Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 541: The elixir is completed and another surprising change occurs

After several days of refining, Xiao Yan had already extracted all the medicinal liquids needed in the recipe. Then he clenched his palms that controlled the fire dragon into fists. The fire dragon on the strange fire cauldron swung its long body at any time, and then opened its mouth to hold its tail, forming a ring, in which the extracted medicinal liquid began to merge.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Yan's strength was unmatched among the younger generation, and I didn't expect that his alchemy skills were so amazing."

"That may not be the case. The path of alchemy is not that easy to achieve."

Some people still didn't give up.

But soon, Xiao Yan would teach them a lesson.

With the fire dragon biting its tail, the elixir merged, which had reached the most critical step. Xiao Yan was particularly absorbed, and then he put his hands together, condensed a particularly strong soul power, and completely merged the medicinal liquid together.


A muffled sound came from the sky. Xiao Yan didn't even have time to see what the pill in the strange fire cauldron looked like. Above the sky, a huge pill thunder tribulation cloud spanning thousands of feet began to appear on the medicine refining square at this moment. The thunder in the dim tribulation cloud was surging like a snake, and countless lightning flashes showed different colors. If you count carefully, there are as many as seven colors.

"Xiao Yan has made the pill?!"

"It's so fast?"

"The pill thunder tribulation cloud has appeared, seven colors, and he refined an eighth-grade, seven-color pill?"

Even the people of the Medicine Clan couldn't help but smack their lips. Being able to refine an eighth-grade pill is indeed not a rare thing in the Medicine Clan, but there are not many people who can refine an eighth-grade pill at such an age and with such cultivation. There will be no more than five people in the younger generation of the Medicine Clan.

While they were shocked and stunned, many people could only secretly rejoice in their hearts. Fortunately, Xiao Yan would not surpass his peers in strength and alchemy. At least in terms of alchemy, there was still a young lady among his peers in the Yao Clan.

Xiao Yan did not know what those who were watching him were thinking, and he naturally did not care about it. Now, the only obstacle in front of him was the Dan Lei. How could he retreat?

Because of this, Xiao Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the thunder that was brewing and could fall at any time. A trace of purple-gold light and shadow also emerged from his body. Indistinctly, the roar of the dragon and phoenix echoed between heaven and earth. On Xiao Yan's Dharma body, the dragon and phoenix leaped, circled and danced, and then merged into his Dharma body again.

Such a magical scene naturally caused everyone to be dumbfounded and shocked.

Yao Xingji and Qinglin naturally also deeply reflected Xiao Yan's figure at this moment, which seemed to be surrounded by dragons and phoenixes. Although Yao Xingji felt that the skills used by Xiao Yan were always a bit inexplicably similar to the Glazed Body Shaping Technique, the power and aura of the supreme beast that only existed in the legend were obviously not something that could be faked by just a small change in the operation of the skills.

Could it be the legendary inheritance of the dragon and phoenix?

Yao Xingji couldn't help but murmur in his heart, but his understanding of the dragon and phoenix was just knowing the name, and at most he could only distinguish that the skills used by Xiao Yan should not be the Glazed Body Shaping Technique.

Qinglin's feelings were more direct. When she caught a glimpse of the dragon and phoenix phantom that flashed by Xiao Yan, Qinglin's delicate body trembled slightly uncontrollably. The terrifying oppression of the supreme beast acted on her heart, making her, who had the blood of a snake man, terrified. There was no doubt that it was indeed the real dragon and phoenix, otherwise how could she be so scared?

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At the same time, thunder exploded, and the ripples of space echoed under Xiao Yan's footsteps, pushing him into the dark thundercloud, and then several lightning bolts of different colors fell from the sky and hit Xiao Yan directly.

Xiao Yan's figure met the bombardment from the pill thunder impartially, but the more the seven-colored pill thunder bombarded Xiao Yan, the more intense the purple-gold brilliance on his body became, and finally formed a layer of scale-like patterns.

Seeing this scene, Yao Feng couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of brilliance.

Xiao Yan now has some experience in meeting the pill thunder, so naturally he is familiar with everything, and even made his Liuli Shaping Body Art become a little stronger again, but there is still a distance that cannot be ignored from the next realm, the response body.

He reached out and swept his hand in front of him, dispersing the calamity cloud that was already dispersing. Then, Xiao Yan, who was slowly falling, raised his hand and waved. A blue and white pill fell into his palm, as bright and smooth as jade, and was placed in a jade bottle by him.

But before he turned around, he heard strange footsteps approaching.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, but his intuition trained by years of walking made him alert.

He turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man who was slowly walking in front of him. For some reason, he felt that this man was indescribably annoying, but he also knew that the Medicine Clan was not a monolithic entity. In the past, the Xiao family was such a small place, and his father and the three elders were scolded every day, not to mention the Medicine Clan, a large family in its own world? Just thinking about it, you know it is unlikely.

