City.

"What's wrong?"

Xuan Yi looked at Xuan Kongzi with worry on his face.

"Three thousand flames ignited the entire star field, trying to resist Xiao Yan's refining."

Xuan Kongzi frowned slightly and said, this strange fire ranked ninth on the list of strange fires is indeed not something that is easy to mess with. It actually ignited the entire space. I am afraid that even high-level fighting masters will retreat.

What's more, these three thousand flames are still fires in the starry sky that rely on the power of the stars. They are endless and the stars are never extinguished. Xiao Yan actually directly competes with the three thousand flames to continue. It should be said that he is worthy of being a disciple of Yao Chen. A wise man is bold.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about him. You just need to maintain the basic stability of the star field. Xiao Yan will take care of the rest."

Yao Lao is not worried. Xiao Yan has not experienced the dangers when he devoured other strange fires. Now he has also practiced the Glazed Body Shaping Technique. The Dharma Body has been completed, and the violent energy of the strange fires continues like fire refining gold and iron. Tempering the dharma body will allow Xiao Yan to reach a higher level in the realm of glazed body shaping techniques.

Xuan Kongzi couldn't help but glance at Yao Chen and felt that the two masters and disciples were really the same big-hearted people. They didn't even have to worry about something as important as refining the strange fire.

But while the three of them were chatting, the Danta elder walked over quickly, looked at the three souls, and said: "President, there is a girl who wants to see Yao Lao by name."

Yao Chen blinked: "Meet me? Are you not mistaken? What's that girl's name?"

"It seems that she is called the Little Medical Fairy - because she has a poisonous fire of the netherworld and her cultivation level is not low, so she never neglects it."

"Oh - Xian'er, I thought the girl also came to join in the fun."

Facing the slightly puzzled looks of the three giants of the Alchemy Pagoda, Yao Chen suddenly realized that it must have been the little medical fairy who found out that he had missed the alchemy meeting after he came out of seclusion, so he hurried over and explained casually: "Xiao Yan's wife."


The three giants nodded immediately. Thinking about it, it would be strange if no girl liked Xiao Yan's talent.

"I'll go and inform her first so that she won't worry."

Yao Chen said and followed the elder to leave the high level of the Dan Pagoda.

In the first floor of the huge alchemy tower, the silver-haired beauty in a lavender dress attracted many people's attention, but she remained unmoved. She just put her slender jade fingers gently on her Hao wrist, feeling that her body had evolved to The pulse of half poisonous fire.

It looked like... Xiao Yan seemed to be devouring the strange fire.

Following her own guess, she subconsciously raised her head, thoughtfully, this seemed like Zi Yan was accompanying Xiao Yan, right?

In this way, it’s not bad.

"Xian'er girl is here?"

"Yao Lao?"

The little medical fairy breathed a sigh of relief when he saw an acquaintance, and then said: "Xiao Yan and Zi Yan went to refine the strange fire?"


"That's fine... By the way, why don't you see Sister Wan? Is she back again?"

The little medical fairy subconsciously said that she wanted to ask Sister Wan some more questions about cultivating alien fire, but as soon as she asked these words, Yao Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"What happened?"

"It's really complicated to explain, so I'll keep it short for now... Just ask Xiao Yan later for more detailed information."

Yao Chen then recounted what he knew so far about Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, which surprised the little medical fairy who had only vaguely guessed that something might happen.

"That's it."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but sigh softly, it was really a twists and turns and a bad fate.

However, she believed that Sister Wan would be safe and sound, so Xiao Yan and them all had to be safe and sound.

Feeling the unusual spatial fluctuations, the little medical fairy murmured softly in her heart.


In the black and purple sea of ​​​​fire in the star field, Xiao Yan's body is still shining brightly under the burning of three thousand flames.

Under the protection of the strange fire, a stream of blood once again merged from Zi Yan's body into Xiao Yan's body. Because his current cultivation level is not very high after all, the dragon seal must be used repeatedly to ensure that it is effective for a long time. If it is replaced by a different For a high-level Taixu Ancient Dragon, he might not have such worries.

Zi Yan didn't follow them out for this reason, but Xiao Yan was indeed worthy of her waiting.

If Xiao Yan is now weaker than the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, he will naturally choose to use the power of the dragon seal in advance to try to control the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, and then slowly try to control it, but there is no such need now.

Xiao Yan simply refining the Burning Jue and the Dragon Seal in both directions. His soul directly collided with the will of Sanqian Yanhuo, while his body ran the Burning Jue under the protection of the dharma body and swallowed it up.

Naturally, the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo was unwilling to be swallowed up like this, but the struggle was in vain. Xiao Yan's soul was as powerful as a bamboo under the protection of the dragon seal, and the alien fire could not harm the body protected by the Dharma Body.

It's just that the black and purple fire sponge is endless and boiling.

Zi Yan subconsciously wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then slightly touched the hem of her clothes that were almost stuck to her body with sweat beads, temporarily dissipating some of the discomfort caused by the intense heat.

Hmm... it should be... almost done, right?

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