Finally Come

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: The Name of God’s Choice【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 276: The Name of God’s Choice [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]


“Indeed, the kind of people who are willing to resolve hatred may be great people, but things often happen to themselves, these people will forget their own thoughts and drown in blood and hatred.

Even if his parents were killed, he still tried to resolve his enemies.

Great man? Maybe it is, but the deaths of parents and relatives are left behind. It is just a waste. In my opinion, it is a great waste at best. ”

“Why do you think I am standing here? Everything else is incidental, as I said before. Standing in front of you is only because of the command of the lord. You must be destroyed!”

Hanzo listened and said indifferently: “I have witnessed countless human samurai ninjas, and it has been the same for many years. I have witnessed too many human survival and death.

The end of a person is not the time to die, but the time when faith is lost. ”

“Although I am no longer young, my beliefs have not disappeared. Perhaps, the moment I made it to protect myself, my beliefs changed, became weak and timid, but! All of this, All for Rain Shinobi Village!”

“Hanzo-sama, you are not weak!”

“All for Rain Shinobi Village!”

Hanzo’s words seemed lonely and sad, and he said that he was speaking to Nagato, rather than speaking to him himself.

The surrounding ninjas were obviously moved by what Hanzo said. Hanzo, no matter what, was indeed for a good village head of Rain Shinobi Village.

Seeing that Nagato didn’t pay attention to him, Hanzo seemed a little embarrassed. He understood that the other party didn’t seem to care about these things, and he seemed to be a little off topic.

“You said the meaning of this battle, I know it in my heart, but I won’t lose. If I fail, what face do I have to be on the side of an adult.”

“Oh? It seems you understand very well, but it’s not good for young people to be overconfident, even if you have that kind of power.”

Hanzo glanced at Nagato’s eyes slightly, Rinnegan, a double-edged sword, if one is not careful, it is easy to get lost in that powerful force and unable to extricate himself.

“Be careful of yourself, Zero Burial, my title in the organization, today, I am also killing you in this capacity.”

“On the contrary, if you die, maybe you have the name of Zero Burial, but it will belong to me.”

Hanzo said coldly, he was never afraid of fighting. He had been a warrior for a lifetime, and he naturally longed for a strong enemy.

Nagato’s expression suddenly became cold when he heard the words.

If Nagato cares about anything, it may be the remaining glory and reputation, that is, the name of zero burial.

This not only represents him alone, but also represents one of Akatsuki.

“The name of God’s choice, this kind of glory, is not something mortal like Hanzo can do.”

Nagato seemed to be a little irritated, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Hanzo didn’t seem to be afraid, and he said calmly: “How do you know I can’t serve, but it’s still so naive.”

This strange tone suddenly made Nagato’s brows burst.

Suddenly, the Hanzo people on the opposite side quickly backed away, and they saw the middle finger and index finger of Hanzo’s hand making a mark, and then facing each other, the detonating talisman slowly appeared on the surface of the ground, like running water. He took Nagato’s body and wrapped Nagato’s body tightly.

When did this happen…

Nagato frowned. Even Rinnegan didn’t see it clearly. It can only be attributed to Hanzo’s detonation technique reaching Ultimate.Looking at Nagato’s eyes, Hanzo seemed a little relaxed and said, “I’m still a little tender, and I’m not outdated to prepare for this because I’m talking so much to you. It’s too careless. Everything in the future belongs to me. ”


Hanzo’s voice seemed to respond to the detonating talisman on Nagato’s body, each detonating talisman seemed to slowly burn, and then the continuous explosions roared continuously.

Hanzo didn’t see it, Nagato’s eyes suddenly earned a lot, and a layer of transparent white that resembled an enchantment flashed off his body.

Fire Style burst into flames.

When the palm of the hand slaps the ground, the ground under the opponent’s feet will slowly sink and reveal multiple detonation symbols, which can continue to burn after the explosion.

This ability really caught people off guard, and it was also a technique Hanzo would often use.

And Nagato relatively solves that.

Hungry Kidō, absorb.

“Master Hanzo.”

The backing ninja called to Hanzo.

Hanzo looked at them and nodded and said, “Bring you direct Anbu, that is, because you have a perfect fight for me. The ninjas of the average village are likely to be caught in the explosion just now.”

“Go to other places in the village to see if there are other enemies. Although the intelligence says there is only one person, we must be foolproof. After finding out, if you are wearing the same clothes as the person just now, don’t do it and notify me immediately. ”

“Understood, Hanzo-sama! Let’s go!”


Hanzo looked at the few ninjas who left. Although he didn’t consume much strength just now, he was very nervous. After all, it was Rinnegan.

As for not letting Anbu and other enemies do anything, is this the reason…

Maybe he will die one of them in the future…

“Hanzo, you seem to be a lot more arrogant than I thought.”

Just as Hanzo was about to leave, his eyes widened suddenly, and the sound coming from behind was exactly the Nagato he thought he had died in the explosion just now.

“Isn’t it dead in my Fire Style? I just made a move now, do you want to let Anbu next to me leave? It seems that I was careless.”

This is what Hanzo thinks. Even if there is no death, it is certain that he has been seriously injured. He is not afraid of a badly injured Nagato.

It was a pity that Hanzo was a little disappointed. Hanzo turned around and found that, apart from burning smoke on Nagato’s clothes with red clouds on black background, there was no damage to his clothes.

“Impossible! Didn’t you actually receive a trace of harm.”

Hanzo was a little surprised, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Nagato patted the smoke on his body and looked at Hanzo expressionlessly: “Rinnegan’s abilities are not what you can imagine, and the organization of clothes is not what you can imagine.”

This is immune to C-level clothing with Genin technique, coupled with the absorption of evil spirits, how can ordinary burning hurt the slightest bit of the uniform.

For Long Yao’s work, Nagato truly felt admiration.

“There is another point that you are wrong. Those Anbus may be used in the future, so they are dead and a bit wasteful. Even here, there are only two more ants!”

Nagato’s momentum changed, and the flatness of the previous chat disappeared again.

Changed back to that arrogant burial. ..

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