Finally Come

Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Long Time No See Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 191: Long Time No See

Seeing that Nagato hadn’t spoken on the side, there was no sound from standing on the side.

Long Key won’t say anything anymore. Nagato should know everything he wants to say.

Turning around, looking at Kakuzu and Nagato faintly.

“It’s been a long time, Beidou, Jade Girl.”

It was a long time before Long Yao uttered such an unsavory sentence.

Hearing this sentence, Kakuzu and Sasori looked at each other, and they let out a sigh of relief.

Originally, Long Key’s words made the two of them feel a little frightened.

How many are very curious about what Planetary Devastation that Nagato did not show.

Long Yao watched the two for a long time, but didn’t say a word.

The more like this, the more there is no bottom in their hearts.

Until Long Yao spoke slightly, the two understood that the previous things were all right…

“The strength of the two of you is pretty good… but your temper is the same as before.”

Long Yao shook his head…

Kakuzu and Sasori understood that Long Key was a matter of infighting before talking about it, and they didn’t dare to say anything at the moment, so they stood there quietly.

“Okay, don’t be so serious. It must not have been easy for you to stay alone for so many years. I won’t say anything about you anymore. But remember, the situation will only become more and more dangerous in the future. Your temperament and character , I don’t need you to change, if you should kill, just kill…

If it becomes shrunken, the organization does not need such waste, but there are some things, I hope you can think more and think more. ”

“Understood… Lord Key…”

“Yes… the leader…”

Both Sasori and Kakuzu nodded.

And Nagato on the side heard it. In fact, he also understood in his heart that although Long Key said these words to Kakuzu and Sasori, he didn’t say it to himself…

“Zero Burial… It seems that you also understand very well…”

“It’s Hai… There are some things, although the adults don’t say anything, but how can I not know it? As Xiaozhi’s Burial, I will naturally not live up to this name.”

A strange sound of Yin and Yang suddenly came from his side, Nagato just wanted to raise his hand, and suddenly, he immediately put it down…

It’s so fascinating.. Except absolutely, there is only absolutely…

Other people, who want to be around him like this, have absolutely no such hidden strength…

Suddenly looked at Nagato’s face full of questions, and curiously said: “Planetary Devastation, I really want to see what it looks like… I don’t know how big a zero burial can be?”

When I asked this, it was naturally White Zetsu…

But whether it’s White Zetsu or Black Zetsu, to other people, no matter who they talk, they are considered to be one person…

Nagato heard that his face was a little ugly, but he couldn’t understand. He was definitely injured before laughing at him, or was he testing his own abilities. He said with a cold expression, “How do you know Planetary Devastation?”

The husky voice was completely fearless, and said with a mysterious smile: “Hehe, don’t forget my identity…”

Nagato’s tone…

But he didn’t say anything softly: “Want to know? You can try it yourself.”

Hearing it, his face turned dark, and then shook his head, “Forget it, forget it, I don’t want to be hurt so badly…””Huh… then shut up.”


The mysterious person and Zero Burial who suddenly appeared on the side said this without a word, and soon attracted the eyes of Sasori and Kakuzu who were standing on the side.

When I knew that this strangely dressed person was Xiao Zhihai.

When the two looked at each other, they both showed such expressions as expected.

The two of them were unaware of the sudden appearance of Jue. They were obviously one person, but two huge chakras came from them, which made Kakuzu and Sasori not underestimate the thoughts.

After several collisions…

The two of them deeply understood…. None of the members of the organization is simple, especially there is a dull look over there, with the burial of Bloodline Rinnegan like a god.

The conversation between the two was also heard by Kakuzu and Sasori. Nagato was on the side. After hearing the words of Jue, his face changed slightly, and then he returned to a flat face.

Hurt? !

What does it mean?

The meaning is very clear… that is to say, Jue, will not die under that mysterious technique, although it will be seriously injured, but it is still alive.

However, Long Key has said before that this trick is a trick that can kill Kakuzu and Sasori.

By comparison, in other words, the strengths of Kakuzu and Sasori are inferior…

Nagato is also amazing.

Although he knew that Jue had always been Long Key’s confidant, but in the same way, Jue’s strength was quite mysterious, and apart from this hidden ability, Nagato did not find anything else.

These short sentences are proof..

Absolute strength is definitely not simple!

After feeling the gazes of the two, they definitely walked over here too.

“You are Beidou and Jade Girl…it’s such a big air..”

There is no trace of kindness in the look of Jue..

The arrogant attitude of Kakuzu and Sasori completely angered him…

“Hai…if you want to fight, I will accompany you.”

“Where is your attitude so good? Hai?”

Either Sasori or Kakuzu, even though they were wrong… but how could they admit that when the two of them looked cold, they said such a sentence.

Suddenly everyone felt a very cold and powerful aura. It was an aura like a divine residence, completely unlike what a human had.

Looking at the source of this momentum, everyone quietly closed their mouths and stopped talking.

“Do you take what I said before as the wind? You want to fight, do you? Very good, you three come together, and you win, do whatever you want.. Lose… Haha, less arms Don’t blame me if you have fewer legs.”

Long Yao stood up, his imposing aura, his long hair like a waterfall blew slowly, and a nine-hook jade Rinnegan widened, staring at the three of them shiningly.

“Nagato, do you want to join?”

On the side, Nagato, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of Rinnegan was full of anxiety and shook his head quickly. Although he grew up, but…

How could he not know the strength of Long Key, but he was sitting here, but he didn’t want to get involved in the affairs of these three people.

“But I can stand on the side of the adults and help them a little bit more.”

Nagato looked at Long Yao and nodded respectfully…

It was just such a sentence, but Jangjue, Sasori, and Kakuzu all stared at Nagato’s body. ..

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