Wei Yang's words, in this night that is getting darker and colder.

It seemed as if a warmth had been injected into the girl's cold heart and thin body.

At this time, a strange color flashed through her pupils that originally looked inferior and timid. Deep inside, the three extremely small green dots lit up slightly, becoming more and more obvious.

Wei Yang watched this scene and his brows jumped slightly.

The Blue Snake and Three Flowers are indeed well-deserved. Of course, they will not affect Wei Yang at all.

He gently tucked some of the scattered hair on her cheek behind her ears and asked softly, "What's your name?"

Wei Yang's careful movements made her face turn red, and she timidly replied: "My name is Qing Lin."

"Qinglin, that's a nice name." Wei Yang nodded and asked again: "Is there anyone else in your family?"

Qing Lin shook his head, lowered his head, biting his white and chapped lips, tears filling his eyes, with a hint of loneliness and desolation, "I, I don't have a home, I'm all alone."

When Wei Yang heard this, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, he stretched out a palm to her, smiled and said: "My name is Wei Yang, are you willing to follow me in the future? From now on, I will be your family, and wherever I am, you will be the one s home."

Qing Lin was stunned. She stared blankly at the handsome brother with a gentle smile in front of her. Her little mouth opened, but she could not speak. There were two crystal tears on her cheeks. Slowly slide down.

Her little hand hidden in the wide black sleeves seemed to move, and she wanted to lift it up, but she was subconsciously afraid.

Wei Yang looked at her with encouragement.

After a moment, she seemed to muster up the courage. She hesitated and bravely stretched out her little hand from her sleeves, revealing a section of her white wrist.

On the snow-white wrist, there are some fine green snake scales growing.

She stared nervously at Wei Yang's expression.

Wei Yang's eyes also fell on those snake scales, and he still had a gentle smile on his face, without showing any expression of disgust.

Seeing this, she finally plucked up the courage and gently placed her slightly thin, trembling, snow-white hand in Wei Yang's broad palm.

This is a very warm palm, this is Qinglin's first thought.

It's very warm, and it warms my heart.

So, the last trace of defense in her heart completely dissipated without her realizing it. By some strange coincidence, she clenched the big warm hand and nodded in agreement, "I do!"

Wei Yang looked at Qing Lin who nodded in agreement, the smile on his face became richer and softer, and he slowly closed his fingers and squeezed her cold little hand.

Immediately, he put his arms around the crooks of Qinglin's knees and picked her up.

The first feeling is that it is very light, too light, as if it has no weight.

The sudden feeling of being picked up in the air also made Qing Lin let out a small exclamation, and subconsciously wrapped his arms around Wei Yang's neck.

Wei Yang weighed his arms and said with a smile: "Why are you so light? You are too thin."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.

From Qinglin's belly, there was a faint gurgling sound, like a drum.

Suddenly, her face turned red and she buried her head on Wei Yang's shoulder, not daring to lift it up.

"Are you hungry?" Wei Yang smiled, strode out of the alley with her in his arms, and said, "I'll take you to eat something first, and then buy some clothes."

Qinglin, a very poor little girl.

The mother is a human and the father is a snake.

Here in the Tagore Desert, human women occasionally get insulted by male snake men.

According to common sense, if a snake person has a relationship with a human, there will generally not be any offspring. However, there are no absolutes in this world.

For example, Xiao Yan and Medusa, don't they belong to the first shot?

Therefore, there is always an extremely rare chance that a woman who has a relationship with a snake man will become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

However, although a baby will be born, such a baby with human and snake blood will generally be difficult to survive even if it is successfully born, and will die midway.

It has to be said that Qinglin's birth and growth in a city that hates snake people so much is a miracle.

But she is also unlucky.

People like her are not recognized by humans or even snake people.

Therefore, since she can remember, humans and snake people have treated her as a cursed alien.

She has lived to this age and has gained nothing except receiving more glares, disgust and ridicule.

In her world, apart from indifference, she never seemed to feel much warmth.

She has been playing alone since she was very young because no one wants to be friends with her.

Whenever she mustered up the courage to approach the children with full expectation and caution, they would be quickly taken away by their parents, and the adults would curse her a few times.

