Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 535 Who said I like you!

Yao Wan was slightly startled, and then the corners of her mouth raised slightly involuntarily.

"Hmph, keep enduring it, I will remove the remaining death energy and black magic thunder from your body."

As he spoke, the beauty in front of Xiao Yan lowered her head slightly, and gently moved her slender jade fingers, as if pulling a thread. The wound where Xiao Yan had applied a layer of medicine basically no longer hurt, but it just felt a little itchy. , but he wasn't sure whether it was because the wound was healing or because the beauty was in his arms.

"Actually, it's not necessary. I'll run the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique a few more times and it'll be almost clean."

Xiao Yan smiled heartlessly: "Wan'er succeeded anyway, I don't mind it."


Yao Wan remained silent, but suddenly she exerted force on her fingertips, and a trace of dark red breath was pulled out from the wound, but the pain made Xiao Yan wail.

" hurts, it hurts, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"You still know it hurts."

Yao Wan almost laughed out loud at Xiao Yan's words, and naturally she couldn't be so gentle anymore.

"Isn't this because Wan'er is silent and wants to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere?"

Xiao Yan sneered, and his restless hands secretly raised up, trying to take the opportunity to wrap his arms around Yaowan's slender waist.

Yao Wan had been concentrating on the wounds on Xiao Yan's body, so she naturally didn't pay attention to Xiao Yan's little actions. She just treated the wounds and said casually: "I was almost paralyzed by your fire lotus, and I was covered in injuries. Do you think I can still be in the mood to talk now?"

Xiao Yan immediately controlled his hand.

"Then why don't Wan'er hit you again? This time I promise not to hit you back or curse you back."

Seeing the blood on Wan'er's body condensed into ugly blood stains, Xiao Yan felt distressed. It was one thing to act with such determination, but it was another thing to feel distressed.

How can anyone really be willing to take action? After all, it still hit me, and it hurts in my heart.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to come here like this. It's like I have some violent tendencies."

Yaowan didn't take this seriously at all, and just said casually: "It's not like I don't know why you did this. I'm not that pretentious. Don't compare me with other women. I am who I am, and I'm different. Fireworks.”

"That's quite true."

Xiao Yan let out a long breath and sighed. Yao Wan's last words made him feel a little dazed. He felt that they sounded familiar. He seemed to have heard them somewhere, but he couldn't remember them.

He turned his head slightly and noticed that her fingertips were trembling slightly.

"Huh... ok... go back and run the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique a few times and you should be fine."

After completely removing the remaining death energy from Xiao Yan's body, Yao Wan also breathed a sigh of relief. Because he had been in contact with the Flame of Life for a long time, Yao Wan actually knew that there would be no sequelae if he borrowed the power of the Flame of Life for no reason. , but it is best not to have any dependence on it. She naturally wants to avoid using the Flame of Life on Xiao Yan as much as possible if it is allowed.

"Wan'er... does it hurt?"

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan. Some of the people in front of him looked a little sluggish. Although their auras were not withered, they were not much better.

"It doesn't hurt at all...but I may really need to take a rest..."

Yaowan subconsciously wanted to pull away her fingertips, but she felt a hot and rough slender hand gently pinch her wrist, making her unable to escape.

"Don't worry about me... I have the fire of life, so I can't die anyway."

"But Wan'er's dharma body can't completely avoid the fire spread by the fire lotus explosion, right?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously said, if he was blasted too many times by the fire lotus, how could he not know what the sequelae would be?

"You...what do you want to do?"

Yaowan couldn't help but take a breath, but couldn't help but feel a little nervous for no reason.

"Help you heal."

Xiao Yan only felt that he had never spoken so righteously before, and he had even thought out his next words. Of course I am here to help heal the injury!

But when it was time to say this, Xiao Yan felt that he really had no shame to say it.

"...Then I'll turn around."

Yaowan murmured as softly as a mosquito, but Xiao Yan's mind suddenly went blank.

Before Xiao Yan could respond, he saw the beauty in front of him slowly turning around with a hint of unnatural blush on her cheeks.

"I'm warning you, don't do anything unnecessary."

Yaowan's voice came from before him, but it was filled with helpless embarrassment.

Xiao Yan didn't answer. He just looked down at her tattered clothes, which were stained with blood, but not much skin could be seen. It seemed like a wound accidentally left when she pulled him out of the Dou Sheng space at the end. He twitched slightly. The belt around Yaowan's waist and the clothes that originally barely fit her delicate body became a little loose, but Xiao Yan was not in the mood to appreciate it, and saw that the delicate body of the person in front of him was out of control. The ground trembled.

