Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 568 Xun'er is afraid of insects?

"Where do we go next?"

"Keep going deeper. These small fish and shrimps are not even enough to fill my teeth."

"Yao Wan's appetite is not just a matter of a day or two. Brother Xiao Yan, let's go. We should be able to enter the second level in a short time."

Xun'er sarcastically mocked Yao Wan, and then said.

"Being able to eat is a blessing. If a person can only think about cultivation all his life, what kind of person would he be?"

Yao Wan didn't take it seriously. At the same time, she unconsciously straightened her slender waist, and the plump snow peaks under her tight skirt swayed slightly. Oh, it was just twisted jealousy towards my mother.

These days, the two of them have been going back and forth, sarcasticly and secretly sarcastic about each other, but Xun'er has become more or less accustomed to the all-round attack from Yaowan.

Thinking about it from another angle, no matter how hard Yaowan wins, he can't talk about making any further progress. But he is different. Every step has huge room for improvement.

Then isn't this a win?


Xun'er felt that she was somewhat infected by Yao Wan during the days in the Tomb of Heaven, and sometimes her thoughts were a little confused. Damn it... She remembered that Yao Wan's soul power was not strong enough to even be able to do this. To what extent?

She could only shake her head and pretend that nothing happened.

And strangely enough, it was precisely because of the tireless bickering, sarcastic antics, and even occasional attacks between the two women that they did not feel bored in this terrifyingly silent tomb. On the contrary, no matter what you do, it is very interesting.

After entering the second level, Yaowan felt that the energy here was even richer than that on the first level. Under the glance of the souls in the late stage of the heaven realm, all the breaths escaping from the energy bodies lingering here were also All of them are far better than the three-star Dou Zun. Among them, the majority are four-star, five-star and six-star. In comparison, the seven-star and eight-star are naturally not that common.

"Most of the energy bodies in the second level have reached the strength of the mid-level Dou Zun, so please be careful."

Xun'er is a member of the ancient tribe after all, so he naturally doesn't know much about this tomb. When Xiao Yan nodded slightly, he saw Yao Wan playing with a piece of debris that didn't know where it came from. It seemed to be pure energy. Condensed into substance, leaving only the fine and strange patterns on the surface, which looks quite magical.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay... I just saw some interesting things. Maybe they will come in handy sometime?"

Yao Wan was about to put away the fragments she was playing with on her fingertips.

"Of course I want to get to the third floor as soon as possible."

She said casually that neither the first nor the second floor of the Sky Tomb was of much value to her, so naturally it would be better to enter the third floor as soon as possible.

But having said that, she still raised her slender jade fingers, clenched them tightly, and suddenly closed the surrounding space. The free energy body seemed to be pulled hard by an invisible force, but it was not Controlled, they surged in the direction where they were, and followed by a series of cracking sounds, those energy bodies that were at least in the Five Star Dou Zun cultivation level began to disintegrate themselves, leaving only broken and scattered bodies, as well as star points. The light fell into Yaowan's palm.

No matter how many times I watch it, I can't help but be amazed by Yao Wan's superb space control ability. This is no longer a realm that Dou Zun can reach.

On the way to the third floor, Yao Wan also noticed a lot of substantial energy that was exactly the same as the fragments she accidentally picked up. They were piled on top of each other, leaving behind on the barren land of the Sky Tomb. There was a layer of conspicuous marks like blood scab.

"what is that?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help asking subconsciously, and Xun'er frowned. Many of the existences in the Sky Tomb were almost completely invisible to the outside world, and even the ancient tribes who knew a lot about the Sky Tomb with the help of guards were not Knowing the secrets completely, after all, instead of exploring the secrets that might actually kill people, it would be better to find a few more places suitable for the young generation of the ancient tribe to practice.

Those who are qualified to enter the Sky Tomb are never dispensable expedition teams, but real fresh blood. Losing one person is a huge loss, so how can anyone waste all the time that should belong to their own cultivation and improvement of strength? On exploring meaningless things?

"It seems to be a crystallized substance of high-purity energy secreted by some kind of creature. If this technology can be turned into a technique, it may be more helpful to our cultivation."

The yarrow did not hide it, and at the same time expressed what he was thinking, but now it is just a speculation.

"Hmm... Do you want to go and have a look?"

