Finally Come

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 When Rain Shinobi Village is in progress [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 271 When Rain Shinobi Village is in progress [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Kuni no Kuni, Rain Shinobi Village, this village that has not relied on any of the five ninja villages in several Ninja wars, unlike other small villages, each one perishes in the war, and there are new ones in the perish. The small villages are growing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Undoubtedly, Rain Shinobi Village has not reached the economic and military levels of the other five villages, but it is a well-deserved village ranked sixth in the Shinobi world. Kawa no Kuni is not as large and rich as other big countries. No miracle happened, which led to Rain Shinobi Village, although there were some strong players and some economics.

But without the support of big countries, there will never be a way to become a big village like the Big Five Ninja Villages, and the other big Ninja Villages will not give Rain Shinobi Village such a chance.

Rain Shinobi Village was quite lively at this time. Even in the Ninja War, Rain Shinobi Village was not so lively.

That’s right, the house collapsed and there were corpses all over, mostly ninjas, and some innocent civilians were too late to evacuate and were killed by the collapse of the house.

If it wasn’t for a different environment, and there was no unique evil Chakra of Nine Tails in the air, some people would definitely think that this was the place where the Nine Tails incident happened.

The shouts and roars are here and there, but they will soon disappear. How could it be, but it’s just death.


“Stupid guy…”

Kisame looked at Water Style coming towards him as if seeing something ridiculous.

“Chakra weapons, it seems that Rain Shinobi Village is not comparable to the five ninja villages, but it is still quite good. Ordinary Jōnin has such weapons, or is it that you, a mediocre guy, is actually a big man?”

The Water Style is attached to the Chakra weapon. It seems to be smeared with a light mist. It looks harmless. In fact, it is like the sea. Although it is plain, it is always mixed with sea storms. The tsunami is in it.

However, Kisame only blocked it with his arm vigorously. The two collided together, and there was not much sound. Instead, it seemed like the currents merged, and the Chakra weapon stopped there forcibly.

The ninja’s face changed, what kind of strange power is this…

Even if the opponent has some secret technique to resist it, but this kind of strength…

The ninja of Rain Shinobi Village slowly left sweat on his forehead. He just chopped it down from a high altitude and couldn’t shake the opponent’s body by a single bit.

Chakra Absorption: When hit by a weapon that uses Chakra as the medium or in contact with the body, absorb the enemy Chakra.

“My body is capable of Chakra. Forget it, you don’t seem to understand if I tell you so much.”

Kisame grinned, and the terrifying appearance immediately made Rain Shinobi Village’s ninja’s aura lower. Kisame didn’t care about it, suddenly increased his strength, and flew out the Chakra weapon.

Then the right hand quickly reached to the handle of the Samehada on the back and swept it hard. When the ninja of Rain Shinobi Village was still being leaned back, Samehada’s shoulders and head were directly cut clean.

“Where is the next… Oh, you have already killed almost the area in charge before you know it… Then hurry up and meet…”

Kisame’s small shark-like eyes looked cruelly around, but found that apart from the beheaded but still shaking body, there was no sign of life around him.

Although his mouth was talking about confluence, Kisame walked towards the center step by step without any urgency.

In the east area, the ninja on the street looked around vigilantly, but it was just like this. After a while, he found that his companion had just arrived.”I…..”

The ninja just wanted to see what happened, but found that his hands were covered with blood. Looking at his bloody hands, the ninja’s eyes were full of fear, and he didn’t dare. When he fell, he finally found out…

There was a blood-red piece of paper on his throat inexplicably. The piece of paper was originally white, but it was stained red with his own blood.

Is it because the paper is too thin and too small… so I don’t feel it at all…

Before closing his eyes finally, the ninja finally figured out what happened…

“Is this an angel…”

When he was about to close his eyes completely, faintly, the ninja saw a woman with white wings, red clouds on a black background, and beautiful blue hair flying over her unhurriedly.

The angel’s temperament is so noble. Just looking at it from a distance, the ninja can feel what kind of shock the other party’s white and elegant figure has brought to his demise.

“Able…Able…Before you die…”

The ninja slowly stretched his hand towards the sky, as if he wanted to catch something, but finally he had no chance to finish his words, and finally died on the concrete corridor with a smiling face.

He was destined to be just a mortal… Maybe it’s best to have such a mood before he died.

Xiao Nan’s eyes were still so cold, and while flying like that, there were many pieces of paper on his body that turned into butterflies and all kinds of exquisite things floated out.

Before Xiao Nan arrived, the enemy had been wiped out.

Suddenly Xiao Nan found that there seemed to be someone on the ground who stretched out his hand in his direction.

Xiao Nan laughed suddenly, like a bunch of warmth in the cold winter, a beautiful flower in the desert.

Xiao Nan’s mouth opened as if to say something.

The ninja didn’t know what the other party said, but died smiling…

If you can get in a little bit further, you will find that Xiao Nan’s mouth is only two words.


(Oh, I don’t know why, this sister Nan Nan is more popular)

Ignoring the crowd here, Xiao Nan flapped his wings and flew to a high place quickly, leaving the pool of blood.

In the corner of Rain Shinobi Village, in a remote and uninhabited place, an aloe-like object appeared from under the land so strangely.

It is Mr. Jue who is considered the most mysterious by Akatsuki members and is recognized as the true biography of Long Key from the aspect of academic badness.

After Absolute appeared, he ran forward at a quick pace, the speed was shocking.

What exactly do you want to do?

Is there anything you need to do in such anxiousness? ..

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