On the dark red flaming sword, the strange fire was entangled, like a living thing, flowing endlessly, and under this amazing splendor, there was a terrifying destructive and violent force hidden.

Xiao Yan swung the flaming sword in his hand with all his strength, and then collided with the broken stone hammer under the gaze of countless eyes. The hot flames and dazzling golden light, both of which were attacks containing terrible energy, collided fiercely like meteorites at this moment.

But unexpectedly, under this terrifying attack, there was no sound at all, only the vaguely visible space fluctuations were surging and overlapping, the strange fire and gold were entangled together, and the backs of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were like a huge lens refracting and spreading their own colors, dividing the two realms of space, constantly eroding each other, and where the light intersected, the empty space was constantly repeating the cycle of fragmentation and healing.

Outside the arena, there was silence, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the Flame Sword and the Stone Hammer. Although there was no expected loud noise, the fluctuations from the space were enough to make people feel the power of these two terrifying energies.

Could it be?

Many people's minds were stirring uncontrollably, and they were actually not over yet?

Even if it was against Yao Wan?

Yao Wanhuo was relieved, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that this kid had a lot of cards.

Seeing Xiao Yan turn the disadvantage around in an instant, dazzling sparks and golden debris flew everywhere, illuminating the profiles of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan. The light golden eyes stared straight at Xiao Yan in front of him, and Xiao Yan was also staring at her, his eyes fixed.

...Amazing, the fighting skills that were taught and used once at the beginning, and now they have also learned it.

She couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart, and Xiao Yan's eyes seemed to answer her silently with his eyes.

...Of course, I want to stand by your side, how can I just walk away in such a hurry?


The corners of their mouths rose slightly in tacit understanding.

At the same time, Yao Wan held the stone hammer and Xiao Yan held the flame sword, pulled away slightly, and then burst out with all their strength, slashing at each other.

After the extreme strange silence, there was a terrifying shock, and even the soul was pierced by this roar.




The flame sword collided with the stone hammer, and the sword body forged by the strange fire broke into countless fine golden cracks like spider webs under the fierce knocking of the stone hammer. The stone hammer, which was already on the verge of breaking, made a dull and sad cry under the heavy burden.

With the last moment of slashing at each other, the weapons in Xiao Yan and Yao Wan's hands collapsed, bursting out extremely terrifying energy, sweeping across the entire space in an instant, and even the two of them were not spared and were blown away together.

This time, neither Xiao Yan nor Yao Wan felt good. Yao Wan felt worse than Xiao Yan. The impact that she had not specially protected against instantly acted on her body, which was enough to make her feel dizzy.

But she knew very well what she needed to do next.

With a thought, the black thunder that had just driven away the fire spirit gathered from her palm and condensed into a pitch-black lightning spear. She threw it out and pierced Xiao Yan directly.

Xiao Yan immediately summoned the strange fire ruler. The heavy fire ruler directly split the explosive lightning spear into two. Then he stomped his feet in the air, and the space was slightly distorted. In just a moment, he rushed straight to Yao Wan's face.

Yao Wan slightly leaned forward, and gently hooked her slender jade finger. The black thunder on her finger tip also became a long whip. With a flick of her white wrist, she dodged the wide-open fire ruler and restrained Xiao Yan's wrist holding the fire ruler. Xiao Yan's direct physical contact with the black magic thunder made him lose strength in an instant, even with the protection of the Dharma body.

The intense stinging feeling of the black magic thunder entering his body made Xiao Yan grit his teeth immediately, but with a flick of his wrist, the falling fire ruler split the long whip formed by the black magic thunder into two.

The long whip sizzled in Yao Wan's palm, and Xiao Yan's face was beating uncontrollably. This was really not him winking intentionally, but simply being electrocuted.

Yao Wan stopped joking with him, and danced the thunder whip in her hand, like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue. Then, with only a slight shake of her white wrist, the thunder whip was like a spear, and a black light flashed, piercing Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was not afraid either. He waved the fire ruler in his hand and faced Yao Wan's thunder whip impartially. The fire ruler and thunder whip collided with each other, like a rain curtain, but more like a blooming fire tree in the deep night, which was really gorgeous and tore the Dou Sheng space that the elders of the Yao clan barely maintained in the outside world.

But neither of them could fully deal with the fire ruler and thunder whip from each other. Occasionally, some of them fell on their bodies accidentally, which was very painful.

