Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1014: : Search memory

"Zhang Mofan, it's not that your Holy Spirit scale didn't reach the target. If you want to crush those scriptures, you must understand the meaning of those meridians."

Qinglong Shifu said.


Zhang Mofan frowned, and then he understood the meaning of the blue dragon stone talisman. In the Soul Searching Scripture, each scripture represents a memory.

And one by one verses together is a complete memory.

Zhang Mofan asked curiously while dodging.

"Yes, only when you really understand those scriptures can you break through the scriptures. Once you break through all the scriptures, you will successfully cultivate the Soul Searching Sutra."

Qinglong Shifu said.

"I understand that if I want to break it, I can only comprehend those scriptures."

Knowing this, Zhang Mofan bombarded those scriptures while comprehending that this comprehension process seemed to be very long, but it only happened in an instant.

At this time, Zhang Mofan discovered that each of those scriptures represented a special picture.

Zhang Mofan began to study the images contained in the scriptures, and after pondering it, his thoughts were extremely bright in an instant, and he could understand the images of every scripture.


Zhang Mofan watched the bombardment of a scripture and directly attacked it with a punch.

The soul word scripture was directly broken, turned into a soul energy, directly integrated into the Holy Spirit body, and immediately Zhang Mofan felt that the Holy Spirit body had begun to strengthen.


Another word of scripture struck, and the Holy Spirit didn't even look at it. He bombarded it with a punch and broke directly.

Immediately afterwards, one by one verses attacked at the same time.

Zhang Mofan suddenly yelled, waving his four fists horizontally, smashing all the four scriptures.

Next, Zhang Mofan continued to kill, with tens of thousands of scriptures, all of which were broken by him.

Immediately, Zhang Mofan felt a sense of weakness, this kind of vainness was the soul power and consumed too much.

However, on the body of the Vientiane Holy Spirit, there was a faint halo around it, and above the halo, there were scriptures suspended.

The search for the soul is finally a success.

In the future, Zhang Mofan only needs to extract the memory scriptures of the other party when the other party's Holy Spirit body is weak, and it will be able to converge into a memory picture.

"Zhang Mofan, absorbing those scriptures may be able to break through the fourth level of the Holy Spirit scale."

Qinglong Shifu said immediately.

Now, he has seen hope in Zhang Mofan, as long as he kills Zou Yan, he will be able to obtain the White Tiger Stone Talisman, and then he will be able to truly recover.

Two years have passed, not much.

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded, using the Holy Spirit body to collect all those scriptures.

Immediately, his Holy Spirit body began to rise, directly reaching the fourth-level Holy Spirit scale.

This time he practiced the Soul Searching Scripture, and allowed his Holy Spirit scale to reach level 4 directly, which was absolutely beyond Zhang Mofan's expectation.

"Finally succeeded in cultivating the Soul Searching Scripture."

Zhang Mofan came back to his senses, looking at Wei Xun on the side with a gloomy look, and his soul attacked and bombarded the past, directly causing him to enter a state of turmoil.

Immediately afterwards, between Zhang Mofan's eyebrows, scriptures swept out one by one and penetrated into Wei Xun's Holy Spirit body.

In a short while, Wei Xun's Holy Spirit flew out of the scriptures and entered Zhang Mofan's Holy Spirit.

Suddenly, Zhang Mofan's mind flashed one after another, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc, saying: "Yin Yang Pavilion."

Wei Xun, who was in a muddled state, heard Zhang Mofan spit out the words "Yin Yang Pavilion", his face was shocked, and said, "You? How did you know?"

"I don't just know the Yin Yang Pavilion, I also know that you hooked up a woman of the patrol captain."

Zhang Mofan searched Wei Xun's recent memory and learned such a thing.

It is impossible to search for the entire memory of the warrior in searching for the soul of the scriptures, only part of the memory can be searched, so Zhang Mofan naturally wants to extract some of the most effective memories for him.

"You? What did you do to me just now? You actually know about me?"

Wei Xun said, seeing Zhang Mofan about to do something to him, he couldn't help begging for mercy: "Don't, don't kill me, I will say everything."

"You said it just now, there is still some value, now, there is no value anymore."

Zhang Mofan broke his hand with a big hand, and his head was directly broken off. He took off his Naling Ring, and Zhang Mofan swept towards the Yin Yang Pavilion.

Soon, Zhang Mofan rushed to the Yin Yang Pavilion. The attic had seven floors. Zhang Mofan jumped to the top floor, broke the window, and sneaked into the attic.

"Zou Yan seems to be absent, Qingyan is on the fifth floor of the attic, and there seem to be four maids."

Zhang Mofan urged the Vientiane Holy Spirit Body to probe, and the strained spirit relaxed. It seemed that he was not late.

He observed the Yin and Yang Pavilion, the decoration inside was magnificent and luxurious.

He didn't hesitate, and slowly walked down the attic.

Taking advantage of Huang Qingyan not paying attention, Zhang Mofan directly attacked and hid on the beam.

Huang Qingyan was dressing up on the dressing table, noticed something abnormal, jumped up and jumped to the roof and found that there was nothing, and then returned to her position.

It is naturally impossible for Huang Qingyan to find Zhang Mofan. Zhang Mofan has a hidden dragon soul. As long as he does not touch him, even a strong person in the True Profound Realm will not find anything.

Zhang Mofan squatted on the gauge, just enough to see every move of everyone in the attic clearly.

At this time, the four maids had walked behind Huang Qingyan to help her dress up.

"Miss Qingyan, it is really lucky to be seen by the leader, we maids, we are not envied."

One of the maids said.

"You all go down?"

Huang Qingyan's voice was extremely cold.


The maid bowed and left directly.

They knew that the words just now seemed to anger Huang Qingyan.

Just as the four maids left, Zou Yan, dressed in white, walked slowly.

Zhang Mofan held his breath and stared at Zou Yan, showing his murderous intentions.

However, he knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to kill Zou Yan at all.

Now that Huang Qingyan is about to assassinate Zou Yan, he can only act by chance.

"The holy devil, you are finally connected."

Zou Yan walked to Huang Qingyan and looked at the beautiful face in the mirror, with a smile on his face.

In the past, the holy demon had a desire to conquer. However, the appearance of the holy demon was very ordinary, and now she has a beautiful face, she is simply the most perfect woman in the world.

Huang Qingyan stood up, turned to look at Zou Yan, and said with a smile: "The most sacred city, now you and I are all tigers in Pingyang, but you have seized a huge opportunity and were taken by the supervisor, as long as you remove it. Blood Demon Race, you can truly join the Qin Dynasty. This is something I have always dreamed of."

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