Finally Come

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: Falling to the Altar【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 278: Falling into the Altar [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

“Swordsmanship Flashes”

Nagato just felt that there was someone not far away, so naturally he knew that it was Hanzo.

However, since Shenluo Tianzheng had just been launched, he could not use it again, but after such a long distance, Nagato was at ease.


Nagato was startled, and he saw that Hanzo, who was not far away, had already arrived by his side at this time. He had never heard of this technique. It was not a space, nor a body strengthened by Lightning Style.

Hanzo looked straight at Nagato. The sickle blade in his hand was shining abnormally under the sunlight. The traces of purple liquid on it showed that this is not just a sharp weapon, but there are deadly toxins on it.

Swordsmanship flashes, usually used when comparing swordsmanship one-to-one.

Focusing Chakra on weapons (a samurai uses a sword, Hanzo uses a combination of a sickle and axe), and then rushes to the opponent to issue powerful slashes, which can be said to be an instant victory or defeat.


Hanzo’s eyes were wide open, and the blow he thought he was going to kill was an unexpected situation at this time.

Nagato didn’t look back, but there was a squirm on his left arm, both arms suddenly grew in reserves, and both hands held Hanzo’s two weapons.

The hard arm made Hanzo understand that it was definitely not formed by the body.

Nagato turned his head a little, and looked at Hanzo coldly.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng”


Hanzo’s body is like a stone on a slingshot, and his two steel arms are like two supports for a slingshot, and Nagato is like a rubber band on a slingshot, sending out a huge force to bounce Hanzo out again.

Unlike the destructive power of a slingshot that hits an object, Shinra Tianzheng has already overwhelmed Hanzo’s strength in the first time. If he hits something, it will be the second time.

Nagato didn’t let it down, and slowly extended to two steel places, one of which slowly transformed into a laser cannon, slowly condensing the light blue light.

The other was pulled from the wrist by Nagato, and it was pulled out like a thread, covered with missiles of even sizes.

Tweeted tweeted!

At the same time as the missile was launched, the laser cannon in his hand also thought of the smoke and dust generated by Hanzo hitting the stone.

Nagato frowned slightly, and the explosion was a little different from what he thought.

Slowly he was relieved, he had forgotten the existence of Sansho fish.

Sure enough, Nagato looked over and saw Hanzō of the Salamander, who was lying on the ground, and Hanzō of the Salamander, who was formally dying before Hanzō, blocked a blow.

“Ahem… I’m sorry, old man.”

Seeing the painful whine of Sanjiao Yu, Hanzo felt a little distressed. Sanjiao Yu was a Summoning beast that accompanied him when he was a child.

“Demigod, you will fall to the altar today.”

Hearing Nagato’s mocking tone, Hanzo was very indifferent, but he was a little agreeable. The demigod also depends on people. In terms of strength, the man in front of him is indeed not an opponent at all.

“Don’t you find anything yet?”

Hanzo ridiculed a little. Even if he died, he had to pull someone up. He never wanted to give Rain Shinobi Village to others.


Nagato frowned, it was obvious that he felt something bad.”Oh, zero burial, are you still not over here.”

Hanzo was surprised… looking at Nagato’s side, someone suddenly came.


It was another voice, although it was an indifferent voice but with a touch of tenderness, there was no lack of hatred in the voice.

Looking at Hanzo, his face became bright and dark.

Nagato looked at Kisame and nodded. “It’s almost there soon.”

Then he looked at Xiao Nan and said, “Xiao Nan, we can avenge Mi Yan right away.”

Xiao Nan nodded coldly.

Although Mi Yan was a bit weaker, in this age of war, they grew up together and depended on each other, but they were the most trusted partners of each other.

“Water Style. Water Curtain”

Hanzo slowly stood up, and Kieyin quickly.

The drops of water slowly condensed around him, like a movie theater screen, swept towards Nagato and several people.

The scope of this technique is so large that it can hardly be avoided.

“I saw a good Water Style since then, not bad.”

When Kisame saw Hanzo’s Water Style, he still felt that this technique was very good. Although the technique was divided into different levels, it was not necessarily the one with higher level that had more destructive power.

The same A-level skills, some are suitable for feint attacks, and some are suitable for gathering a little.

Hanzo’s technique is obviously covering something, and thus can achieve the effect of disturbing the opponent and attacking. It can be said that it is a very good Water Style.


“Got it… Water Style. Big Shark Ball Technique”

Kisame understood that this Water Style range was the most suitable for him to solve. A huge shark appeared in front of Kisame, took a look at Kisame, and rushed forward quickly.

The impact is so big that Hanzo’s Water Style is directly divided into two stages. Hanzo’s arithmetic is neither a success nor a failure. If it is facing a group of enemies, even if it is divided into two stages, it can still hurt most people, but , There are only three opposite to him…the vacuum zone in the middle is enough for three people.

After breaking through the Water Style, I found that the Sansho fish seemed to have disappeared, and only Hanzo stood there silently.

Hanzo looked at Kisame with straight eyes.

“Creating Water Style without water, and already on Water Style. Your Water Style ability may already be on par with Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.”

Hanzo slowly shifted his attention to Kisame’s back.. He said clearly, “Kirigakure Samehada, the head of the seven Ninja swords…”

“Even people like you joined…”

Hanzo became more and more afraid of the strength of this organization…

“Is it an honor to be praised by the demigod? Just now you knew you were going to die. Did you want your Summoning beast to escape? I can’t see it. I really have feelings.

But feelings are what affects a person’s judgment the most. In order to improve your survivability, you should let it stay. It’s really stupid. ”

Kisame suddenly understood what Hanzo was doing. He looked down on people who couldn’t think rationally and were influenced by feelings. He was definitely not a qualified ninja.



Suddenly Nagato coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood, but the blood was black.

“Are you hurt?”

Kisame looked at Nagato in disbelief, and was afraid of skin trauma. Could this Hanzo cause Ling Fu to suffer internal injuries? ..

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