Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 548 Meeting the Parents

In the end, Yaodan did not refuse, but arranged a relatively tight and suitable time for the two of them and then let them leave.

Both of them were a little surprised. Although they were determined to get this trip, they really didn't expect that the clan leader would agree so readily.

Accompanied by a loud phoenix call among the Medicine Clan, the colorful divine bird spread its wings and flew towards the exit of the Medicine World.

"Master, where are we going?"

The demon phoenix beneath her made a sweet and clear female voice. Yao Wan gently stroked the smooth and beautiful feathers of the demon phoenix and said: "In the northwest continent, Xiao Yan and I will open a space tunnel. You just need to fly."


Feng Qing'er responded meekly, and then flew out of the huge gate of the medicine world.

At the same time, somewhere in the medicine world, Yao Wangui looked at the iridescent light with disgust, and couldn't help but murmured softly: "What the hell is this? Is that little beast Yao Wan crazy?"

He naturally recognizes the brilliant colors that belong exclusively to the Sky Demon Phoenix.

Therefore, after he subconsciously murmured to himself, Yao Wangui suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly revealed a dangerous and vicious light.

Then he can get up.

"Where are you going, elder?"

"Go to the clan ancestral hall and ask for a jade talisman."

There was a hint of bone-chilling coldness in Yao Wangui's words.


On the way to the northwest continent, Yao Wan and Xiao Yan jointly opened up an ultra-long-distance space tunnel, which led directly from the southern region of Zhongzhou to the northwest continent, making this journey much faster.

On the way back to the northwest continent, Yao Wan had been quietly thinking about how to face Xiao Yan's parents next.

Different from Xiao Yan facing Yao Dan, what Xiao Yan needs to do is particularly arduous. Starting from a humble beginning, he has to be recognized by a big family that has reached the top of the world. However, it is also very straightforward. Yao Wan His own recognition and his ability to overpower the geniuses of the eight tribes were enough for Yao Dan to trust Yao Wan to him.

Yaowan's situation was exactly the opposite of Xiao Yan's. The two parties had been in contact with each other for a long time, but obviously not that much. The other party had long recognized her, but she was the one who was not mentally prepared from the beginning to the end.

After all, she couldn't blame anyone else for the boomerang. She threw it out herself, but after ten years, she didn't expect it to fly back.

"What's wrong with Wan'er?"

Xiao Yan sat next to Yao Wan and said softly.

"...You still haven't figured out how to explain it to your father and the others later?"

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, which made Yao Wan feel even more uncomfortable. She couldn't help but poke Xiao Yan lightly, and she didn't want to sit with him anymore.

"Yeah - feel free to laugh at me."

"When did I say I wanted to laugh at Wan'er?"

"Humph, I'm sorry you don't have the courage."

Yao Wan snorted, but still found it difficult to relax. It was obviously something that had been foreseen, but the result was that she was a little... nervous or something... In short, she couldn't calm down.

Seeing Xiao Yan staying by her side without any worry at all, Yao Wan curled her lips and said, "Since I'm not having a good time, don't even think about feeling better." Then she said immediately: "What did you say, after you go back?" Things are no easier than mine... What are you going to do about Queen Medusa? Xiao... your child can probably call him daddy..."

Yao Wan stopped talking and looked at Xiao Yan eagerly, waiting for his reaction.

Yao Wan really doesn't have any prejudice against the two women. Even now, it is still the case. It's better to forget about expecting her to do some palace drama like a jealous lady. Just thinking about it makes her feel tired. Everyone is worried. He's not such a bad person. He likes that little girl Xiao Xiao, so why should he live in such intrigues?

Even Xiao Xun'er is the same. If she really gets married with Xiao Yan in the future, she won't need to apologize or anything. It's enough for everyone to live in harmony. Yao Wan thinks that she is quite broad-minded.

But what surprised Yao Wan was that Xiao Yan, who was still frowning when he talked about this matter, was now relieved.

"Well, I know that, so when I go back this time, I will also give her a title and take good care of our children with her."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, but when he saw Yao Wan's somewhat unbelievable expression, he couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong? Wan'er seems to be looking forward to my distress?"

"Ah - it's nothing, I'm just a little surprised all of a sudden. Why did you think so suddenly?"

Yao Wan suddenly turned her head away from Xiao Yan and said.

"All of a sudden? No, I've been thinking about it for a long time - it's because Wan'er has had so little contact with me in the past few years that she has this impression, right?"

Xiao Yan chuckled and took Yao Wan's hand, and then said very seriously: "I'm sorry for you, Wan'er."

"Tsk, don't say such disgusting things to me all of a sudden. I don't blame you..."

