Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 511 Human Relationships

Yaowan smiled slightly and then said.

"Business coming to your door?"

Qing Lin didn't know what Yao Wan meant, but she vaguely guessed something. After all, everything seemed to be going as she expected, so naturally there was nothing to worry about.

You only need to do what you should do, and leave the rest to the lady - this is the experience that Qinglin has accumulated after living and practicing with Yaowan for many years.

"Well, where is the little Phoenix? Is he practicing?"

Yaowan let out a light sigh, but there was no sign of Feng Qing'er, so she couldn't help but say.

"Well, because she is not a Dou Zun yet, I asked her to practice first, otherwise I'm afraid she won't even be able to help the young lady."

While Qing Lin muttered, he couldn't help but whisper, causing Yao Wan to smile slightly: "I don't think so. It doesn't hurt if you can do a little thing like serving tea and water for me."

"Qing Lin, hurry up and practice. With your current cultivation level, you are indeed an extraordinary genius to the outside world, but among the Medicine Clan, you are not truly outstanding. You are different from Little Phoenix. "Now that you have joined the Medicine Clan, you are also a member of the Medicine Clan. If you perform well, you will be promoted to an elder and become the backbone of the clan. If you want to move forward, you have to work hard."

Yao Wan's words caused Qing Lin to hesitate a little, and then she couldn't help but said: "Actually, it's good to stay with Miss all the time. But in fact, I also know that although Miss' status in the clan has long been unshakable, not everyone can Everyone is willing to submit to Miss. If I stay with Miss all the time, I won’t be able to catch up with anything.”


"...I can't stop you from having such thoughts, but you don't have to force yourself."

Yaowan gently stroked Qinglin's cheek, and then said softly.

Qing Lin nodded, then slowly took two steps back.

After appeasing Qing Lin, Yao Wan also left his cave and went to the guest reception hall halfway up the mountain. This is where the Yao clan used to receive distinguished guests. Basically, only all the existences of Dou Sheng Qiang were there. Among the people's forces, only some people with special status can enjoy such an honor. Otherwise, even if they are the same eight ancient tribes, if an ordinary ethnic group comes to the Yao Clan, the Yao Clan will be embarrassed.

When Yao Wan arrived at the guest reception hall, the Yao Clan's iron guards on both sides saluted and said, "I have met the eldest lady."

"A guest from the Yan tribe is here?"

Yao Wan subconsciously asked, even though she knew it was unlikely, but it was just in case. If she ran into some idiot from the Thunder Clan, Ge Ying would kill her if she didn't get into trouble.

"It's Elder Huoyao and Elder Huoling of the Yan clan. Elders Wanchun and Wanhuo are already receiving them."

"Eh? Is that Fire Spirit Fairy here? It seems that the Yan Clan really values ​​​​the method of dividing fire."

Yao Wan couldn't help but be stunned by the answer of the Yao Clan Iron Guard, and couldn't help but sigh.

The Huoyao elder of the Yan Clan is considered a familiar face even among the eight tribes. The reason is naturally that this four-star fighting saint is the elder of the Yan Clan who most often attends various gatherings of foreign tribes. The eight tribes have some impressions of him. Not surprising either.

The elder of the Fire Spirit seemed a little different. The strongest person other than the leader of the Yan Clan, his strength was comparable to that of the Three Ancient Immortals of the Ancient Clan, and it was said that he also had some research on the power of the soul.

Big figures like this rarely appear in diplomatic situations.

"Well, I understand."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, and then walked into the welcoming hall. On the chairs facing each other, the four elders of the Yao Clan and the Yan Clan were talking and laughing until they heard the crisp footsteps approaching from a distance. As they walked closer slowly, the sound of discussion between them gradually disappeared, and they turned their attention to the tall beauty wearing a Yao Clan skirt.

The enchanting woman who was sitting aside and had just slowly put down her tea couldn't help but raise her charming eyes and caught a glimpse of the real owner who had been waiting for a long time.

"Ah, I think this is Miss Yaowan, the new generation of the Yao clan who has inherited the divine bloodline?"

The enchanting and beautiful woman couldn't help but said as soon as she saw Yao Wan, and then looked at her curiously. After all, among the young generation of the eight tribes, who is the most famous? Even Gu Qingyang from the ancient tribe and the Lei tribe What makes Lei Dong seem slightly inferior to others is the beautiful beauty in front of him.

Although this little beauty has never shown her strength to the outside world from beginning to end, no one can ignore her existence in everything she does. She ran away from home when she was young, the celebration of life soon after she returned to her clan, and she became an adult. The divine bloodline that was awakened during the ceremony was said to be planning to hold a wedding ceremony recently. With everything going on, it would be difficult to ignore her.

When she was aroused, the mature and beautiful woman stood up and looked at the rightful owner in front of her with a smile.

"In that case, is it possible that this sister is the Fire Fairy among the Yan Clan?"