Over time, she began to become very afraid of those adults. The way they looked at her frightened her as a child.

Later, when she grew older, she realized that it was disgust and contempt.

Sometimes, if there is a family nearby and a relative who is a mercenary dies at the hands of a snake man, those people will come over to curse her, or even beat her to vent their anger.

Calling her an ominous person, a damn bitch, etc...

She has learned to be humble since she was a child. She is timid and dare not ask for anything.

Including her mother, who looked at her with complicated eyes.

In her memory, her mother would often sit there alone and cry silently. Whenever this happened, her eyes would become terrifying when she looked at her.

Sometimes he is angry and hateful, sometimes he curses in a low voice, and sometimes he even hits himself.

But most of the time when my mother is normal, she won't be like this.

This is also the only person in Qinglin's heart who has been good to her since childhood.

In her cold heart, her mother was the only warmth she had in this world.

But more than a year ago, her mother also died of illness.

When my mother was lying in bed, dying of illness, no neighbor was willing to come close to help.

She mustered up the courage to plead with them, but no one was willing to help her.

At that moment, she despaired.

This warm desert city made her feel nothing but coldness.

They were always so enthusiastic towards others, but they were so indifferent towards her.

There was always only endless disgust and endless insults towards her.

Finally, one night, when her mother was dying, she held her hand hard and told her not to be resentful, but to live well and work hard in the future.

After saying this, her mother closed her eyes forever.

She lay on her mother's body, which was gradually becoming cold, and cried heartbrokenly.

Even the last trace of warmth was completely lost in the young heart that was already almost devastated.

Early the next morning, when she was only twelve years old, she rolled up her mother's body with a mat and a quilt, and dragged it with difficulty to the outside of the city for burial.

She was so thin that she dragged her mother's body step by step, walking with great difficulty.

Along the way, everyone only looked at them with indifferent eyes. Some people even sighed and walked away quickly.

No one wanted to stay even for a moment or come forward to help.

It was not until dusk that she finally buried her mother with sand ten miles outside the city.

When she knelt in front of her mother's grave, tired and hungry, her heart was filled with coldness and she felt that the whole world was gray and without any color.

She wanted to just lie down next to her mother's grave, and fall asleep completely without wanting to wake up again.

She didn't know what the meaning of her life in this world was.

Everyone hates her and hates her.


She obviously didn't do anything!

It wasn't until the sky darkened and the temperature started to get colder that she woke up.

Her last instinct to survive and her mother's final instructions allowed her to muster up her last bit of strength and drag her exhausted body back home.

She finally survived with the little food left at home.

From then on, she was like a mouse in this city, hiding in the gutter and living secretly.

She didn't dare to go out during the day. Only in the evening, when the streets were deserted, did she dare to wrap herself in a black robe and sneak out.

Or go to some restaurants or the back doors of wealthy families to pick up some dumped leftovers to satisfy your hunger.

Or they might help out-of-towners by serving as guides in exchange for some reward money.

If she meets a generous guest and gives her a silver coin as a reward, she can exchange it for food to eat for a long time.

Sometimes, she didn't even know why she was living like this.

But she was still so numb and difficult, surviving for more than a year.

Until today, she met him.

A very good-looking older brother wearing a black and luxurious brocade dress embroidered with gold patterns.

He didn't dislike him, nor did he hate himself.

On the contrary, it is very gentle and warm.

It was like a ray of light shining into the dark world deep in her heart.

He told her that her eyes were beautiful.

Her existence is meaningful and unique.

Her birth was a miracle, but others didn't understand her beauty.

He also told her that the reason why they met today was due to fate and fate.

His name is Wei Yang, a man who exudes warmth.

He asked her if she would follow him?

She also said that he would be her family from now on, and wherever he is, it would be her home.


A word she had almost forgotten.

She nodded in agreement.

Just like a shabby little boat that has been drifting alone in the sea for a long time, it finally encounters a warm harbor.

Perhaps, the meaning of my existence is to meet him at this moment.

She thought so.

I have revised Chapter 77, and I have also slightly revised the following two chapters. Please go back and take a look when you have time.

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