Because of this, there are people like Wan'er in the Medicine Clan who are so lovable, and naturally there are people who are annoying.

It seems that his luck is not very good today.

"Eighth-grade seven-color elixir... it's quite interesting."

"You are...?"

Xiao Yan calmly put away the Qinglian Duer Dan, his eyes unchanged.

"Haha, Chief Punishment Elder Yao Feng, I'm lucky enough to meet brother Xiao Yan today."

"Xing Si? Yaofeng?"

Xiao Yan frowned slightly. He had never heard of this name, but the Criminal Division was familiar to him. It was about the whole story of the teacher being expelled from the Yao Clan. The clan elder who was in charge of the Yao Clan’s punishment trial and the teacher were expelled from the Yao Clan. Wan Gui was the top talker in the Criminal Division, and as a result, his poor impression of the person in front of him suddenly fell to the freezing point.

"That's right, the Criminal Division is the agency in charge of the punishment and trial of our Yao Clan."

Yao Feng smiled hypocritically and said: "I wonder if brother Xiao Yan is interested in coming to our Criminal Division to sit down. I can show you around, which can be regarded as fulfilling the friendship of the landlord?"

Yao Feng's words suddenly caused many people watching to talk.

"No one invites guests to visit the prison..."

"Hush, don't talk too much. It seems that the elder of the Criminal Division intends to look good to Xiao Yan..."

"Because he is the eldest lady's fiancé...?"

"Isn't it true? Who doesn't know that the eldest lady has a lot of rifts with the Criminal Division... She wants to take action on her fiancé."

Someone lowered his voice and said, but Xiao Yan was too lazy to waste any more time with him and said, "No need, I still have something to do, so I don't need the elder of the Criminal Division to accompany me."

"I heard that the Yao Clan's Criminal Division is particularly busy. Elder Yao Feng has a lot of things to do, so I won't bother him any more."

Xiao Yan replied calmly and ignored Yao Feng's deliberate attempt to make things difficult.

Although he didn't know how people could bite others when they saw him, Xiao Yan was obviously not so kind-hearted as to let wild dogs on the roadside bite him. He knew that there might be a scam, so he wanted to leave and wait until he found Wan'er before making further plans.

After saying that, Xiao Yan staggered away from Yao Feng and wanted to turn around and leave, but Yao Feng sneered and said: "Brother Xiao Yan wants to leave, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. The Yao Clan Criminal Division will investigate." No one can escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thrust out a palm. The opportunity was so rare, so naturally he had to capture this person first and then get him to the Criminal Division.

Xiao Yan also didn't expect that Yaofeng would actually dare to attack directly. Although he didn't expect it, his instinctive perception of danger that he had cultivated through fighting all the way reacted and he immediately punched out, palms facing each other, stimulating There was an extremely strong impact, no less than the fluctuations when the elixir was fused just now, spreading from the high platform.


At the same time as an extremely low roar exploded, Xiao Yan took ten steps back before he could stabilize his figure. However, Yao Feng did not remain motionless, and also took two steps back.

The original sneer on Yao Feng's face gradually dissipated, and then a trace of dignity emerged. After all, he was worthy of being a genius who dominated the younger generation of the eight tribes. Even if he was only a mere four-star Dou Zun, he should not be underestimated.

Xiao Yan, who stabilized his body, couldn't help but twist his neck. He was not injured, but frowned slightly. After all, he was from the Eight Ancient Clan and had a profound background. The ordinary-looking middle-aged man in front of him had already broken through the shackles of Dou Zun.

Half Saint.

Before Xiao Yan could take the initiative to speak, Yao Feng dusted off the dust on his body, snorted coldly, and then said: "Xiao Yan, where did the glazed body shaping technique you practice come from?!"

"Liu Li Body Sculpting Technique?"

Xiao Yan immediately realized what this guy was planning.

"I don't know anything about the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique, so don't talk nonsense here."

Xiao Yan's mind was slightly moved. He had used the Glazed Body Shaping Technique before when he wanted to marry someone. Many elders of the Medicine Clan had seen it at that time, including Elder Wanhuo. However, no one had any objections, which was enough to confirm that after Long After the transformation of Phoenix Power, at least on the surface, it has become sufficiently different from the orthodox Glazed Body Sculpting Technique. In comparison, this similarity is not worth putting on the table at all.

The few words spoken by others just now made Xiao Yan immediately realize that this guy was not asking whether he had practiced the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique, but simply wanted to operate on him.

He had just come to the Yao Clan, and his foundation was not stable, and he had never belonged to any powerful force. The Xiao Clan had long since died out, so he saw that he was easy to bully.

The intrigue among the medicine clan is really boring and disgusting.

Xiao Yan shook his head. He suddenly understood why Wan'er had to run away from home suddenly.

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