Knowing that it was not a good idea to compete with Xiao Yan in close combat, the thunder whip in his hand once again manifested into a ferocious dragon shape, temporarily blocking Xiao Yan's fire ruler, and then immediately retreated, and thunder suddenly appeared in the center of the jade palm.

A palm wrapped in black magic thunder came, and Xiao Yan had almost no time to think. The fire ruler in his hand melted immediately, wrapped in his palm, and clenched into a fist.

The six-color fire instantly merged into one, and the force of a fist directly faced Yao Wan's palm.

Compared with the collision between the flame sword and the stone hammer just now, the movement this time was actually small.

But it was not pleasant for both of them.

“Cough cough cough cough!”

Xiao Yan didn't even have time to gather his energy and adjust his breathing. His body felt as if the gun had suddenly stopped firing. The collision between the strange fire and the black magic thunder not only occurred outside his body, but also inside his body. Xiao Yan, who was burning with internal organs, suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat and a mouthful of blood gushed out with a cough. Even with the protection of the Dharma body, he had never received such damage.

Although Yao Wan was not as bad as Xiao Yan, she did not look calm and just gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

He could force Yao Wan to this point...

Although Yao Wan's actions were not conspicuous, they were naturally noticed under the attention of everyone at this moment.

Regardless of the final result, Xiao Yan's name must have been enough to spread throughout the eight clans.

But even so, it was impossible to avoid the situation that Xiao Yan was now facing, where all his trump cards had been revealed and the defeat was inevitable.

Although Yao Wan was struggling with him for a while, the gap between the two was not something Xiao Yan could close with his secret method. Besides, he had a secret method, and Yao Wan naturally had a secret method, which was even more terrifying and exaggerated than Xiao Yan's Three Mysterious Changes of Sky Fire.

Xiao Yan's defeat was certain.

Yao Wan knew that Xiao Yan would definitely not admit defeat, so she simply said, "Do you want me to give you a decent death?"

As she spoke, the black magic thunder hovering in her palm suddenly twisted and trembled, as if it felt something very terrifying, and immediately began to tremble and struggle, but in Yao Wan's palm, it naturally had no chance to resist. A trace of red to black light mixed with the blackness of the black magic thunder, making the black magic thunder look no longer so pure.

Xiao Yan, who had long known what was the most terrifying and deadly thing on Yao Wan, immediately identified what it was.

"Today I will teach you the second move."

She clenched her palms and revealed a trace of red thunder in the darkness, condensing into a sword shape. Suddenly, the energy far surpassing all the previous moves gathered on the sword.

"This move is called, Flame Sword, Burning Sea."

The soft and calm voice echoed inside and outside the Dou Sheng space, as if announcing that Xiao Yan had reached the end.

The pressure that far surpassed Yao Tian's heavenly fighting skills spread, and even the outside of the Dou Sheng space was not immune.

"Is it going to lose?"

Many people whispered in their hearts, but they no longer had any jealousy or gloating emotions. They felt normal, but they couldn't help but feel regretful.

Others had almost confirmed Xiao Yan's defeat, but Xiao Yan also knew that Wan'er wanted to give him a decent and last chance.

It's better to say that all his efforts since challenging her were just for this opportunity.

Following his thoughts, the six-colored fire in Xiao Yan's palm split into six. This creation of heaven and earth, the eternal treasures surrounded him.

Almost instantly, the people of the Yao Clan and the Yan Clan could no longer sit still. Their faces changed drastically, and there was a shock and astonishment in their eyes that could not be concealed at all. It was because they understood the fire more and more that they knew how incredible it was that Xiao Yan had six kinds of fire.

"Six kinds of fire?!"

How did he do it?

"No wonder I couldn't guess what kind of fire he had for a while. It turned out to be such a reason..."

Yao Tian lowered his voice and whispered secretly, but his tone revealed a deep shock. Obviously, the impact of Xiao Yan's incident on him was no less than Yao Wan's display of her true strength.

Before they could think clearly, Xiao Yan's next move made their eyelids twitch wildly, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

The six kinds of strange fire, under Xiao Yan's control, gradually approached each other, and then merged together in a few space ripples that went from weak to strong.

"Merge strange fire?!"

Elder Huoyao couldn't even control his voice. The clan leader had been immersed in the way of fire for thousands of years, but he only merged two kinds of strange fire together. Xiao Yan wanted to merge six kinds of strange fire. Was he going to die? !

