Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 517 Wan'er is looking for a husband? !

When Xiao Yan returned to Xingyun Pavilion again, and just like after the previous alchemy meeting, when he learned that there were distinguished guests waiting for him in Xingyun Pavilion for a long time, Xiao Yan's expression could not help but become a little strange.

What's going on? They are also participating in the team building?

Xiao Yan silently complained in his heart, and then immediately accelerated back to the main peak of Xingyun Pavilion.

After finally arriving at Xingyun Pavilion, Xiao Yan found his teacher and Feng Zunzhe.

"Xiao Yan, you are finally back."

Before Xiao Yan could speak, Yao Lao said: "The Zun of the Yao Clan is waiting for you, saying that there is something very important to tell you."

"Very important thing...?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but exclaimed, but subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Even if Wan'er was secretly keeping watch in the Yao Clan, how could she come twice in such a short time? Moreover, the situation this time was undoubtedly more suspicious and serious. If there was something important, wouldn't it be the same to inform the teachers?

- Unless it was really urgent.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Yan realized that something was wrong. However, all he could do now was to wait. However, the more he waited, the more anxious he became.

After a while, Xiao Yixian, who had received the news earlier, led the Medicine Clan Venerable who had been waiting in Xingyun Pavilion for a long time to the main hall of Xingyun Pavilion.

Xiao Yan still recognized this Medicine Clan Venerable. This was the Medicine Clan Venerable who came to offer gifts to him after he won the first place in the Alchemy Conference. It was just that he was too concerned and spoke carelessly at the time. It seemed that he accidentally offended him. Now Xiao Yan saw it and didn't know what to do for a moment, but he also knew in his heart that there must be something important now, so how could he have time to care about these things? Helplessly, he just clasped his fists and saluted the Medicine Clan Venerable and said, "Greetings, Venerable."

"——Finally I'm back."

The Medicine Clan Venerable looked at Xiao Yan and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was ordered by the elders not to return to the Medicine Clan without seeing Xiao Yan, he sat in the Xingyun Pavilion for a month and naturally had some resentment in his stomach, but it did not affect his attitude towards Xiao Yan.

Just when the Medicine Clan Venerable just breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes shot towards Xiao Yan like lightning, and he wanted to see through everything about Xiao Yan in an instant.

But the Medicine Clan Venerable only saw a dim purple-gold color, which was different from the bright Dharma body some time ago. The Medicine Clan Venerable couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

That was undoubtedly the Medicine Clan's peerless inheritance. The Glazed Body Shaping Technique was correct. It seemed that he should still be in the Dharma body realm. Come to think of it, how long has it been since the Danhui ended? If he could break through to the response body realm as soon as he turned his head, it would be really scary.

However, since the Glazed Body Shaping Art has not improved, but has only changed, although Xiao Yan has the Dharma Body and the Purple Qi protecting him, and although his cultivation level is not clear, if nothing unexpected happens, he should still be around the four-star Dou Zun level.

It is not a merit or fault...

But in this situation, not making any progress is the biggest fault.

Although Xiao Yan is talented enough, his cultivation speed is not even inferior to many of the eight clans' geniuses. He is only inferior in age, but everything that is about to happen now has never said that anyone who is younger can be polite and modest.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just wait for you to come back. Since you have returned to Xingyun Pavilion, I have something that you are probably interested in."

Xiao Yan was shocked. If he had not been presumptuous before, he would probably still need to guess, but he had already spoken rashly once before. How could this Medicine Clan Venerable not know what he cares about most? He hurriedly said, "What exactly is going on?"

"A few days ago, the eldest lady of our clan had her coming-of-age ceremony, her bloodline awakened, and she had ten branches of the sacred tree, and her divine bloodline."

"There are many people who covet the eldest lady's divine bloodline. The eldest lady does not want to be entangled by them, so she made a vow - anyone below the Dou Sheng level can come to the Yao clan to fight, and the champion can fight with the eldest lady. If she loses, the clan will not mention the young lady's marriage in the future. If she wins... she can marry her."

The words of the Yao clan venerable made the entire Xingyun Pavilion hall fall into a dead silence.

Venerable Feng was startled, and hurriedly looked at Yao Lao and Xiao Yixian, but he didn't dare to look at what expression Xiao Yan had now. He clearly remembered what Yao Chen said -

Even Venerable Feng was like this, and Yao Chen and Xiao Yixian had complicated expressions when they reacted. They just looked at Xiao Yan who was stunned after a moment of trance.

Xiao Yan's first reaction was silence. It was not that he was sluggish and did not react, but that he was truly silent. In these extremely long breaths, countless thoughts flashed through Xiao Yan's mind. Only at the end, he slowly raised his head and said in a calm but firm and resolute tone: "Thank you for telling me, Venerable. Xiao Yan will definitely go there on time."

