Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 552 Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited

When Yao Wan and Medusa pulled Xiao Yan up, Xiao Yan exhaled a hot and foul breath. Yao Wan and Medusa even smelled a faint pungent smell similar to gunpowder, which made the two women frown slightly.


Xiao Yan blinked and didn't even react for a while.

Medusa couldn't help but look up at Yao Wan: "Did you teach him?"

"It wasn't me."

Yao Wan said without raising her head. How could she bear the blame? But Xiao Yan's move really scared her.

"You really are not afraid of death at all."

Yao Wan took the lead and looked at Xiao Yan. She wanted to help him up and eat a pill, but his body was as hot as a red-hot iron. Yao Wan frowned and quickly put away her hand. Instead, she wrapped Xiao Yan with the flame of life.

Although this fire lotus obviously couldn't kill Xiao Yan, it did blow him up.

Then Yao Wan took out a pill from the ring and stuffed it into Xiao Yan's mouth. The pill melted in his mouth and turned into a pure medicinal property without swallowing, flowing into Xiao Yan's limbs and bones.

"Do you feel better?"

"... A little better."

Xiao Yan was also adjusting his breathing at the same time, and then revealed a hint of smile.

"You can still laugh."

Medusa couldn't help but frown slightly, and at the same time couldn't help but look back. In the original range of a thousand miles, everything was burned to ashes, and the twisted void exploded into a big pit along with the terrifying conflict of the strange fire.

Medusa's eyebrows rose slightly. Even though she was already in the Dou Zun realm, she never thought that Xiao Yan's attack would be far beyond her imagination.

As for the original Shi Ming Sect, it had already turned into ashes and returned to nothingness. Even the many Soul Palace masters sitting in it did not even react at all.

When they realized that a disaster was coming, they turned into ashes the next moment, without any resistance.

Xiao Yan was undoubtedly very satisfied with this effect, even a little too satisfied.

If Xiao Yan were to fight Yao Feng again, and let go of his hands and feet, Xiao Yan guaranteed that he would not leave even ashes on him with one fire lotus.

Because of this, Xiao Yan, who was gradually recovering, did not show any frustration on his face, but instead showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

As a result, before he could say anything, he was hit by Yao Wan and coughed lightly.

"Ahem! Wan'er, can't you be gentler... I am also a wounded soldier after all..."

"Wounded soldiers are wounded soldiers, but this is the first time I have seen someone who has made himself a wounded soldier."

Yao Wan did not spare Xiao Yan any mercy, and Medusa did not have a good face for him, so the two girls took him back to the Jiama Empire without any agreement.

Xiao Xiao had been looking forward to their return. As soon as Xiao Yan and the two girls landed, they saw the cute girl running over, and the three of them couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

"Dad, mom, and sister are back?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao's sweet voice melted Xiao Yan's heart. Even though he felt weak at the moment, he couldn't help but rub Xiao Xiaoxiao's little head.

"Well, my daughter is so good."

But Yao Wan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed in her smile. Of the two titles of aunt and sister, she naturally preferred to hear Xiao Xiaoxiao call her sister, but when this sister was put together with her parents, Yao Wan still felt that something was wrong.

Then how could she make up for the lack of this generation?

With a hint of embarrassment, Yao Wan picked up Xiao Xiaoxiao and said, "Little guy, come and play with daddy later, okay?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because your daddy is injured and needs your sister to heal him."

"Why did daddy get injured?"

"Because he littered and set off fireworks and firecrackers, little guy, don't learn from him."


Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded obediently. Although she didn't know what her sister meant, she naturally believed her sister and said, "Then can your sister play with me later?"

"Okay, let's make a pinky promise."

Yao Wan smiled and coaxed Xiao Xiaoxiao, which surprised many people in the Xiao family.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and heal you. I should go to accompany Xiao Xiaoxiao."

After coaxing Xiao Xiao with sweet words, Yao Wan turned her head and glanced at Xiao Yan, and her face was no longer good. The smile on Xiao Yan's face gradually stiffened. The gap of being treated differently by Wan'er made him feel extremely depressed.

"Wan'er, there's no need to treat her differently, right?"

Xiao Yan wasn't jealous of his good daughter, but it was impossible to say that he didn't feel anything at all.

Yao Wan didn't bother to talk to Xiao Yan, so she and Medusa stuffed Xiao Yan into the room.

In fact, there was no need for any healing or special care. Since Xiao Yan invented the Buddha's Wrath Lotus, he had blown up many enemies, and he had eaten the fire lotus many times, so he had already developed resistance. This time, the equivalent of the seven-color fire lotus was a little bigger, so it just shrank all of a sudden, but there was no need to worry too much.