Xiao Yan thought about it for a while, where is cultivation not cultivation anyway? He would never pick it anyway.

"I listen to the eldest lady and uncle."

Yao Ling quickly expressed her position, and this period of time also made her fully understand that although Yao Wan may not be so easy to get along with at first glance, he would really give him any good things. I guess Qing Lin also learned it first-hand from Yao Wan. ?

"What do Xun'er think?"

"If there is no harm to Brother Xiao Yan, I will naturally not have any objections."

Xun'er said calmly that she really didn't have any opinions on this point. Although she was reluctant to admit it, Yao Wan could indeed be regarded as a groundbreaking talent in terms of martial arts and fighting skills. Although the things she has developed are somewhat strange, they are all extremely powerful.

It doesn't hurt that she is willing to help brother Xiao Yan...

No harm done…



Xun'er suddenly frowned. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Wasn't this the same view he had of Yao Wan when he was in the Xiao family? As a result, more than ten years have passed, and it hasn’t gotten any worse. It’s almost as bad as the bed!

Why was she involved again?

Yaowan didn't know why, but she saw Xun'er glare at her again, which made her speechless. What did she do? no?

Forget it, she still needed to think about what was going on when others targeted her, but she was already used to Xun'er.

It’s still business that matters.

With this idea in mind, Yaowan, knowing that it was not too late, led them along the crystal, which became thicker and thicker, and eventually turned into a particularly conspicuous road sign and spread to the distance.

Until finally, a huge semicircular crystal appeared in front of them.

The huge crystals intersect with each other, forming a huge circular nest, in which the shimmering light flows, like a living creature.

——No, to be precise, these things are living creatures.

"what is that?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, Yao Wan's gaze remained unchanged, he just raised his hand, flicked his fingertips, and a wisp of green flame flew into the nest made of huge crystals.

Accompanied by a rustling sound like flying sand and stones, the streams of light were automatically attracted by the breath of the living creatures and turned into a stream of light, which looked quite beautiful.

But when the four people in front of them squinted their eyes and observed carefully, they discovered that under the stream of light in front of them, they were actually made up of countless tiny insects. The sight made people's scalps tingle, and Xun'er even frowned slightly. Obviously, he doesn't have a good impression of the densely packed bugs.

"Ancient Devouring Insects? Why do you even dare to provoke such a thing?"

She has only seen records about ancient insect-eating insects in the relevant records of the ancient tribe. They are small monsters that lived in ancient times. They are extremely small in size, but their numbers are extremely large and they can swallow many things. , and thus continuously secrete pure energy, thus building a nest.

Xun'er couldn't help but say, even so, she was still prepared to take action to resolve this mess.

"If I dare to provoke someone, I'll be sure to take it down."

Yaowan smiled slightly, and then raised his hand. The flame of life that originally attracted the ancient insect-eating insects to come out of the nest suddenly turned into a black and red death flame. Those who originally coveted the pure life energy so much that they were led out of the nest. The ancient insect-eater immediately wanted to hide in his lair.

But it was too late.

The red-black flame turned into a container, and a terrifying suction force suddenly emerged from it. Not to mention other things for the time being, it was small and light, and the insect swarm that was already too close to the Flame of Ashes did not resist at all. The power was sucked into it, and then she took out a small jade bottle at will, and put away the flames of death together with the ancient eating insects.

"Okay, let's go."

Yaowan turned around and then blinked at Xun'er.

"Xun'er is afraid of bugs?"

"If I'm not afraid of the difficulty, can I still like it?"

Yaowan's seemingly unintentional words made Xun'er immediately think that if this woman did some mischief in the future, she would never be able to live in peace again.

This terrible idea couldn't help but make Xun'er shiver secretly.

"That depends on what kind of insect it is."

Yao Wan said casually, and the following days were spent running around non-stop. At the same time, Yao Wan also began to study the ancient eating insects that she had caught casually. She did not need to completely reproduce them to convert matter into pure energy and then The ability to be transformed into matter again is more important than the ancient insect-eating insect itself. It is actually the inspiration of Yao Wan. The ancient dragon Taxu that she and Xiao Yan are using now is how she developed it.

But for her, there was no conflict between research and traveling. Segmented thinking and independent thinking were the basis for her ability to use the power of her soul to create distractions early on.

But for her, busy time always passed quickly, and the passage to the third floor had already appeared in front of them.

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