Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1867: : Fusion Shengbao

Chapter 1865

"Now, I am No. 1 in Tianjiao Holy War, and I have become the youngest Martial Commander of the Third Rank. The Huoyan Feng Clan knows that I like Mu Xiaoman, but he still agrees to marry Xiaoman to Yu Weiyang. in."

After Mu Zhen left, Zhang Mofan sat in the position thinking, thinking of this, his heart was very angry.

Originally, he was vying for the first place in the Tianjiao Holy War, and with the support of Prince Qin and Mu Zhen, his proposal might be very successful, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

"Xiaogu, you said I proposed to Mu Xiaoman, how likely is it to succeed?"

Zhang Mofan asked the maid.

Xiaogu lowered his head and said, "The slave girl dare not speak."

"Go ahead, I won't blame you."

Zhang Mofan said.

"The possibility of success is not very large, or it is impossible to succeed at all. Master Zhang, you are like moths fighting the fire."

Xiao Gu said, seeing that Zhang Mofan's expression was wrong, he immediately knelt down and said, "Master Zhang is forgiving."

"Do you even think I won't succeed?"

Zhang Mofan smiled bitterly. He had a lot of certainty before, but from the attitude of Prince Qin and Mu Zhen, he really didn't have much certainty.

"Master Zhang, the maidservant actually has a suggestion. I don't know if it should be said or not."

Xiao Gu knelt on the ground and said.

"Get up and talk, there is no one else here, don't be too restrictive."

Zhang Mofan said.

"Now, that politician's disciple wants to get married with Mu Xiaoman, and you want to propose a marriage, since that's the case, just make the matter a little bigger and let everyone know."

Xiaogu said: "I don't think that Mu Xiaoman agrees to this marriage because he likes that disciple of the Zong Cong sect. On the contrary, it is Master Zhang. For Mu Xiaoman, under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic, he vie for Tianjiao Jihad is the first. I can see that Master Zhang really likes Mu Xiaoman instead of talking about it."

Zhang Mofan really took the action.

Zhang Mofan kept listening to Xiaogu without saying a word.

"If you make a big mess, in fact, it's not your competition with that politician disciple, but the change in the gap between the human race and the monster race. For thousands of years, the relationship between the human race and the monster race has not been able to go further. ."

Little grumbled: "If you really succeed in raising a marriage, it means that the barrier between the human race and the monster race will completely disappear."

Zhang Mofan looked at Xiaogu in surprise, and said: "Xiaogu, I didn't expect you to be able to say such a thing, it seems that you are not an ordinary person."

Xiaogu bowed his head and said: "The slave and maidservant are insignificant in front of Master Zhang, but they used to read poetry and books. Regarding the situation in the Zhou Yuanjie, from the ancient times to the medieval era to the present and ancient times, the development process of the slaves and maids has been different. the study."

"It seems that His Royal Highness arranged you by my side. It is not unreasonable. You will not have to do the maid's work in the future, and you will be in charge of the daily affairs of the Martial Commander's Mansion."

Zhang Mofan said.

"The servant girl only wants to serve Master Zhang."

Little grunted.

In fact, this Xiao Gu is really not simple. She is not an ordinary woman, but the daughter of a first-class minister. She has been smart since she was a child. Since the Tianjiao Holy War arena, she has seen Zhang Mofan's performance and has admired Zhang Mofan very much.

Therefore, she prayed to her father to let herself contact Zhang Mofan.

When Prince Qin learned of this, he asked Xiao Gu to pretend to be a maid and was assigned to the Martial Commander's Mansion.

"With your insights, it's hard to serve me."

Zhang Mofan said, "However, what you said is not unreasonable. Just follow what you said. Yu Weiyang, I want to see and know. When the news of Yu Weiyang and Mu Xiaoman getting married, you will tell me The news of a marriage proposal goes out."


Xiao Gu nodded.

Zhang Mofan explained some things again, and then entered the retreat, preparing to seal the Ten Thousand Demon Slayer Demon Knife in the Great Sand Euphorbia, and then, to complete the fusion of the profound marks and refine them into sage marks.

Zhang Mofan entered the map of the mountains and rivers and immediately took out Shensha and the Ten Thousand Demon Demon Slayer Knife, and sealed the Ten Thousand Demon Demon Demon Knife. It was very simple and not difficult.

Within a few hours, Zhang Mofan completed the seal.

Zhang Mofan held the Sandy Euphorbia with one hand and raised it high. The ten mysterious marks floating around the Sandy Euphorbia flashed with ten thousand monster treasures.

The fifteenth ten thousand monster bloodthirsty sword.

The eighteenth-ranked Ten Thousand Demon Bone Blade.

The nineteenth Wan Yao Zhenhai Bell.

The tenth-ranked Ten Thousand Demons Holy Fire Order.

The twenty-first ten thousand monster thunder penalty hammer.

The twenty-ninth Ten Thousand Demons Yuling Staff.

Ranked 30th, Ten Thousand Monsters Pagoda.

Ranked thirty-two, the Ten Thousand Demon Gathering Array.

Ranked thirty-fifth Ten Thousand Demon Slayer Demon Sword.

The thirty-sixth ten thousand demon Fu Haiji.

There are a total of ten Ten Thousand Demon Babies, each of which has its own different power. Now, Zhang Mofan plans to seal these ten Ten Thousand Demon Babies, integrate them, and then use his sacred power to refine them into stigmata.

"Next, we will start to merge."

Zhang Mofan's expression gradually turned solemn, and there was no difficulty in fusing the profound marks into the stigmata. The stronger the martial artist, the easier it was to merge.

Many warriors, who have just been promoted to sages, can create their own sacred treasures. Now, Zhang Mofan is at the top of the sages, and it is naturally easy to become a sacred treasure.

However, Zhang Mofan's sinking sand is not an ordinary weapon. The Profound Mark has sealed the Myriad Demon Baby. It is naturally not that simple to merge.


Zhang Mofan used his own thoughts to control the ten profound marks and gathered, but as soon as they gathered, they were directly spread out by a strong repulsive force.

Every piece of Ten Thousand Demon Baby has a trace of spirituality, and it is absolutely impossible to merge with each other.

Zhang Mofan tried again and again, and almost every time ended in failure, which made him feel a little frustrated.

"Is it impossible to integrate successfully?"

Zhang Mofan frowned, and he was very unwilling. If he couldn't merge into the stigmata, his power of sinking sand would really stop here.

Only by integrating the sacred treasure to transform the sand into the sacred treasure, the power of the sand can continue to increase.

"How can I fuse those ten thousand monster babies?"

For a moment, Zhang Mofan was caught in deep doubts, he began to think, forcibly merged, and only failed.

If all those profound marks were shattered because of failure, then it would be more than worthwhile.

There is no extra space for the prototype of the profound mark on his body.

Zhang Mofan's thoughts were spent three days in the space of Shanhe Tu.

And the outside world, only one day has passed.

However, on this day, a sensational news came out of the real sacred place of the Central Zhou Dynasty. Next month, the Huoyanfeng clan will hold a grand wedding. The genius disciple of the political strategyist Yu Weiyang will marry the Huoyanfeng clan. Genius Mu Xiaoman.

(End of this chapter)

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