Fighting Po: Yang Emperor

Chapter 233 Xiao Yan’s plan

Wei Yang glanced at Xiao Yan with a vague look and shook his head secretly.

How could the brothers' little moves be hidden from Wei Yang's eyes?

They deliberately concealed information about the jade passed down from their family.

But Wei Yang can also understand.

After all, this piece of jade is not only related to their father's life and death.

There are a lot of things involved behind it. Even the Xiao family was almost wiped out this time because of this piece of jade. It's not surprising that the two brothers are more cautious.

Human nature.

This piece of jade is now in Xiao Yan's hands. Through his little girlfriend Gu Xun'er, Xiao Yan also knows the true origin of this piece of jade.

I understand, this piece of jade, called Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, is part of the key, related to the last Dou Emperor.

"What are your plans now?" Wei Yang asked.

Xiao Yan took a long breath, calmed down his thoughts, and then said: "My second brother wants to stay here in the Black Corner Territory and make a living, so I brought him here today to let him use Qingshan City as his role in the Black Corner Territory. A place to stay.”

"It's a small matter, just stay here in the City Lord's Mansion." Wei Yang nodded, looked at Xiao Li and said, "You can stay here temporarily, get familiar with the environment, and recover from your injuries. We'll talk about it after you recover."

Xiao Li stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master Wei."

Wei Yang waved his hand indifferently, "It's a small matter, just treat this place as your own territory."

After saying that, Wei Yang glanced at A Da, smiled at Xiao Li and said, "You will go down with him to settle down and cultivate yourself."

"Okay." Xiao Li nodded, turned around and left with Ada.

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Li's leaving figure and felt a little more relaxed.

Xiao Li was very relieved to settle down here in Qingshan City.

He smiled at Wei Yang and said, "Brother Wei, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"Tell me this." Wei Yang stood up, walked to Xiao Yan and sat down, patted him on the shoulder and asked, "What are your plans now?"

"Don't worry, I won't be reckless. I was just a little angry before."

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and said: "I know that I am not strong enough now. When I have enough strength, I will go back. At that time, the blood debt of my Xiao family will have to be repaid a hundred times by the Yunlan Sect!"

"You don't need me to help you now?" Wei Yang was a little surprised.

He thought that Xiao Yan came here this time to ask him to help him defeat the Yunlan Sect.

To be honest, Wei Yang was also very unhappy.

At the beginning, he personally went to Yunlan Sect to stand up for Xiao Yan. Afterwards, everyone agreed to settle their grudges.

It has only been a year, but the Yunlan Sect actually dared to take action against the Xiao family. Isn't this a slap in Wei Yang's face?

Yunshan old dog!

Wei Yang felt humiliated.

He originally thought that if Xiao Yan asked for his help, he would directly agree and then send Dujiao to the Jiama Empire to raze the entire Yunlan Mountain to the ground.

In this way, you can not only let out a bad breath, but also earn a favor in vain, why not do it?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan actually chose to endure it temporarily?

"Hehe." Xiao Yan grinned, looked at Wei Yang who was a little surprised, and said: "Brother Wei, with your thick legs, I will not be stupid enough not to hug you. I need your help, but not now. .”

"Tell me and listen." Wei Yang leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair.

"It's not that I don't want to take revenge immediately, but that behind this matter, there is another extremely terrifying mysterious force involved, which cannot be touched for the time being." Xiao Yan's face turned cold and he looked at Wei Yang, "I don't know, Brother Wei, you Have you ever heard of a force: the Soul Palace?"

"Soul Palace?" Wei Yang raised his eyebrows, glanced at him, and nodded, "I've heard of it."

"I knew it, Brother Wei, you must know it." Xiao Yan nodded, not surprised at all, because Wei Yang seemed to know the information from Zhongzhou very well.

Here in the northwest continent, the Soul Palace may be very mysterious. But in Zhongzhou, generally those with some strength at the top are probably aware of the existence of the Soul Palace.

Then, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and said: "That night, those mysterious black shadows hiding in the darkness, shooting out black chains from time to time to drag my people away, are the people of the Soul Palace."

"Soul Palace Protector." Wei Yang said softly.

"That's right. Brother Wei, are you curious about why the Protector of the Soul Palace is targeting my Xiao family? A small family like my Xiao family has nothing to do with them at all!"

Wei Yang nodded.

"I couldn't figure it out before, why a huge and mysterious force like the Soul Palace would get involved with my small Xiao family, but now, I know." Xiao Yan's face was gloomy.

Wei Yang looked at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan shook his head lightly, with a sincere apology on his face, and said: "Brother Wei, I'm sorry, I can't tell you clearly yet. This matter is really too involved, and I don't want to drag you into it. . Moreover, it is related to my father’s life and death, so please forgive me.”

"I can only tell you that the Soul Palace is looking for something in my Xiao family, um... it's a key, but they didn't get it." Xiao Yan said, cupping his fists and saying: "Brother Wei, it's not that I can't trust you. , but this matter is really..."

"Understood." Wei Yang waved his hand, "I'm not interested in delving into the reasons behind this matter, and I don't want to know. You don't need to say more."

"Thank you for your understanding." Xiao Yan smiled gratefully.

"So, it was the Soul Palace that captured your father?" Wei Yang changed the subject.

"Yes." Xiao Yan nodded, "My father is still alive. As long as they don't find the key for a day, I believe my father will be fine for the time being."

"The Soul Palace has only sent strong men of the Protector level this time, and I have received news that there are some equally mysterious and powerful forces that are always paying attention to every move of the Soul Palace. Therefore, they are not the real strong ones. Dare to go out at will."

"The Xiao family has not been destroyed yet. My eldest brother is hiding in the Jiama Empire with the remaining members of my Xiao family."

"The only thing I can do now is to make myself stronger as soon as possible. In the future, I will pay with blood!"

Xiao Yan's voice was cold and forbidding, and his delicate face lacked the hearty smile that he often wore in the past, and gained a touch of coldness.

People always truly transform and grow after experiencing drastic changes.

Today, Xiao Yan has obviously become much more mature after this incident, and is no longer so passionate and impulsive.

He looked at Wei Yang and said: "I am still too weak now, and behind the Yunlan Sect, there is the Soul Palace, so I can't be impulsive. I need time to grow."

"After I have accumulated enough strength, I will personally go back to take revenge and completely eliminate the people from Yunlan Sect and Soul Palace. When the time comes, I hope you can help me, Brother Wei."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Wei Yang nodded readily, "Leave Yunshan to me, I don't like him."

A warm current emerged in Xiao Yan's heart, and he said with great solemnity: "Brother Wei's love, Xiao Yan will never forget it."

Xiao Yan was indeed very moved.

In this most difficult time, Wei Yang stood up without hesitation and expressed his willingness to support himself without any concern about offending the Soul Palace.

As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

And this is not the first time Wei Yang has helped him.

As expected of a true fellow countryman.

"Hi~" Wei Yang waved his hand, "Stop being sensational, everyone is in agreement."

"Yes." Xiao Yan nodded vigorously.

At this time.

Yao Lao's figure slowly floated out.



With a gratified smile on Yao Lao's face, he looked at Wei Yang, then at Xiao Yan, stroking his beard and saying with a smile: "Xiao Yanzi, you have grown up a lot, your temperament has become more mature and stable, and Wei Xiaozi, you are also very good. You all, very nice."

Yao Lao couldn't help but feel greatly relieved at this moment.

I lamented that although I was blind once, I was not blind a second time.

God finally treated me well. When I was in trouble, I was able to meet two such outstanding young people. One was my close disciple, and the other was also a half-disciple.

What else is he dissatisfied with?

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