Seeing how enthusiastic the second-in-command of the Yan clan was, Yao Wan was naturally embarrassed to put on airs and smiled.

"elder sister?"

The mature and beautiful woman was slightly startled, and the smile on her face grew stronger. She was even more happy to be called Yaowan, who was so well-behaved and sensible, and said, "Miss, your mouth is really sweet."

"How is this sweet talk? It's just stating the facts."

Yao Wan chuckled lightly, knowing that since Fire Spirit Fairy has this name, she can naturally guess that this Fire Spirit Fairy is probably no different from an ordinary big sister. The most important thing is that she can't hear the word "old", even if she is an elder, not Whether it was useful or not, it was always better to have a sweet treat with your mouth. The result was naturally as she expected, and she was right.

However, Yaowan himself feels that this is not a special flattery, but just gives his own evaluation based on his own aesthetics. Fairy Huoling is not bad looking, and she will not lose any meat when she calls her sister. Anyway, it is not myself.

Seeing the two beauties, the older one and the younger one, becoming so affectionate and like sisters in the blink of an eye since they first met, both Elder Huoyao and the two elders of the Medicine Clan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at each other for a moment.

"It's really hard work for Elder Wanchun and Elder Wanhuo here."

Yaowan then turned around and looked at the two elders, saying that there was no need to say more about the underlying meaning.

Yao Wanhuo obviously hesitated. After all, now that Wan'er has awakened the divine bloodline, she has become the heart of the entire Yao clan. How can they dare to let her run around? But just when he was about to speak, Yao Wanchun stopped him with his eyes, clearly asking him to stop doing these unnecessary things.

Now everyone can see that there is some unusual interest relationship between Yaowan and the Yan clan. This is not something they can interfere with, but don't let their own people interfere with a good business. Yellow.

As for what this is, it doesn't matter now. Everything can be discussed later.

Why doesn't Yao Wanhuo understand these principles?

It's just that Wan'er's safety is naturally the most important thing now.

"I can just handle the matters here myself."

Yaowan added and said.

Yao Wanhuo was helpless. He just sighed and left the guest reception hall with Yao Wanchun.

Her family left, but it did not affect her performance. Yao Wan could not help raising her hand to support her chin, and focused her eyes and attention on Fairy Huo Ling and Elder Huoyao in front of her again, and said seriously: "Sister Huo Ling , let’s talk about business.”

Fairy Huo Ling glanced at Elder Huoyao beside her, slightly put away the smile on her red lips, and said: "I have long heard that Miss Wan'er successfully cultivated a living creature's flame and carved it into the Yao Clan's clan pattern. , This is something that everyone who has experienced the celebration of life can see.”

"And Miss Wan'er has also mastered the method of dividing the alien fire. She can divide the source of the alien fire and create a new alien fire. Let me confirm with Miss Wan'er again. After all, this is not something to joke about."

"How can the matter between the two clans be treated as child's play?"

Yao Wan said seriously, and then couldn't help but look at Elder Huoyao, waiting for the answer he needed.

"Three strange fires, if Miss Wan'er's method of dividing the fires is indeed correct, we, the Yan Clan, can indeed agree."

Noticing the gaze from Yaowan, the Fire Fairy replied.

"It's just that the quota for the Burning Flame Secret be honest, a few years later, it will be the time to open the Burning Flame Secret Realm, but the number of people entering is particularly demanding..."

Hearing what Fire Spirit Fairy said, Yao Wan was probably sure that the Yan Clan was probably unable to accept this slightly excessive request of his.

After all, if you think about it from another person's perspective, it is impossible for outsiders to enter the inheritance place and receive the baptism of the divine spring even if other people give them great benefits.

Although Yao Wan was slightly disappointed in this regard, he also understood that compared to the three strange fires that he was bound to obtain, he actually just mentioned the matter of the Burning Flame Secret Realm casually. If the Yan Clan really wanted to do it with a wave of his hand, Given that, there might be some pitfalls waiting for you.

But before Yao Wan could answer, Fairy Fire Spirit continued: "After discussions with the elders of our clan, the quota for the next use of the Burning Flame Secret Realm can indeed be given to Miss Wan'er, but it will not be used as a way to divide the fire. It’s a transaction, but a favor given to Miss Wan’er. I wonder if Miss Wan’er is willing to accept it?”

The Fire Fairy smiled.


Yao Wan, who had already given up on this by default, couldn't help but be stunned. She really didn't expect that there was such a way.

It's just that things like favors are different from ordinary transaction values. Free things are often the most expensive. Therefore, unless they are extremely sure, most people are not willing to accept any favors for free.

But this doesn't matter to Yao Wan. This is a pure win-win. Xiao Yan gets the best fire attribute training venue, and the Yan clan gets the favor of a future Dou Emperor. It's not a win.

"Okay, I agree."

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