While trying to avoid touching the wound, Xiao Yan gently took off the coat and lining of the medicine shoot. Under the ties, blood stains were dotted on the jade back that was a little less blood-colored, but still a bit dusty. A different kind of beauty.

"Such a strong fire, no wonder you are not in a hurry to use the flame of life to heal the wound."

As he spoke, Xiao Yan imitated Yao Wan's method of extracting the dead air just now. A thread of soul was hooked on his fingertips, and he gently tapped into Yao Wan's delicate body, drawing the strands of rich fire into her body.

"Huh... Tsk."

Yao Wan took a breath of cold air, and then silently bit her lower lip to prevent herself from making any sound.

Xiao Yan was silent, and then put a hand on her lips.

"If it hurts, bite me."

Xiao Yan said softly. Although Yao Wan was inevitably a little resistant at the first time, she still bit it silently after a pause.

She didn't use much force, and when Xiao Yan felt the pain on his fingertips, it was over.

When he realized that the fire in his body was completely gone, the green flame replaced her plain silk skirt, wrapped up the ice-like jade bones in front of him, removed the blood stains, and healed the wound.

The appearance of rebirth from the fire was like the immortal bird in the memory.

After a while, the flame of life gradually extinguished, and Yao Wan's jade back also returned to its original state, which made Xiao Yan feel relieved.

But when the flame of life dissipated, the spring light that appeared by chance was inevitably seen clearly by Xiao Yan.

The icy and jade-like bones that were deliberately hidden on weekdays attracted Xiao Yan's eyes for a while, but he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart that it was a pity that Wan'er usually wore so tightly.

What's the saying? Oh, small branches bear great fruits.

Xiao Yan gave a particularly faithful and accurate evaluation with a rigorous and objective attitude.


Yao Wan exhaled lightly, but suddenly realized that she was not the only one in the cave now.

Subconsciously turning her head, when she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in her peripheral vision, Yao Wan could only bear the embarrassment of shame and anger and took out a large robe from her ring to cover her too eye-catching smooth body.

Even though she had spent more time than she had in her previous life with this perfect body that was enough to make women envious and jealous, she still couldn't remain calm in this situation.

Xiao Yan was very smart to remain silent throughout the whole process. They had known each other for ten years, so he knew that Wan'er was thin-skinned. It was better to pretend that nothing had happened.

"... Xiao Yan, did you... see it?"

Yao Wan's voice broke the silence between the two.


Xiao Yan felt that he had never answered so calmly before, and even he felt a little incredible. Perhaps this was the so-called desire to survive.

He whispered secretly.


Yao Wan easily believed Xiao Yan's words, which made Xiao Yan particularly moved.

"Then is my figure good?"


Xiao Yan answered without thinking, and then suddenly realized what he had said.

This was over.

"Wait - can I ask Wan'er one last question before I die?"

Before Yao Wan took action, Xiao Yan said sincerely, looking like he was ready to die.

"You say."

When a person is about to die, his words are good. Yao Wan felt that it was necessary to fulfill the wish of a dying person.

"Wan'er, do you regret it?"

Xiao Yan's question caused the beauty in front of him to be slightly stunned: "When did you become so fussy? Aren't you quite straightforward in front of other people?"

"Just do what you want to do well, don't always think about it, I have never said that I regret it, right?"

As she said, Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh: "But to be honest, I did want to keep a certain distance from you at the beginning, especially after we parted at Fenglei Pavilion... I told you last time, right?"

Just while she was mumbling to herself, she gradually shifted her sight.

"It's just that after going through the Ruins of Oblivion, I have almost thought it through. I'm probably going to be entangled with you for the rest of my life."

"If it happens again, will Wan'er go to the Ruins of Oblivion with me?"


Yao Wan's answer had almost no time to think, let alone any hesitation.

"If I don't go to the Ruins of Oblivion with you, I hope you die?"

"I suddenly found that Wan'er is actually quite awkward."

"Ah? What's wrong with me?"

Yao Wan, who came to her senses, couldn't help but ask back, but was boldly embraced by Xiao Yan. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and she obviously didn't expect him to do this.

"After saying so much, can't Wan'er be as frank as me and say to me 'I like you'? Hmm?"

The wound on her body had just healed, and Xiao Yan guessed that Wan'er must be afraid to struggle too much because she was worried about the wound on her body.

Yao Wan was startled, and her originally pale cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Who, who said I like you!"

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