Final Boss: Urban Physician

Chapter 390: I only serve Mr. Xiao (5)

After taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan took his breath and tapped under his feet.

   "Jiangbei, Xuanyuan, please enlighten me!"

   The other party hummed and ignored him!

   The two of them were in the air, and they suddenly hit their fists, Dongyue's disciple, without any precautions!

   However, when the two fists collided, Dongyue's disciples suddenly felt the richness of the breath inside Xuanyuanjitian!


   With a blast, Dongyue's disciples were forced to retreat by Xuanyuan, tens of meters away!


   The other party was in a state of consternation for a while, and brought strength, only to stop the trend of body backwards!

Behind   , several fellow students could not help but tease:

   "Brother Liu Xuan, what's the matter? You were repulsed by a guy with lower strength than you, or a secular warrior, this is not your style!"

   "Isn't it, patronizing and talking about love, these days, has Xiuwei declined?"

  Liu Xuan stared at everyone fiercely.

   "Shut up! Just now, it was just my carelessness!"

   Immediately, he looked at Xuanyuan again, clenched his fists, and in his eyes, exploded two sharp cold mountains!

   "Stinky boy, I didn't expect you to have two things, but you dare to fight against me, and today, I will definitely make you humiliated! The big Luo Jinxian is here and can't save you!"

  The words fell, and he stomped under his feet, and at the same time, his body burst into a heart-pounding momentum, helping him disappear in the spot instantly!

   appeared again, and the person had come to the left side of Xuanyuanjitian!

  Xuanyuan Xiaotian, eyes narrowed, dare not have the slightest care, immediately blocked with his left arm, the Buddha's Taoist practice, the golden light, instantly protected him in it, Liu Xuan's attack was also reached in an instant!

   He punched Xuanyuanyitian's body with a punch and was blocked by the golden light of his body. Xuanyuanyitian moved a distance of several tens of meters in parallel and cut the concrete floor under his feet, all of which gave him a big mouth!

  Liu Xuan and others could not help but narrow their eyes!

   "Shaolin Xian Gong's exercises? Are you from Shaolin Xian Gong?"

   "No! I was in Shaolin Xiangong for a while!"

   "Humph! That is to say, you have been a disciple of Shaolin Xian Gong!"

"you could put it that way!"

   "In this case, look at the face of Shaolin Xiangong, leave an arm, I will wait and spare you a dog life! Get out! Don't do anything about Jiangbei again!"

  Xuanyuanxiaotian, but shook his head.

   "I am now under Mr. Xiao, and Jiangbei is my hometown, as long as I still have a breath, I will not let you go, here... against them!"

"Huh! It's a guy who toasts and doesn't eat fines! It seems that you are a disciple of Shaolin Xiangong layman and want to spare you a dog's life, you are so ignorant! Since that is the case, then You can only be sent to the road!"

   The words fell, and the opponent shot again. After knowing the strength of Xuanyuanjitian, the other party no longer left their hands and directly used their full strength to fight against Xuanyuanjitian!

   Fully firepower, the strength of the other party is almost daunting!

  Xuanyuanjitian, there is only the part that keeps resisting!

   duel in the air, they can only see countless afterimages overlapping, but they can't see the direction of their attack!

   Elder Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly!

   "Unexpectedly, this Xiao Chen has quite a bit! It can be cultivated, this powerful guy! And, let him willingly, sell his life for himself!"

   "What does Elder Jiang mean?"

   "This kid, the qualifications are good! Later, you will directly fight to suppress! I want to live!"


   Everyone nodded, and the battle became more and more fierce above the sky, and it has obviously entered a stage of intense heat!

  Xuanyuanjitian, even the power of the devil, is also used. The blessing of the power of the Buddha and the devil is only to enable him to cross three realms and tie the opponent!

   Opposite Liu Xuan, the shot is more and more spicy!

  Xuanyuanjitian, is just a secular martial arts person, why should he be on an equal footing with him?

  This kind of imbalance and jealousy in his heart made him have a deep resentment!

  Xuanyuanjitian, must be killed to be able to calm the kind of injustice in his heart!

  Liu Xuan's eyes were slightly red, and the sword shadow in his hand was a little bit more fierce!

  He is because of the jealousy in his heart, and there are some symptoms of wanting to get out of the way!

   This is a taboo in the battle!

  Xuanyuan killing the sky, looked at a free, stomped under his feet, his fists out.

   The energy of the two colors of Buddha and Demon bombards the opponent's armpit at the same time, trembling the opponent's body's aura flow rules!


  Liu Xuan spewed out a bit of blood, his body was unstable, Xuan Yuan slayed the sky, turned 360 degrees, turned a kick, stirred the situation, mixed with the tiger down the mountain! Slammed **** Liu Xuan's chest!

   "Lion tiger takes heart!"


  With a violent explosion, the clouds shook, Liu Xuan's body fell like a cannonball and fell down!

   The young disciples of Dongyue Xiangong couldn't help but get shocked!

   followed immediately, two elite disciples of Dongyue Xiangong jumped up, one took Liu Xuan's body, and one forced Xuanyuan to go away!

   "Boy, we underestimated you!"

  Xuanyuanji, his face changed, he could feel the vast breath of the other party's face, the pressure is like a tiger!

   "Super God Realm!"

   just made this exclamation, he was hit by a violent force into his chest, and a sip of blood was sprayed in midair, falling straight!


   He didn’t have anyone to go to He fell on the ground fiercely, the smashed ground cracked, the concrete floor was like a spider web, and the terror was extremely extreme!


   After landing, he spit out a bit of blood again, and then he was enveloped by a huge aura!

   That's the super **** realm who just defeated him!

  Liu Xuan has been taken down next, with a shameful face:

   "Elder Jiang, I'm sorry, I am ashamed of Xian Gong!"

   Elder Jiang hummed!

   "Go down, useless stuff!"

  Liu Xuan did not dare to speak, and went backwards, and Elder Jiang set his sights on Xuan Yuanjitian!

"Boy, you are very good! The old man hasn't seen it for so many years, you are a genius of this level! Your talent, even in my Dongyue Xiangong, is one of the best! How? Interested, do Old man's disciple?"

  Xuanyuanxiaotian, teeth clenched!

"Not interested in!"

   The voice just fell, and the super-god strong again exerted force, letting him spit out a bit more blood, and the forehead blue muscles were exposed!

   "Want your words, speak again! Being able to be spotted by Elder Jiang is a blessing that you have cultivated in ten lifetimes.

  Xuanyuan Xiaotian, hehe smiled.

   "Sorry, I said, I am not interested! Budo, I only serve Mr. Xiao!"

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