Fighting Po: Yang Emperor

Chapter 674: Yao Lao's Teachings

Xingyun Pavilion, back mountain.

In the morning, the sun was rising.

Wei Yang sat on the grass, drinking tea leisurely.

Not far away, Wei Shuo and Xiao Xiao, two little guys, were sitting cross-legged on a snow-white jade cushion, with serious faces and eyes closed practicing.

Speaking of this snow-white jade cushion, it was the Earth Core Jade Mother that Wei Yang took away when he obtained the Earth Core Soul in the Dan Realm.

And this snow-white jade cushion was made of the Earth Core Jade Mother.

The Earth Core Jade Mother is a magical jade that was formed by the power of the earth for countless years.

Due to the special calmness and heaviness of the power of the earth, this Earth Core Jade Mother is a rare treasure worth a lot of money for practitioners.

When practicing or refining pills, having a cushion made of Earth Jade Mother will have a very significant effect of suppressing and calming the violent energy in the body.

With this thing, the probability of going astray will be reduced to a minimum.

Now that the two little ones have just started practicing, it is naturally the most appropriate to use this Earth Jade Mother cushion for them.

Beside them, Yao Lao sat there staring, stroking his beard.

And the perception is always on the two little ones, and once a mistake is found, it will be corrected immediately.

The two little ones' practice is taught by Yao Lao himself, and they have to practice for half an hour every day before they can be allowed to play.

At their age, they are at a time when they are playful and active, so even if they have good talents, they can only be regarded as barely getting started in practice.

Just like when children go to kindergarten, they are taught a little bit every day, and the rest of the time is basically playing.

After all, they are only a few years old. You still want them to sit for a long time and be quiet without distractions. It's okay for a short time, but it's really a bit difficult for them if it takes a long time.

So at their age, they can only be guided slowly and little by little, and they are in a stage of learning cultivation knowledge and laying a foundation.

Otherwise, if they practice too fast, they can't control their strength, which is a bad thing.

As for the exercises, they will naturally not make it very complicated at the beginning, but as simple as possible, so as not to make mistakes.

Simple and easy to learn are the main focus.

After another two or three years, when their minds are more mature, they will create suitable exercises for them.

At that time, they will be regarded as truly embarking on the road of cultivation.

Wei Yang smiled at this scene.

It has been a few days since he came back, and he has rarely been relaxed.

Drinking tea every day, accompanying children during the day, and accompanying his wife at night, life is extremely comfortable.

After a while.

"Okay, today's practice ends here." Yao Lao said kindly.

The two little guys also opened their eyes at the right time. Their black eyes rolled around, looking a little weird. When they looked at each other, their little faces were full of joy.

"Master, can we go play now?" Wei Shuo asked happily.

Xiao Xiao also looked forward to it.

"Go ahead, don't run too far, and remember to come back on time for dinner later." Yao Lao touched their heads and reminded them, then waved his hand.

"Okay~" The two little guys were immediately very happy. After practicing every day, it was their happiest time.

So they got up, held hands, and ran away in a flash.

That look was just like a bird that had just been out of the cage, chirping and happy.

Yao Lao smiled and watched them run away, until he could no longer see them, and then he looked away.

On his old face, there was always a happy smile from the heart.

In the past few years, his smile felt much more than his entire life.

Extremely satisfied.

He had no children, and in his heart, he had already regarded Wei Yang and Xiao Yan as his own sons.

And in his eyes, the sons and daughters of Wei Yang and Xiao Yan were naturally like his own grandchildren.

Old people of his age, no matter how powerful they were, always had a special fondness for children in their hearts.

The so-called intergenerational affection.

Therefore, regarding the cultivation and teaching of children, Yao Lao personally did it every day, and he enjoyed it.

The only regret was that his other grandson Wei Ye did not live with him now, which was a bit of a pity.

Thinking of this, Yao Lao sighed softly, looked far away in the direction of Danyu, and a touch of concern appeared in his eyes.

"Teacher, come over and have a cup of tea." Wei Yang greeted.

Yao Lao came forward, his eyes full of smiles, sat down opposite the table, and said with a smile: "It should be about time, you should also go and pick up little Ye'er."

"I know, I will leave in a few days." Wei Yang nodded, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Yao Lao.

"Hmm." Yao Lao nodded with satisfaction.

He always felt uncomfortable in his heart that one of his three grandchildren was missing, and he missed him every day.

Wei Yang couldn't help but smile when he saw Yao Lao's look.

This old guy is now focusing on the three little guys.

Well, bring the children back as soon as possible, so that the old man won't miss them all day long.

