Her voice spread, but luckily she took action in advance and blocked off a small space around her, so that others would not hear her words.

Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, and she suddenly came back to her senses and couldn't help turning her head to avoid Xiao Yan's sight.

"—Anyway, that's pretty much what it means."

She couldn't help but secretly thought something was wrong. Following this routine, she had a bad premonition in her heart for no reason.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw that all the stubbornness on Xiao Yan's face turned into a faint smile like a spring breeze. Before Xiao Yan could speak, she knew that Xiao Yan was already happy in his heart.

"……I knew it."

Xiao Yan said with a smile. Hearing Wan'er's words made him happier than getting any other strange fire.

"What do you know you?!"

Yao Wan, who was almost unable to hold on anymore, feigned anger and gently kicked Xiao Yan's heel with her lotus feet under the table. Not only did it not hurt at all, but it actually seemed like she was being coquettish.

"I know Wan'er has me in her heart."

Xiao Yan smiled, already feeling happy.

"Stop giving me such a poor mouth——"

She suddenly felt a little regretful, why did she say such words when her head was hot? When she said these words, Xiao Yan's tail could not be raised to the sky.

"Hmm...it's just a matter of one size."

Although it was really satisfying to hear such words spoken by Wan'er herself, Xiao Yan gradually suppressed the smile on his face and regained his seriousness before speaking.

"I am sure to win Wan'er's marriage this time."

Xiao Yan looked at her wearing a bamboo hat and said every word with utmost seriousness.


"Idiot, why don't you understand? Why did I ask for the marriage ceremony?"

Yao Wan sighed and couldn't help but said: "This is not an activity like the Alchemy Club. I can handle it by myself, and you can't get any rewards. Why are you so persistent? Just for the name of recruiting a husband for me?"

"No, winning you is the biggest reward for me in this marriage ceremony. It is more important than any strange fire, elixir, fighting skills, or exercises!"

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then said with great solemnity: "I have had enough of the days when you are not around. From now on, I want us to be together openly."


Yao Wan was slightly startled, but she underestimated Xiao Yan's determination, but she still crossed her arms, snorted softly, and said: "Then do you know that the last step is not just for you to defeat those bastards?" Someone who can stand by my side with peace of mind.”

"The last person you need to face is me."

"I know, so I will go to the end and defeat you."

Xiao Yan nodded. He had thought about this question countless times on the road, but he still made his own choice.

"In this case, it's hard to persuade the damn devil with words. If you want to fight him, just come and fight him. I'll accompany you, auntie."

Seeing that Xiao Yan had already made up his mind and had an attitude of never looking back until he hit the wall, Yao Wan knew that he could not move this hob with words alone. In this case, Yao Wan could not coddle him.

Saying that, Yao Wan stood up. She originally thought that when the Yan Clan's first strange fire was delivered, Xiao Yan came to the Yao Clan, and he happened to refine the strange fire to increase his strength to a higher level, but she never thought about this guy. He had ulterior motives and couldn't hold back anything good, so the strange fire incident could only be shelved for the time being.

"...By the way, does Wan'er know what tough opponents there are this time?"

"A difficult opponent? I really don't know about this."

Yao Wan shook her head slightly. How could a group of smelly fish and rotten shrimps be such a formidable opponent? The people in her own family thought that she was really a human being when they heard the flattery. Even if Xiao Yan didn't come this time, she would take action to show them what a true genius is.

However, while this idea emerged subconsciously in her heart, Yao Wan couldn't help but suddenly recall something. She couldn't help but lean her body gently against the table, and her bright wrist that leaked out from under the black robe was resting on the black gauze. Under the bamboo hat, even though the figure was completely shrouded in black robes in a very untimely manner, with Xiao Yan's understanding of the medicine, it was not difficult to see that the beauty in front of him had a lazy posture, and his tone was slightly raised. , but there is a hint of lightness that touches the heartstrings.

Yao Wan found that she seemed to be more and more open-minded in front of Xiao Yan. In the beginning, she had always been serious and serious, and at most she would just make a harmless joke.

The result is now...

"...There are no difficult opponents, but there are a few difficult people."

Yao Wan's tone was gentle, but it seemed as if she was talking about something insignificant, but it also attracted Xiao Yan's attention.

"Difficult person?"

Xiao Yan knew without having to guess that some people must be flies, buzzing and flying around.

"Yes, Yao Tian from the Yao Clan and Lei Xiao from the Thunder Clan, they are the most annoying. If you meet them, give me a good beating - can you do it?"