Xiao Yan's unyielding and resolute performance made the Medicine Clan Venerable look at him with a new eye. He nodded slightly, which was regarded as an approval of Xiao Yan's words, and then took out a small green token with the word "Medicine" engraved on it from the ring.

"With this token, you can enter the Medicine Clan with fewer twists and turns."

The Medicine Clan Venerable said, and in this way, his trip was successfully completed.

Xiao Yan took the token, nodded heavily, and said: "Xiao Yan will definitely live up to expectations."

He didn't know who pushed this Medicine Clan Venerable, but now was not the time to consider these issues. He only had one thing to consider now, to go to the Medicine Clan!

The Medicine Clan Venerable nodded slightly, and it was inconvenient to say more to Xiao Yan. He just said what he should say. If Xiao Yan really had this intention, then after his suggestion, he would come after all, and it would not be a waste of his trip. As for other things, it would be in vain even if he said them.

After saying this, the Medicine Clan Venerable immediately left Xingyun Pavilion. He was in a hurry to go back and report. It was strange to say that why Elder Wanhuo was so fond of Xiao Yan?

Could it be that the eldest lady really meant it...?

The Medicine Clan Venerable shook his head, but he did not dare to make any more groundless guesses on this point.

Just as the Medicine Clan Venerable left the Tianxing Mountains, a wisp of ghostly shadow twisted and disturbed. After noticing the breath of the Medicine Clan Venerable, it immediately hid again, and did not attract the attention of the Medicine Clan Venerable.

Just noticing that this Venerable, who was obviously not from the open forces of Zhongzhou, went back and forth to Xingyun Pavilion was already a very remarkable thing.

The ghostly shadow gradually retreated and disappeared.


In Xingyun Pavilion, Xiao Yan was not as impulsive as he was last time to go to the Medicine Clan right now, but at least he needed to finish the current task.


Xiao Yan then turned his head to look at Yao Chen, and showed him the token in his hand.

"This token seems to be something that only elders have... It seems that it should not be the Medicine Clan Venerable and should not be the person summoned by Wan'er."

Yao Chen looked at it carefully, then shook his head, and then said: "Try to inject a little Dou Qi?"

Xiao Yan did so, and the turquoise token immediately turned into a clear and pure sky-blue color after being soaked in Xiao Yan's Dou Qi. A dark green light curtain was opened from the center of the token and projected in front of Xiao Yan and others.

However, it was not a phantom carved by the power of the soul, but just a short date. It was the exact time for the marriage in the Medicine Clan, and it was less than a year away.

The dark green light curtain was reflected in Xiao Yan's dark red eyes. Xiao Yan was slightly stunned, and then his eyes immediately became particularly determined. She is waiting for me!

The light curtain went out. Yao Chen and Xiao Yixian looked at Xiao Yan at this moment, and they didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

But in fact, there was no need for comfort.

Xiao Yan felt their concerned and worried eyes, but shook his head gently and smiled: "Don't worry about me too much, teacher, I'm not a child anymore."

"I will definitely go back to Wan'er, but now the time is not up, and I have other things to do-"

Xiao Yan shook his head, shook off some hesitations in his mind, showed a bright smile, and took out the materials that had been prepared before from the ring.

Eighth-grade elixir, many medicinal materials, natural treasures, and the most important and shocking thing.

When the warm white jade luster cast a faint light on the main hall of Xingyun Pavilion, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. A complete white jade skeleton lay quietly in front of the four people. Even if there was only one skeleton left, even if it was just one skeleton, it revealed an extremely powerful aura and terrifying energy that could not be ignored.

"This is..."

Feng Zun couldn't sit still anymore, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. A guess emerged in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"The skeleton of the Dou Sheng!"

Even Yao Chen's voice was mixed with great shock. As a Dou Zun peak powerhouse in the past, he naturally knew that this was the terrifying power that only a saint could reveal.

"Xiao Yan - where did you find this skeleton?"

Yao Chen didn't know what to say for a moment. If it was a small piece of the Dou Sheng's skeleton, it would be fine, but Xiao Yan took out an almost complete Dou Sheng skeleton!

The remains of the Dou Sheng have appeared in Zhongzhou before, but each time there were only a few fragments of the remains, and they scrambled to snatch them, causing a bloody storm.

As a result, Xiao Yan got back a complete Dou Sheng skeleton with one move. How could people not be shocked?

Xiao Yan shook his head: "I was just lucky in the ancient ruins in the Beast Domain - Teacher, with the Dou Sheng skeleton as a guide, are you sure you can break through to the Dou Sheng level when you are resurrected?"

"Break through to the Dou Sheng level directly?"

Even Yao Chen couldn't hide his shock at this moment, but he reacted immediately and also knew what Xiao Yan wanted to do.

He needed stronger help. Whether it was the Yao Clan's affairs or the many difficulties he would face in the future, he couldn't get through them alone.

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