But Xiao Yan didn't have time to answer such questions at the moment. He just focused on fusing the strange fire. He no longer pursued the speed of fusion, but the degree of completion. Only in this way--

When the six kinds of strange fire slowly merged and outlined a beautiful shape, the light in the Dou Sheng space began to be distorted, and the figures of the two people projected by the light curtain also became blurred, just like a calm lake surface being thrown into a big stone. One after another, space ripples continued to spread out, and even not only the energy of the Dou Sheng space, but also the energy of the medicine world, ushered in a trace of riot.

"Is this... a sign of energy tide?"

An elder felt the movement of heaven and earth, and couldn't help but sigh.

This fusion of strange fires shocked even heaven and earth.

The faces of the elders of the eight clans at the table also changed drastically. The fusion of the six-color fire had already made them feel a bit of unusual threat.

"This Xiao Yan, actually has such a powerful fighting skill?"

Watching Xiao Yan fuse the fire together bit by bit, watching the fire lotus reveal its perfect posture in the looming, Yao Wan's flaming sword in the palm of her hand gradually condensed, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she didn't expect that there would be a day when she would be blown up by the fire lotus.

Speaking of which, it was her own fault...

After a few breaths, a six-color fire lotus slowly appeared from Xiao Yan's palm.

Seeing this, Yao Wanhuo also nodded secretly. No matter whether Xiao Yan succeeded or failed, he recognized this son-in-law of the Yao clan!

Just now he wanted to save people, but now he couldn't help but start to worry about Wan'er's safety. It must be said that the two of them are unexpectedly well-matched in this regard.

The fire lotus took shape, and Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan.

In her palm, the flame sword was horizontal, waiting for a sword to decide the outcome.

Xiao Yan looked at her and couldn't help but smile slightly, then opened his mouth slightly, and conveyed his thoughts at the moment with silent oral language.

'I'm here. '

Yao Wan wanted to nod in response, but Xiao Yan's next words made her face blush slightly. Now is not the time to say this - it's really not serious.

"Then, come on."

The sword flower in Yao Wan's hand danced, and the black thunder stained with the breath of black flame was forced by her to serve as the fuel of the flame sword, burning fiercely.


Xiao Yan pushed lightly, but the palm-sized fire lotus flowed slightly and flew out of Xiao Yan's palm.

The two different energies collided with each other.

But this time, even the Dou Sheng space could not withstand such a terrifying energy impact and was completely shattered.

Even the Dou Sheng space could not withstand their attack?

Countless people exclaimed, only the Medicine Clan elder's face changed suddenly.

"No, the space has been broken!"

The sky above the clan monument square was torn into countless hideous cracks, and countless flames flew out of the cracks, burning fiercely, and once again expanded these cracks that were completely collapsing.

Even if the Medicine Clan Dou Sheng tried hard to maintain the Dou Sheng space, he could not maintain a handful of quicksand that would eventually slip away from his fingertips.

Suddenly, the pressure on the Medicine Clan Dou Sheng suddenly decreased, and the collapse of the Dou Sheng space also slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Elder Wanhuo!"

"Don't talk too much, stabilize the space immediately, I want to save the eldest lady and Xiao Yan!"

Yao Wanhuo's eyelids jumped, and without waiting for others to react, he took the lead and worked with the Medicine Clan elder to stabilize the Dou Sheng space that was collapsing and self-disintegrating.

Just when Yao Wanhuo was about to rescue people, he saw Xiao Yan holding Yao Wan's hand and coming out from a huge crack of burning flames in the sky.

"I'm back! I'm back!"

Seeing the slightly embarrassed figures of Yao Wan and Xiao Yan, the elders of the Yao clan breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the battle was finally over, everyone looked at each other involuntarily. Since everyone was back, would the result be——

As if to respond to the prayers in everyone's hearts, Xiao Yan, who was covered in wounds, also felt that his condition was extremely good. He just held the fingertips of the beauty beside him, and then held her in his arms openly.

Xiao Yan's actions were enough to prove it all.

Yao Wan's pretty face, which was stained with a trace of blood, flew a red glow, but she didn't see how she struggled.

"Don't... so many people are watching..."

"... Don't, I just want everyone to see that you are mine."

Xiao Yan was unwilling to let her go at this moment.

"Yao Wan!!!!!!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan shouted, startling Yao Wan in his arms and attracting the attention of everyone.

"——Ah? W-what?"

Yao Wan subconsciously looked up at Xiao Yan, but she never expected that the response she received was a hot, salty, and bloody lip.

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