Yaowan's tone was full of resentment. Even though she spent most of this year practicing in the inheritance place, she only understood how troublesome this kind of thing was after being annoyed once or twice.

"If I can't even do this, what qualifications do I have to stand by your side?"

It's just different from being simply encouraged by Yao Wan, but the seriousness on Xiao Yan's face has never faded from the beginning to the end. This point will have no impact whether Wan'er says it or not.

"Hmph, then I'll wait. When I finally take the stage, the person standing on the field will be you."

After all, Xiao Yan was still the same Xiao Yan. Yao Wan sighed quietly and couldn't help but wonder if she was really dressed too tightly and wrapped up like a rice dumpling, making herself unattractive. Xiao Yan didn't seem to be moved at all.

No, that's not right...

How could she have such an idea?

Yao Wan quickly shook her head and got rid of these random thoughts. It would be too ridiculous for this kind of thing to happen to her...

Fortunately, Xiao Yan didn't follow her down the slope just now, otherwise she wouldn't know how it would end.

With this thought in mind, Yao Wan thought, the space was slightly distorted, and she moved to a distance with Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's eyes blurred, and then he fell down on a grassy field. He subconsciously looked around to find where he was, trying to reposition himself where he was now.

Yaowan was quietly looking at the sunset that was about to set. The red gold blended with gold and red covered their figures with a thin veil, and she breathed out a soft breath. Qi, the ring between her jade fingers flickered, and the cloak and hat turned into a black stream of light, which penetrated into her ring and disappeared.

Under the black cloak, the breeze mixed with the fresh scent of grass and leaves blew by, slightly lifting the hem of the hanging skirt of the herb. Xiao Yan stood up slowly. This was the first time he had seen Wan'er wearing this dress.

"This place is not far from my cave. It is considered my territory. Children from other clans, including cats and dogs, cannot enter."

Looking at the sunset slowly sinking into the horizon below the sacred mountain, the corners of Yao Wan's mouth raised slightly, with a hint of showoff in her tone. This was everything that belonged to her.

Xiao Yan came back to his senses. In this way, this moment was also his honor.

"That's right, Wan'er."

"Huh? If you have something to say, just say it, but don't be coy. It's not like you at all."

Unknowingly, Yao Wan no longer resisted the name 'Wan'er', and even when Xiao Yan shouted, Yao Wan would subconsciously follow the sound.

Following Yao Wan's subconscious answer, Xiao Yan was very direct and took out the pair of things that had been kept here for a long time from his Najie.

"Do you still recognize it?"

The particularly familiar azure earrings with jingling tassels reappeared in Yaowan's sight, causing her to raise her eyebrows slightly.

"I thought you had thrown it away."

"I have to keep this even if I throw away my life."

As Xiao Yan spoke, he took the initiative to put on the pair of tassel-shaped earrings for her again. Yao Wan was very familiar with them, so she let him raise his hand to put them on for her.


Naturally, it was put on, but it was just a pair of earrings, and it didn't take much time. It was just accompanied by Yao Wan's light smile, and at the same time, there was an unexpected hug from him.

There was nothing overly presumptuous, he just took advantage of the situation and held her firmly in his arms.

Yao Wan was a little surprised. The familiar hot breath lingered on the tip of her nose, but it made people inexplicably reassured.

"I miss you so much, Wan'er."

Holding that soft and delicate body in his arms, Xiao Yan could feel that he was really not dreaming.

"...I thought, I thought I would never see you again."

Xiao Yan slowly hugged Yaowan tightly and lowered his voice. The forced separation in the ruins of forgetfulness was too profound for anyone to be unforgettable. How could it be so easily forgotten?


Yao Wan slowly came back to her senses and couldn't help but said softly.

"But it's my fault..."

Yao Wan subconsciously moved her gaze away, staring subconsciously at the dark night under the setting sun.

Xiao Yan hugged Yaowan tightly. He didn't want to do anything at the moment. He just wanted to hold her like this and feel her body temperature and breath more.

Yao Wan raised his hand slightly awkwardly, and then gently hugged Xiao Yan's waist.

It was hot, but with an indescribable, familiar and reassuring breath that lingered on the tip of my nose.

"wait for me."

Xiao Yan's breath hit her ears. There was obviously no ambiguity in his tone, but she still felt a little weak.

She couldn't help but pursed her lips slightly, and not to be outdone, she straightened her body, squeezing Xiao Yan's hot chest, and the warm breath she exhaled from her mouth and nose seemed to be gently biting his ear.

"...It's okay, I'll wait for you."

Yao Wan whispered in Xiao Yan's ear.

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