Finally Come

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Gold and Silver【Seeking a monthly pass! Ask for a reward! 】

Chapter 209 Gold and Silver [Seeking a monthly pass! Ask for a reward! 】

Successful and large plans are often accompanied by the same risks.

This is also true for the Dawn Plan. With the arrival of the corpse, this time the danger is mainly borne by Long Key alone.

Without risk, there are no high returns.

At an exit of the woods, a person stood quietly in place, not paying attention, as if he was blending with the surrounding plants, until he felt a figure appear behind him, and his body slowly turned.

Nagato always doesn’t have any expressions, so he definitely asks very directly: “How is it, are you talking about it?”

“No, my lord seems to have other meanings, this time it’s just prior contact.”

After listening, Jue’s expression remained unchanged.

“You don’t seem surprised at all.”

“Indeed, adults, he always likes to contact them in advance, and finally use other methods to solve them, just like you did at the beginning.”

“Did I…”

Nagato’s thoughts were drawn to him at once.

There is nothing wrong with what I said, it is indeed the case. At the beginning, I also contacted myself first, and only recently joined the organization…

Looking back at the time, my naive thoughts really didn’t deserve the title of Zero Burial.

“There is news from the clone, we can go to Konoha directly.”

Jue’s thoughts suddenly moved, and just now, the transportation of the clones has been completed, and Long Key directly ordered the action of the two to begin.

Nagato didn’t speak, and ran away.

“Oh… rude guy…”

“Zero Burial is always like this.”

White Zetsu made a complaining sound, but Black Zetsu looked very openly.

Without sluggishness, Jue’s body slowly merged into the ground and disappeared.

In a cave some distance away from here, a transparent enchantment with invisible color exists beside a stream.

Looking at it from a distance, this transparent enchantment just flashed, and there was no wiseness.

From the outside, there seems to be nothing here.

Inside the enchantment, there was a figure constantly walking around in small steps.

Looking at the four human bodies on the ground without a trace of life surrounded by black robes, Long Yao’s heart was also thinking about it at this time…

What to do is to make two of Six Paths directly, and quickly rush to the base to transfer all thoughts to the Gedo Statue.

Let’s get to Kirigakure first and finish Kisame’s things.

This time Kisame went back. Long Key knew exactly what he would encounter, and it was the best time to draw in. However, his own affairs were also imminent and could not be delayed.

Finally, Long Key nodded and decided…

First, Kirigakure solved the problem of returning Nandou to his place. It shouldn’t take much time.

But before that….

Long Key looked at two of the corpses. Four of the corpses were grown from cell cultures, and two of them were specially used to make Celestial Dao and Animal Dao.

Different Six Paths corpses cultured different cells at that time, and the different corpses cultivated were most suitable for different reincarnation Six Paths.

The other two leftovers were not used to make Six Paths puppets. It doesn’t count as if they were corpses.

These two bodies are still alive at this time, but the growth cycle is very slow, they were specially cultivated by Dragon Key…First of all, Long Key commanded Jue to find the corpses of the golden horn and the silver horn, and the cultivation of the two bodies in front of them was carried out on the cells of the golden horn and the silver horn…

Everything has been cultivated, and only the last step is left. The Dragon Key grants life to the two of them, using the power of time on them, allowing them to accelerate their growth and directly become youths.

The vitality of the golden horn and the silver horn is so huge that Long Key also took a fancy to this point, and not only that, Long Key will also strengthen other powers on these two people.

The existence of the two was also part of the plan, but they could not act under the Akatsuki organization, and Long Yao did not intend to put the two into the organization.

“Then… let’s get started…”

Long Yao closed his eyes.

The golden particles evacuated slowly from Dragon Key’s body like powder-packed golden particles.

Very gentle, drifting slowly towards the two bodies.

Even if it is to speed up the life of the two, it takes time, and it cannot be introduced quickly. If it is an ordinary person, Long Key would not care too much.

However, these two are his own subordinates in the future, and they are still created by himself. Then, with an inexplicable proud pride, Long Key will definitely not let this matter go wrong.

As the two lives that Long Yao made by himself, Long Yao can be said to have exhausted his mind, and he has a very attentive mentality for these two lives.

It can be said that every step is very careful, and a little bit of blood is added to it. As for the cells…

Long Yao once did a little experiment…

After experimenting with my own cells, the answer is that Dragon Key’s cells are very aggressive. As long as they touch other cells, they will either be destroyed or swallowed. Even after swallowing, the cells will become upgraded, thus disappearing and death.

The Dragon Key who came to the answer could only start from the blood side, and finally found a trace of improvement. Dragon Key’s blood also has a strong attack effect.

It’s like venom.. However, as long as the blood processed by Dragon Key himself, it has a gain effect.

For example, anti-drug, anti-aging, beautifying, whitening…strengthening the body…

Long Yao finally found a reason why she was loved by her sister, but he did feel like Ten Thousand Years old ginseng.. How to be like a big tonic…

The two bodies slowly moved somewhat as the golden light flashed.

Although it is the cells of the golden horn and silver horn, it is actually based on the blood of Dragon Key. In the human body, blood is more important, isn’t it?

It can be said that cells are useless, they are just a foundation…

But it is the blood that really gives you life, and it is the person you really should be thankful for.

This blood is not just blood, it has been put into Dragon Key’s unique contract when it is integrated.

The created two do not have to sign any soul contract with Sasori and the others.

The gift of life, plus the loyalty in the blood.

This can be said to greatly reflect Long Yao’s perfect attitude towards one thing.

To be clear, it’s just a superfluous move by someone with a perfectionist fucking personality.

(Talk about the next development….

There is a small place where I have a disagreement…I want to go to Kirigakure, do you want Terumi Mei, if you want? Who is the Mizukage behind? And… it’s a bit slower to enter the Nine Tails event. It takes a few pictures to write about Sister Mei Ming…

Second, the person who created the two dragon keys with golden horns and silver horns…

Is it male or female?

This is also very important….

I hope you can give me some opinions, in the book review, and in the group, tell me and give me opinions.

As of 6 o’clock tomorrow night, I will first solve the problem of whether gold and silver are male or female.

Recently, it has been a bottleneck, and some things in the university have made Feiyan a little annoying. When I get annoyed, I am afraid of writing some unsightly content. Isn’t it disgusting for readers?

I am a good person who is as principled as Long Key…

Hmm… That’s it, everyone’s advice… If the discussion is done, it would be nice to decide the gender of gold and silver today.

Finally… whether it’s a male or female… Zhu -kun, help me think of the names of these two) ..

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