Xiao Yan didn't want to waste too much of their time, so he started to heal himself, and he would be fine in a few days.

Yao Wan had nothing to do, so she naturally took care of Xiao Xiao with Medusa.

Little Xiao Xiao was smart, well-behaved and sensible, so she was naturally very likable.

Yao Wan was not surprised.

Having not had much contact with children for more than 20 years, Xiao Xiao's presence naturally reminded Yao Wan of her childhood, and she was filled with emotion.

She shook her head, and then smiled and played with the girl again.

After a few days of recuperation, Xiao Yan also recovered as before. In a blink of an eye, it was January. The two of them went to Yunlan Sect and told Nalan about the current situation and the hope of reviving Yunlan Sect. Then they went to Mitel's house. Hai Bodong was lucky and had become a Dou Zong. When he saw Xiao Yan and Yao Wan still walking together, he was not surprised. He just said congratulations and congratulated the two on their marriage.

Xiao Yan was not sure whether this was a return home in glory.

However, Yao Wan felt that it was a little early. The two of them were not even Dou Sheng now, so it was too early to say that they were returning home in glory. It was better to wait until the dust settled before talking about it.

It was almost time to go back.

Therefore, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan took Medusa, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Zhan and returned to Zhongzhou Xingyun Pavilion.

The two brothers Xiao Ding and Xiao Li insisted on staying. Their father needed to stay in a safer place, while their younger brother and younger sisters needed to deal with more powerful enemies. The task was arduous, but their family was still here, and someone had to guard it. Xiao Yan naturally respected the opinions of his brothers.


In the Tianxing Mountains, the Xingyun Pavilion today can be said to have ushered in a true transformation, and it has become brand new from top to bottom.

Even in many cities built according to the main traffic routes of the Xingyun Pavilion, there are also several Dou Zun strongmen guarding them. Even if they have not yet arrived at the Xingyun Pavilion, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan can feel the strength of the Xingyun Pavilion now.

But think about it now that the Xingyun Pavilion has an absolute strongman like the teacher sitting in charge, whether it is a Dou Sheng strongman or a ninth-grade alchemist, it is an extremely attractive signboard.

At the top of the Tianxing main peak, a huge star gate stood inside the original mountain gate, giving people a sense of oppression that there is always a mountain higher than the other, which made people feel dignified.

Accompanied by a very loud phoenix cry, the gorgeous light and shadow cut through the space and landed in the mountain gate with several people.

"This is the Xingyun Pavilion."

Xiao Yan led them through the palace like mountains and ridges, while introducing.

Not only Xiao Zhan and Medusa saw this situation for the first time in their lives, Yao Wan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, quite surprised. The last time she came to Xingyun Pavilion, Xingyun Pavilion was not so good.

In some vast squares, densely packed Xingyun Pavilion disciples were practicing in an orderly manner, and the loud shouts with full energy gathered together, resounding in this space like thunder.

Some of the original steep mountains were directly opened up, and groups of buildings were built. The people came and went like ants, which seemed particularly lively. Not only that, in the huge peaks radiating in all directions with the Tianxing main peak as the center, there were many powerful auras faintly spreading out, covering every corner of the Tianxing Mountains, like a copper wall and iron wall.

It seems that after Yao Lao returned, he really reorganized and managed the Xingyun Pavilion.

It looks a bit like a Dousheng force.

Yao Wan nodded lightly, and then followed Xiao Yan and his team, crossing the countless stars that were particularly obvious and flying between the palaces. They were the countless star powers generated by the meteorites that fell from the sky where the Xingyun Pavilion was located, which were extremely magical.

When Xiao Yan and his team approached the main hall of the Xingyun Pavilion, they felt that other more and stronger auras suddenly locked on themselves, obviously being wary of their behavior of going to the main hall so openly.

Just before they made a move to stop it, another more tyrannical and vast aura like the sea of ​​stars came, causing many powerful men around to stop fighting and put away their auras, but they couldn't help but secretly wonder in their hearts, what kind of existence can make the Pavilion Master respond?

"Hehe, you're finally back. I thought you were already eager to stay there and not come back."

A burst of laughter followed, and Xiao Yan looked up. A tall and handsome figure slowly walked in the ripples of space, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Teacher, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Xiao Yan was a little helpless, and while saluting, he couldn't help but smiled and answered.

"I know you're not that kind of person, but isn't this just because I'm afraid that heroes will be hard to resist beautiful women?"

Yao Chen smiled and looked behind Xiao Yan, and then saw that the people coming were not only Wan'er, but also Medusa and others, and even held a child.

Are the two of them so fast?

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