Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 960: : Behead the beast

"No, the Soul Eater Bull Beast was attracted by the sword idiot, and we took it quickly."

Yun Chang's face changed slightly when she saw the scene in the distance, and he shouted.

Suddenly, the twenty-odd disciples were condensed into a formation, and they wanted to chase the past.

However, Black Yan moved over, drew out the long sword behind him, and slashed it with one sword.

Among the sword light, more than 30 kinds of artistic conceptions were gathered, and the sword light attacked, and its purpose was to overwhelm the mountain and the sea, and bombard the trapped beast monster cage.


The trapped beast demon cage shattered in an instant, and all the twenty-four disciples in the dazzling state of soul flew out.

"Black Yan, why are you so strong?"

Yun Chang was shocked. She and Black Yan have had a lot of dealings, and their strength is similar to her. They are also the cultivation base of the Seven Souls, but they did not expect that Black Yan's strength is so much stronger, completely beyond. Her imagination.

"Hmph, these years, I have painstakingly cultivated artistic conception, and cultivated more than 30 kinds of sword intents, which merged together. The average seven soul martial artist may not be able to withstand my sword."

Black Yan looked right, and sneered: "This time, the Soul Eater Bull Beast, I'm afraid it will become the thing in the bag of my Sword Sect."

"Hmph, do you really think that sword idiot can contain the Soul Eater? And, even if it can be restrained, I'm afraid he has already led away the Soul Eater."

Yun Chang sneered.

"I heard Jianchi say that if you use him, he wants to retaliate against you. My Fairy Sword Sect is very happy to do such a thing."

Black Yan smiled faintly.

"Ice Soul Silver Needle!"

"Tianji Sword."


Yun Chang and Old Ape immediately offered their weapons, spurred a powerful attack, and blasted towards Black Yan.

"You two, want to kill me, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

Black Yan sneered, the black sword in his hand was constantly spinning in his palm, like a grinding disc.

A large amount of black sword energy swept across suddenly.

That Jian Qi did not kill the two of Yun Chang, but the disciples of Ling Chao.

Ling Chao was already seriously injured, but before he could react, he was stabbed by sword energy.

As for the other disciples, they were equally uncomfortable, and they were swept away by sword qi one by one.

For a time, Black Yan wiped out all the disciples of the altar of worshipping the moon as if the autumn wind swept the leaves.

You know, these disciples are all top masters in the altar of worshipping the moon, but they are vulnerable in front of Black Yan.

Yun Chang's expression changed, and the Bing Po Silver Needle continued to explode, like raindrops, rushing to Black Yan frantically.

However, this black Yan's figure has already rushed to the sky, laughing: "Now, your group of disciples have been seriously injured, and they want to trap the soul-eater, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

After speaking, he flew to the distance, leading a group of disciples, and flew directly to the depths of the forest.

Yun Chang's face sank completely, and said, "Old Ape, you will go with me and look for opportunities."


Old Yuan nodded, and directly followed Yunshang Altar Master.

This soul-eater, they didn't know how much energy it took to find its whereabouts, how could they just give up like this?

Moreover, soul-eaters are not so easy to deal with, they may be able to profit from the fisherman.


Zhang Mofan was attached to his body by the Soul Eater Bull Beast, constantly urging his supernatural powers, trying to swallow Zhang Mofan's Holy Spirit body.

However, as soon as the soul power of the Soul Eater Bull Beast penetrated, it was expelled by the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves.

The dark shadow rushed out of Zhang Mofan's body and turned into an existence that looked like a person but not a human, and a beast and not a beast.

This monster beast is shaped like a black bull, but has a lion head, a big mouth, round eyes, and it is constantly bred with purple awns.

This monster is a soul-eater.

There was also a shocked expression in his eyes, and said: "You? What is it in your sea of ​​consciousness? I can't swallow your Holy Spirit body."

"If you can swallow my Holy Spirit body, I will take the initiative to attract you out? Now that your body has appeared, then go to die."

Zhang Mofan sneered, the long sword in his hand gave birth to mysterious fluctuations.

A sword swept out, and the surrounding areas of the Soul Eater Bull Beast had turned into a blazing summer, and the ground around it had begun to melt.

This is the summer of the reincarnation of the four seasons. It is blazing hot. Even a warrior who practices fire attribute techniques will be extremely hot and unbearable when facing this sword.

The Soul Eater Bull Beast immediately felt a burning sensation in his body, and he suddenly shouted: "You, a warrior who robs a soul, can actually play the mysterious? This is impossible, absolutely impossible."

Soul Eater Bull Beast, as a monster beast who has practiced for many years, naturally recognizes that this is not martial skill, but mysterious.

Generally, only the strong in the profound realm can play the profound.

And the man in front of him, with the cultivation base of the dazzling state, was able to play the mysterious, which made him feel a little unreal.

Thinking of this, he didn't intend to stay here anymore. Although his strength was strong, he had no actual means of attack and would only devour the Holy Spirit body.

Now, his move was useless to Zhang Mofan, so naturally he didn't plan to.

He swept his body and fled directly into the distance.

However, at this moment, a pitch-black sword light burst out from a distance. With just a single sword, it directly cut the Soul Devouring Bull Beast in half.

Zhang Mofan turned his gaze and saw that it was Black Yan, and he was also secretly shocked. The power of this sword unexpectedly merged with more than 30 moods, and a sword killed the soul-eater.

"Hahaha, sword idiot, you are really extraordinary. This time we succeeded in killing the Soul Eater Bull Beast, and its demon core may be able to refine a lot of Heavenly Soul Pills."

He Yan was so excited that he ordered his disciples to take away the body of the Soul Devouring Bull Beast.

He walked up to Zhang Mofan and smiled: "Sword idiot, as the black sword envoy of the Fairy Sword Sect, I invite you to join my Fairy Sword Sect."

In his opinion,, this sword idiot is definitely a genius, able to cultivate to the present level as a casual cultivator, and, with the identity of the sword idiot, his sword skills are definitely good.

Their Fairy Sword Sect recruits warriors who are good at swordsmanship.

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded, his gaze shifted, and he found Yun Chang and Old Ape hidden beside him. He also said coldly, "Master Yun, do you know? You made the worst choice in your life, which is to use For me, when I joined your worship, I will definitely make a great contribution to your worship. Unfortunately, you missed this opportunity."

Seeing that the Soul Eater Bull Beast had been beheaded, Yun Chang's eyes were jealous and gloomy, and said, "Sword idiot, don't think that you have joined the Sword Fairy Sect. You just think that if you seek protection, I will kill you sooner or later."

"Yun Chang, you are so good at worshipping gods, but I don't care about Immortal Sword Sect."

Heiyan scorned, and led his disciple away from the Black Point Mountain Range.

Now, they have killed the Soul Eater Bull Beast and refined its demon core into a Heavenly Soul Pill, which can raise at least a dozen warriors in the dazzling realm by one level.

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