Finally Come

Chapter 281

Chapter 281 The Hope of Rain Shinobi Village Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 281 The Hope of Rain Shinobi Village [Please ask for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(Reward plus more!)

Although the ninja’s explosion has affected Hanzo’s injuries even more severely, it might have become minced meat now.

Before Hanzo had time to think about anything, another stone was pressed against him.

The Rain Shinobi Village just now was like a guide line, and the remaining ninjas did the same behavior one by one.

At the last moment, the Sansho fish completely passed the Chakra from itself to Hanzo. It knew that it was dead, so it only hopes that this partner who has been fighting for many years, Hanzo who grew up with him, can survive.

Planetary Devastation is over… Hanzo is honored to have survived, but his body is bruised and bruised, and his left hand and right foot are now missing one piece.

You can even see the bones on the legs exposed in the air.

Nagato looked at all this coldly, and he didn’t stop it.

Survived? So what? To survive like this is just to witness the death of his companion.

It’s all because of your previous behavior, Hanzo!

How much can you feel my pain? How much can you think of Mi Yan’s pain? ! Hanzo!

A bloodshot flashed through Nagato’s eyes, looking at Hanzo who fell on the ground with no vitality, Nagato felt that his last obsession seemed to disappear.

This time, he won.

How can my name of zero burial be given to others!

On the other side, the movement in Nagato is really too big. Rain Shinobi Village said it was big or not, but it was not too small.

Because the buildings are very tall, many ninjas have noticed the situation here.

Xiaonan and Kisame, who walked to the side, saw this. Although Xiaonan saw this technique of Nagato for the first time, he was not surprised because of his natural personality.

Kisame on the side was about to stare out with two eyes.

“Is this… the secret technique of Zero Burial?”

Seeing that this ability is almost non-human, Kisame only came up with the idea that Rinnegan was invincible.

Xiao Nan on the side flew directly in that direction, Kisame’s mind stopped, and quickly caught up.

Alas…to fly is to walk fast…convenient!

At the same time, the Jue over there woke up, knowing that the battle was at the end, and walked over without any hassle, although he was scolded by Long Key…still at this fucking speed.

“Nagato.” “Zero Burial.”

Nagato nodded and said, “It’s over soon, Hai.”

Seeing the figure still inexhaustible at this time, Nagato’s face went black.

Even if you are really lazy, it should appear at this time.

“Universal Pull.”

Nagato felt it. There seemed to be some ninjas from Rain Shinobi Village coming around. Hanzo was already like this. Looking at his desperate look, Nagato also knew that he seemed to be doing almost the same.

Originally wanted to hit Hanzo, but found that Hanzo’s respiratory tract seems to have received serious damage, and his speech was only one word or two words intermittently.

Nagato didn’t have any interest in whipping with him, a dying man anymore.”Hanzo-sama! Hurry up!”

“It’s too late…already…it’s too late!!”

The previous Anbus were the ones who left when confronted with Nagato Hanzo at the beginning, and those Anbus knew they were wrong when they saw this huge sphere, and hurriedly rushed here with a group of Rain Shinobi Village ninjas.

But he found that Hanzo’s body was slowly being sucked away, and he was about to die.

One of the Anbu anxiously urged this companion, but the other Anbu was ashamed. They knew that it was too late…

Rain Shinobi Village is able to stand tall because of Hanzo’s existence. How many people are afraid to attack because they are taboo Hanzo’s name.

The ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village, perhaps their psychological quality is very high, it is also because there is a strong person, they feel hope, only when they have a goal will they have the motivation to move forward.

Once Hanzo is dead, the people will lose hope, then Rain Shinobi Village will be no different from other small villages in the future…

A dark golden flame suddenly appeared between Hanzo and Nagato, as if it had fallen from the sky, and quickly passed towards Nagato’s position.

Nagato’s eyes jumped…this flame…is anything but ordinary…

The more weird the color, it represents the unusual, and in the Ninja world, the unusual things are by no means easy to deal with.


Nagato made a decisive decision. Even if Hanzo is immortal, he will not live for a few years. Even if he survives, he will be a useless person. Rain Shinobi Village’s major problems are resolved, and the next thing Nagato is bound to win. He feels that there is nothing to stop him.

In his opinion, this flame may be a special secret technique of a ninja in Rain Shinobi Village.

Because of Nagato’s interruption, Hanzo’s body stopped floating in mid-air, and fell to the ground with a thump.

Kisame slowly took down his Samehada.

“Zero burial, Samehada has a very bad feeling.”

Kisame said to Nagato a little serious.

Nagato was also surprised when he heard this. Samehada’s keenness was very sensitive, and it was definitely not an ordinary person who made him feel this way.

Thinking about this, suddenly the space above Hanzo slowly undergoes Uzumaki changes.

“This…. Is this… Could it be that… No way…”

Kisame was a little unbelievable when he saw this scene.

“How come…but…why…”

Nagato was also surprised and contemplative.

Only Xiao Nan, frowning, clearly had some doubts on his head.

Not just three people, but the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village should find it strange to the sudden change.

“Space ninjutsu?! Is there such a person in our village?”

Several ninjas shook their heads. Since Nagato’s attack was stopped just now, the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village all agreed that this was the help of people in their village.

“Is it back? Ah…it’s so good! Rain Shinobi Village is saved!”

One of them, Anbu, suddenly became a little joyful. His seniority was relatively old, and the surrounding ninjas didn’t understand what it meant when he saw it.

And seeing that veteran Anbu like this, some ninjas with older qualifications seemed to think of something, and yelled with joy.

“Akai, don’t you explain?”

An Anbu looked at the happy Anbu and wondered, and he actually said his name directly. It stands to reason that Anbu’s name must be kept strictly confidential, but the situation is too tense at the moment, and he forgot it for a while, but everyone Did not care too much.

“Ah…this is the hope of Rain Shinobi Village…” ..

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