Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 494 Excellent matching mechanism

In the end, Yaowan drove Qinglin away.

After that, Yao Wan sat down and practiced for a while. Although she didn't care much about the coming-of-age ceremony, she still had to go through the process and get the Yao Clan's clan emblem, which was a considerable enhancement to her combat power.

But she still didn't like the feeling of being in public.

Let a more suitable person handle this kind of thing.

While Yao Wan was adjusting her condition and practicing with peace of mind, Xiao Yan and his party also returned to Xingyun Pavilion.

Along the way, Zi Yan avoided Xiao Yan and walked silently at the front or at the back without saying a word.

Xiao Yan naturally knew that this was not the solution, so he simply went forward and faced him.

"——Are you ready to go back?"

Regarding this issue, Xiao Yan has actually been thinking about it for a while. Xiao Yan would not be surprised even if Zi Yan left without saying goodbye. However, since Zi Yan still did not leave without saying goodbye in the end, Xiao Yan decided It’s up to you to break the topic.

"Going's almost the same."

Zi Yan thought for a while, and then said: "But before that, I have one more thing to ask you."

" say."

Now that he had chosen to take the initiative to speak, Xiao Yan was naturally mentally prepared for everything. He felt better after being scolded by Zi Yan.

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yan with an unprecedented serious expression.

"What does it feel like to do something like that?"

Xiao Yan: "?"

When Xiao Yan's face showed a hint of confusion visible to the naked eye, Zi Yan's question was indeed completely beyond Xiao Yan's expectations.

He thought that Zi Yan would lose her temper with him, get angry, and even get into a fight to vent her anger, but he never expected that Zi Yan would ask such a question.

"Why would you ask such a question?"

"Because I feel it."

Zi Yan was inexplicably a little nervous. The words she spoke were naturally referring to the dragon seal that established a connection between the two people. Through the bright red and dazzling mark, the subtle emotional fluctuations between the two people would be consciously reflected. situation is perceived by the other party.

What Zi Yan is actually referring to is when Xiao Yan is driven by desire, that impulse that cannot be calmed down like a wave. Dragon Seal will naturally transmit this excessively strong emotional fluctuation to Zi Yan, but where is Zi Yan? Understand this kind of thing? Therefore, even if you are squirming, you can't explain why.

Because he didn't understand, he asked. Xiao Yan sighed after being stunned for a long time. He always felt that this was better than Zi Yan scolding herself.

So how should he answer now?

"——I can only say that it doesn't matter if you don't know about this kind of thing, there are still many people who are willing to indulge in it."

Xiao Yan pinched his eyebrows, opened his mouth but hesitated to speak, and finally spoke slowly.

"What's the specific statement?"

"I can't tell, maybe..."

Xiao Yan felt that he was really guilty, and as for Zi Yan's curiosity, Xiao Yan could only temporarily attribute it to Taixu Ancient Dragon's traditional skills.

"Oh, so that's it."

Zi Yan thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, sometimes I actually--"

Xiao Yan: "?"

"Cough cough cough - instinctive reaction, you can't blame me..."

Zi Yan said with rare embarrassment. To be honest, she felt very strange talking about this kind of thing now. It was a bit difficult to talk about it, but she was also inexplicably eager to try it.

"That's why I'm a little curious. You and the Little Medical Fairy..."

Xiao Yan now understood why Zi Yan had been avoiding him.

It's just that it's completely different from the reason I guessed at the beginning. It's just how to put it...

Such a bizarre thing is absolutely impossible for girls like Xian'er and Nalan, and Wan'er may have already figured out where to bury her.

After all, Zi Yan has never been an ordinary girl. Xiao Yan has realized this a long time ago. But when it comes to Zi Yan, what Xiao Yan can feel is more of shock, but when he thinks about it carefully - it seems that it is indeed This is something Zi Yan can do.

The little medical fairy and Yao Lao walked at the front together, but they hadn’t seen Xiao Yan and Zi Yan move for a long time, so they couldn’t help but turn their heads and look at the two people behind them with wonderful expressions. However, it seemed that the expected quarrel and The conflict did not occur.

"Are they—?"

The little medical fairy let out a light sigh and subconsciously said, Yao Chen said: "I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal. Zi Yan is not a stickler for red tape, so let them talk slowly by themselves."

The Dan Pagoda in the center of Zhongzhou is not far or near from Xingyun Pavilion. By the time the four of them returned to Xingyun Pavilion, about a month had passed.

But when everyone just returned to Xingyun Pavilion, Yao Chen felt something was wrong. As soon as they entered the Tianxing Mountains, he saw a stream of light flying towards them.

"Pavilion Master, are you back?"

The person who came was none other than Master Feng’s disciple, Mu Qingluan.

"It's Qingluan, is there anything urgent?"