Yao Wan sighed: "I don't care about my own overturning. It's most likely my fault that you will become like this. I have no intention of blaming it on you."

"I'm not only sorry for you, but also for Xun'er and the others."

"So I can't give you any guarantee of staying together for a lifetime. I can only spend my whole life on you and pay it back slowly."


Yao Wan nodded slightly and took the initiative to clasp Xiao Yan's hand: "Don't worry, I'm here. After you return to Xiao's house, I will provide you with assistance as usual."

However, as soon as the words fell, Yao Wan realized that she seemed to be a little biased.

After all, it seemed a little too wild for her to say this.


The Jia Ma Empire today can be said to be peaceful. Although there are still some waves from time to time, there will not be any more waves.

In the imperial capital, the Xiao Mansion is peaceful, but today, a divine bird came from the east and the phoenix rang in the imperial capital.

This also alarmed many beings in the imperial capital, but before they could take action, they saw someone falling from the back of the divine bird and flying into the Xiao Mansion.

"I don't know how the Xiao Mansion is now..."

"Everything is the same... Last time I came back, everything was fine."

Xiao Yan was worried about his father's health, and he didn't know how his father and brothers were doing over the years.

Yao Wan was still somewhat nervous and at a loss, so when Xiao Yan saw her, his worries were relieved a little, and he couldn't help but comfort her: "Okay, it's okay, why are you so nervous, Wan'er?"

"You know nothing... How can I face something I haven't done in my previous life calmly?"

Yao Wan muttered with an unhappy face. Xiao Yan naturally knew that Wan'er was joking again, so he took her hand and Yao Wan trembled: "Let go, let go!"

But how could Xiao Yan listen to Yao Wan at this time? He walked into the gate of the Xiao family with a smile on his face.

Not long after, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Ding and Xiao Li heard the news that Xiao Yan was back.

When they hurried to the front hall with surprise and joy, they saw two particularly familiar figures sitting together.

"You have seen my father and others before, why are you so nervous?"

Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"What do you know?! Ah, when I think of the words your father and I said when we met for the last time, I... wuuuu... why did I have to say those words...!"

Yao Wan looked so depressed that she didn't know what to do.

Although Xiao Yan was amused, he really couldn't help with this matter.

But he was not curious enough to ask Wan'er what she said when she met her father for the last time. If she fainted with anger, he would be the one to be scolded.

"Yan'er! Miss Wan'er!"

While they were chatting, they heard the voice of Xiao Zhan, and casually watched the three people who were particularly familiar but had not seen for a long time slowly coming.

Xiao Zhan had never seen any particularly obvious changes, but his temples were slightly white. Although Dou Ling cultivation could prolong life, it could not ignore the flow of time.

And Xiao Ding and Xiao Li seemed more mature. Both of them had become Dou Wang.


Xiao Yan immediately stepped forward: "I haven't been with you for many years, so I'm sorry that you've been worried about me."

"It's okay--"

Xiao Zhan waved his hand: "As long as Yan'er is safe and sound."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Ding stepped forward and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder, smiling: "Long time no see, little Yanzi."

"Yes, long time no see, big brother."

Xiao Yan smiled, feeling indescribably relaxed. After working outside for a long time, he always felt an unconcealable sense of ease and warmth when he returned to his family.

"Hehe, so this girl is--?"

Xiao Li smiled even more brilliantly, and put his hand on Xiao Yan's shoulder and nodded at Yao Wan. The girl in the words also unconsciously raised her voice a little.

Xiao Li naturally recognized Yao Wan, but for this pair of lovers that he had long been optimistic about, in addition to being happy, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

As soon as Xiao Li finished speaking, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Ding couldn't help but cast their eyes on the beauty who was a little embarrassed in front of Xiao Yan.

Since it has come to this, Yao Wan simply accepted her fate.

"... Yao Wan greets Uncle Xiao Zhan."

Yao Wan bowed, but Xiao Zhan was a little surprised. He slowly opened his eyes. After living for half a lifetime, he was not so ignorant of this tone. He could not help but look at Xiao Yan.

"Yan'er, what are you and Miss Wan'er doing...?"

"... We just confirmed our relationship, but it's too early to get married."

Xiao Yan chuckled, and Xiao Zhan was slightly startled. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, okay!"

Xiao Zhan was stunned for several breaths before he came back to his senses. Then he became energetic all of a sudden and said immediately: "Why are you still standing there? Sit down quickly!"

Xiao Zhan's enthusiasm immediately frightened Yao Wan so much that she didn't know what to say and could only stare at Xiao Yan eagerly.

It's okay, Wan'er just needs to get used to it.

Xiao Yan said with a smile, but this caused Yao Wan to glare at him angrily, I am not used to your head!

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