Xian'er and Wei Ye are not in Xingyun Pavilion now, but in the Ye family in Danyu.

It has been more than a year since they went there.

Since Wei Ye has a special physique and is a pure Yang body, he was sent to the Yanghuo Ancient Altar of the Ye family during the foundation stage.

As Xian'er's mother, she naturally had to go there and take care of her, including Ada.

Now that more than a year has passed, the foundation is probably almost laid, so Wei Yang has only been back for a few days, and Yao Lao urged him to leave quickly to pick up the people.

"All three children are extremely talented."

Yao Lao stroked his beard, his face full of pride and satisfaction, and said: "Let's not talk about Xiao Ye and Xiao Shuo. They both have special physiques. Xiao Xiao Xiao is also very good. At a young age, her soul power is very strong. , and it is also a fire attribute, and there is also a trace of wood energy in the body, so it can definitely become an alchemist. "

"Her current soul power is comparable to that of you when we first met, and her physique is also several times stronger than that of you and Xiao Yan. If she is properly cultivated, her future achievements may not be as good as those of you and Xiao Yan. How much lower are you and Xiao Yan?" Yao Lao said, his eyes could not help but show a look of anticipation, a little fiery.

The two disciples, plus the three disciples, were all monster-level evildoers. Just thinking about it made him excited.

Hearing what Yao Lao said, Wei Yang smiled.

Natural physique is certainly important, but as for future achievements, it still depends on personal perseverance.

Here in Dou Qi Continent, it may be considered good, but in Daqian, it may not be so.

In his eyes, talent is naturally important, but a strong heart is even more important.

Moreover, the three children are talented, but because of this, Wei Yang is actually a little worried deep down in his heart.

They are afraid that if their growth process is too smooth, their future achievements will be limited.

It seems that the general combat power of people who have grown so smoothly and relied entirely on talents seems to be low?

Moreover, the ability to withstand setbacks is not strong.

It seems that we need to pay more attention in the future, arrange some experience for them, and suffer some hardships.

Otherwise, no matter how good your talent is, it will be wasted in the future.

At night, after coaxing the children to sleep.

Wei Yangcai brought Qing Lin to a spacious secret room.

Over the years, Qing Lin has focused most of his attention on taking care of his children, so his cultivation speed has not been very fast.

Until now, she is just a six-star Dou Zun.

Of course, her so-called slowness is only relatively speaking. At least compared to most people, Qinglin's speed is already very fast.

After all, she has been practicing for less than twenty years in total.

In less than twenty years, she has reached the realm of Six-Star Dou Zun. Who dares to say that she is slow?

Wei Yang turned over his hand and took out a jade bottle.

Looking through the slightly transparent jade bottle, one can see a thick mass of dark red blood suspended in it.

Qing Lin's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the essence and blood and asked with some surprise: "Master, is this the essence and blood of the ancient heavenly snake you mentioned?"

Just looking at this mass of essence and blood through the jade bottle, she felt a faint throbbing feeling in her heart.

"Yes." Wei Yang nodded with a smile, and the seal on the jade bottle changed with the movement of the seal in his hand.

Immediately, even before the bottle cap was opened, an astonishing energy fluctuation and evil spirit slowly filled the air through the jade bottle.

"Is this holy level blood essence? It feels so strong!" Qing Lin said in shock.

This kind of aura, even with her six-star Dou Zun strength, makes her feel trembling.

Wei Yang turned over his hand again and took out a jade bottle. A flash of green light penetrated through the translucent jade bottle.

What was contained inside was a ball of green liquid-like flame.

"The Flame of Creatures!" Qing Lin cried out in surprise, staring closely at the green flame.

"The Flame of Creation is relatively mild, not as violent and domineering as other strange fires. With your current strength and my help, you should be able to almost refine it."

Wei Yang smiled and said: "After you refine this creature's flame, you can use the blood-melting secret technique to integrate this ball of holy blood essence into your bloodline."

After refining the flame of life, Qing Lin can then fuse the essence and blood of the holy-level snake, and his safety will be greatly guaranteed.

After all, with the Flame of Life protecting her body, it would be difficult for her to die even if she wanted to.

This holy level snake essence and blood contained too much evil energy, so Wei Yang had to be cautious.

As for the green snake with three-flowered pupils, plus the bloodline of the holy ancient heavenly snake, what changes will happen when the two are combined together?

Thinking about it, he had some expectations.

"Let's get started." Wei Yang said.

"Yes." Qing Lin nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

She had long wanted to refine the flame of life.

She has been waiting for this day to come since she was still in the Black Corner Territory.

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