"There are a few guests coming to Xingyun Pavilion. Their identities... may be a bit special."

Mu Qingluan thought about his words and then said.

"Special guests?"

Yao Chen frowned slightly. Xingyun Pavilion's reputation in Zhongzhou was naturally very good, but correspondingly, it actually caused a lot of troublesome enemies.

When he was away, Xingyun Pavilion actually kept a low profile, leaving the rest to Master Feng to handle the most difficult and troublesome matters.

But now that Yao Chen is back, and there is a new fighting master like Xiao Yan, there is no need to worry about Xingyun Pavilion falling into any dangerous situation.

But even so, there is no guarantee that some ambitious people will not covet him. Therefore, although he is said to be a guest, it is actually difficult to say whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Yao Chen's expression became a little serious, and then he subconsciously glanced at Xiao Yan behind him and said, "Let's go."

After that, Mu Qingluan and Yao Chen and others hurried back to Xingyun Pavilion. On the highest peak of Tianxing Mountain Range, on the top of the fallen star, outside Xingyun Pavilion, several people were wearing green robes with tattoos. Figures with various medicinal patterns are quietly waiting for the arrival of the rightful owner.

Although the clan elder was interested in a small Xingyun Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion, and even did not hesitate to borrow the reputation of the Medicine clan to help, but since it was the clan elder's intention, they naturally had nothing to say. .

Master Feng also stood quietly outside the mountain gate of Xingyun Pavilion, waiting in full formation. Without exception, the people in front of him were all powerful Dou Zun masters. Among the forces that have been famous for a long time in Zhongzhou, who could do so without any movement at all? Suddenly took out several Dou Zun? Among the powerful forces in Zhongzhou, only Dan Pagoda and Soul Palace have such a foundation.

It's just that the aura of these people is obviously different from the gloomy and weird guys in the Soul Palace, and Master Feng is more or less familiar with the powerful Danta people, and these people definitely don't exist.

Even if he is not a person from the Dan Pagoda and is not a ghost from the Soul Palace, then this is very interesting.

Although I don't know what these guys are, but since they started fighting without meeting, it's better to see what tricks they are playing.

After thinking a lot in his mind, Master Feng raised his head and saw five streams of light flying from a distance, finally landing outside the Starfall Pavilion.

The leader among them is Master and Disciple Xiao Yan.

It's just Xiao Yan's aura that made Lord Feng slightly stunned. Wasn't Xiao Yan just a one-star Dou Zun? Why do you feel so much stronger again?

Master Feng couldn't help but subconsciously look at Yao Chen, naturally hoping that Yao Chen could give him an answer.

But now is obviously not the time to talk about this——

The eyes of Xiao Yan, the Little Medical Fairy, and Zi Yan all fell on the powerful Dou Zun men in front of them. What was the background of the people in front of them?

Only Yao Chen opened his eyes slightly, and for a moment, he felt quite lost his composure.

The few Dou Zun warriors wearing medicine-patterned green robes looked at the tall young man standing at the front, and they already knew in their hearts that this was the target named by the clan elder.

A relic of the Xiao clan, the leader of this alchemy meeting, and the youngest eighth-grade alchemist on Dou Qi Continent.

Even though they were from the Medicine Clan, they couldn't help but look up at him in their hearts.

"I heard that the young master of Xingyun Pavilion recently won the title, and the elder of our clan specially asked us to send some medicinal materials that may be useful to express our respect."

No matter what they think in their hearts, their superficial skills are naturally very good.

After saying that, under the surprised gazes of everyone, the other people stepped forward one after another, took out the medicinal materials carefully packed in trays and jade boxes from their Najies, and placed them in front of Xiao Yan.

Even though Xiao Yan has been fighting life and death for many years, he has seen a lot of big scenes, but he has really never seen such a scene before him. How could he rush to give gifts without even seeing the other party face to face? After so many years of wandering, Xiao Yan also understood one thing. There is never a free lunch in the world. No reward for no merit, and showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when his soul power subconsciously swept through these jade boxes, he couldn't help but be stunned.

These medicinal materials, without exception, are either spiritual substances used to warm and nourish the soul, or wonderful medicines for promoting muscle production and blood production. Each of them is not so easy to find, and there are even three strains that are enough to be used as eighth-grade elixirs. I am afraid that no one in the entire Zhongzhou can easily get such a high-level treasure of heaven and earth, such a gift.

Xiao Yan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He wanted to ask the teacher for his opinion, but he saw that Yao Chen's performance was completely gone, and he looked at everyone in front of him with complicated eyes.

With just one glance, Xiao Yan immediately realized what was going on.

"I am afraid that Xiao Yan and Xingyun Pavilion will not be able to accept such a heavy gift. Xiao Yan understands the kindness of the clan elder, but if it is a thank-you gift from a noble lady, then Xiao Yan will accept it with a smile."

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