Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 502: Meaningless Fight

After the last person on the square completed the blood awakening, the coming-of-age ceremony of the nine people in this generation of the Yao Clan was finally declared over.

After Yao Wan, the five people who awakened their bloodlines only had a sixth-grade bloodline that barely touched the threshold of the seventh-grade bloodline, which was completely incomparable to the divine bloodline that was as bright as the sun.

Everyone knew this fact and would not have the slightest objection. For this reason, they only sighed in their hearts that the eldest lady was indeed different, and everything was declared settled.

At the same time, the three elders also announced: "This coming-of-age ceremony is over!"

Suddenly, a clear and bright voice suddenly sounded.

"——Wait a minute, Lei Xiao of the Thunder Clan has something to ask the elders of the Yao Clan."

As soon as these words came out, countless eyes followed the voice and looked. What they saw was the tall and vigorous young man who slowly stood up, with a look of lightning.

Even without looking at the distinctive lightning pattern on his forehead, the lightning-like swift and sharp temperament alone is enough to judge his existence.

Yao Wangui frowned slightly, and the two elders looked at each other. Although it is not unprecedented for such an ancient tribe to disturb the coming-of-age ceremony of their own tribe, it is somewhat illegal.

However, the visitor is a guest. Yao Wangui frowned slightly, and then said: "Since you are the son of the Thunder Clan, what do you have to say?"

Lei Xiao's mouth corners slightly raised, but his eyes shifted from the three Yao Clan elders in front of the clan monument to the beauty who was about to get up and leave the Yan Clan seat not far away.

Then, Lei Xiao slowly said: "I wonder if Miss Yao Wan... is married?"


Yao Wan, who was about to get up and leave this place, was stunned on the spot, and couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with her ears.

Was someone calling her name just now? And what about marriage?

No... such a bloody thing can't happen to her, right?

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, everyone was silent. After Lei Xiao spoke, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

As guests of the eight clans, Gu Qingyang and Huo Xuan looked at Lei Xiao with a hint of surprise and surprise. Even though they had some vague premonitions in their hearts, they did not expect that this scene would happen so quickly.

As the only divine bloodline among the young generation of the ancient clans, Yao Wan's existence must be extremely sought-after not only in the entire Yao clan, but also in the entire ancient eight clans.

The divine bloodline that has not been seen for thousands of years not only means that Yao Wan will definitely be among the strongest in the Douqi Continent in the future, but also has another obvious effect. The stronger and purer the bloodline, the higher the possibility of giving birth to a stronger bloodline. Even if a stronger bloodline is not born, the probability of bloodline deterioration is also lower.

Not to mention that as the eldest lady of the Yao clan, Yao Wan herself must be a powerful alchemist.

Whether it is a divine bloodline or a future ninth-grade alchemist, the attraction is too great. In comparison, Yao Wan's appearance has become an additional point.

Therefore, Gu Qingyang and Huo Xuan understand Lei Xiao's motives to some extent.

As the saying goes, the first to strike is the strongest, but Lei Xiao really can't wait a moment.

However, this idea is naturally good, but it is not easy to get what you want.

Huo Zhi's eyes are cold. She has never had a good impression of this kind of impertinent and rude man. If it is a ninth-grade bloodline, it would be fine. Do you really think that the Yao clan is rare to have an eighth-grade bloodline foreign son-in-law?

Huo Xuan caught a glimpse of Huo Zhi's displeasure with a slightly unexpected look, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly. No matter what the result is, at least this excitement is definitely worth watching.

Gu Qingyang couldn't help but smile and shook his head. Among the brothers of the Lei clan, he only had a better understanding of his elder brother Lei Dong, and he didn't know much about Lei Xiao. But now it seems that they are twin brothers after all, and their tempers are exactly the same.

It's just a pity that it's a bit difficult to get an advantage from Yao Wan.

"It seems that the Qingyang commander doesn't seem to have any confidence that Lei Xiao will get the beauty."

Gu Yao saw Gu Qingyang's attitude and couldn't help but joked.

"If someone comes to look for Xun'er in the future, what do you think you will do?"

Gu Qingyang smiled, but answered the question irrelevantly. However, when he said this, Gu Yao's eyes couldn't help but reveal a fierce light.

Without waiting for Gu Yao to respond, the answer that the two had already understood in their hearts appeared in front of them.

As soon as Lei Xiao finished speaking, the eyes of the young talents of the Yao clan looking at Lei Xiao suddenly became dangerous, but this was still within Lei Xiao's expectations, but it didn't matter, he didn't care.

He was about to go and propose marriage. If all the people of the Medicine Clan agreed with both hands, Lei Xiao would look down on them. If such a large ancient race did not have even one person who dared to stand up and oppose, then the Medicine Clan would be really doomed.

When hearing Lei Xiao's question, the one who reacted the most was Yao Tian, ​​who had just awakened his bloodline and whose bloodline concentration was second only to Yao Wan.

"Lei Xiao, the Yao Clan's coming-of-age ceremony, you as a guest have no right to speak."

Yao Tian's slightly feminine eyebrows narrowed slightly, like the pupils of a demonic snake, and then said.

Yao Ling looked at Yao Tian, ​​who he had no time to persuade, and couldn't help but sigh. Yao Xingji looked at Yao Ling, and his eyes towards Yao Tian became more complicated. He felt a little more sympathy for this Yao Clan's first genius.

But he was okay. Although Yao Ling still didn't give him any false colors, the two of them were still in a relationship where they met each other every day. Yao Xingji naturally felt that he had a chance.

Yao Tian was better. Not to mention the relationship, he could count the number of times he had met Yao Wan on his fingers, and most of the times they met were formal activities such as the coming-of-age ceremony. How could the relationship between the two be more than a chasm?

"Most people from the eight clans can only talk about marriage after their bloodline is awakened in the adult ceremony. Am I not following the customary tradition among our eight clans?"

Facing Yao Tian, ​​who came with bad intentions, Lei Xiao smiled, but he could not help but cross his arms and said in a relaxed tone.

Looking at Yao Tian, ​​whose brows were gradually furrowed and almost pinched to death a fly, Lei Xiao curled his lips and turned his eyes to the three elders in front of the clan monument. The leader, Yao Wangui, frowned slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

"——Yao Wan, a clan member, is not married yet."

Yao Wangui's answer made Lei Xiao's smile grow.

"That's the best."

However, Lei Xiao did not rush to speak directly and ask for a marriage, which would make him seem too impatient. Even if he wanted to marry a beautiful woman, it would not be done this way.

After all, there were only him and Lei Yun standing here today, so his words were not important enough. Naturally, he still needed to go back and discuss with the clan leader, and then formally propose marriage to the Yao clan.

Seeing Lei Xiao suddenly stop moving, Yao Tian frowned slightly. Everyone knew that Lei Xiao was holding back something bad. When he was secretly annoyed, he was about to challenge Lei Xiao to a duel, and he would do anything to put an end to his unrealistic fantasy.

But just as he was about to speak, he felt an unignorable sense of oppression that made him unable to speak for a while. His lips and teeth opened slightly, but he could not utter a single sound.

Bloodline suppression? !

Yao Tian was shocked, but how could he be suppressed when he had awakened the peak bloodline of the eighth rank? Even those elders who had become Dou Shengs could not suppress him simply by the power of their bloodline, right?

Almost at the same time, Yao Tian subconsciously looked at Yao Wan - if there was anyone who could suppress him simply through the power of blood, then only Yao Wan, who inherited the divine blood, could do it.

But Yao Wan didn't look at him. After the initial surprise, she stood up and left without changing her expression.

Looking directly at the beauty who slowly stood up, Lei Xiao was looking forward to how Yao Wan would react. Although he had guessed in his heart that this arrogant Yao clan lady would definitely not show any color to him, and even glared at him, this was also within his expectations. He had seen arrogant ladies before, and if it was any woman who was easily subdued, it would be a disgrace to her divine blood.

After all, she was a person with divine blood, and being different was the norm. Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to conquer the arrogant daughter of heaven?

However, when Lei Xiao saw the beautiful figure who walked in front of him without even looking at him, he couldn't help but slightly widen his eyes.

Yao Wan had no reaction to his presence, and even without attracting Yao Wan's attention, she just walked away like this, without looking back, and without any reaction. However, no matter how self-indulgent Lei Xiao was, he had no way to regard Yao Wan's attitude at this moment as playing hard to get.

Yao Wan didn't respond, just because it was not appropriate to have any unnecessary disputes with him as a guest in such an occasion.

Even Lei Yun, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but frown slightly. Did he treat the people of their Lei clan as air?

Huo Xuan and Huo Zhi looked at Yao Wan's back and Lei Xiao's obviously unexpected reaction, and couldn't help wanting to laugh, while Elder Huo Yao's eyes flickered slightly. In his opinion, although this young man of the Lei clan was worthy of his cultivation, he still needed to learn the way of dealing with people.

Seeing Yao Wan leaving the clan monument square, Qing Lin and Feng Qing'er followed Yao Wan.

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