Finally Come

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Black-bellied Her Royal Highness Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 284 The Black-Bellied Princess, Your Royal Highness Flowers Evaluation]

“Later, when Hanzo-sama was about to attack Konoha Sannin, the lady suddenly pulled Hanzo-sama and told Hanzo-sama not to kill Konoha’s three ninjas.

Hanzo-sama is afraid and loves the eldest lady. The eldest lady said so, Hanzo-sama agreed without saying anything. ”

The ninja seemed very proud of this battle. Indeed, that battle can be said to have once again started the name of the demigod Hanzō of the Salamander.

“Not only that, you all know Hanzo-sama’s Summoning beast, and I’m scared to see the lady.”

As if thinking of something, the ninja seemed a little scared.

After listening to Nagato, he seemed to think of something, and Xiao Nan did the same.

They were also there at the Battle of Sannin. When they were said that, they seemed to remember it, but there was a little girl present at the time, but at that time they were not ninjas who didn’t have such insights, and naturally they couldn’t see the little girl clearly. Look like.

It turns out that this is the little girl from the beginning.

Nagato nodded clearly in his heart.

“Why is Hanzo-sama so afraid of Missy?”

Another female ninja asked curiously, she seemed to have become a fan.

Hearing this, the ninja seemed a little embarrassed. The girl who looked into the distance didn’t seem to notice here, and signaled everyone to come closer. When everyone saw it, they became more curious.

I saw the senior ninja whispered: “At that time Rain Shinobi Village was always on fire, and the fire was still very big. We thought that an enemy had invaded Hanzo-sama’s office.

We only knew in the past that it was the eldest lady who set the fire. It seemed that Master Hanzo had offended the eldest lady. I heard Master Hanzo said that the eldest lady had a bad temper.

That time, Hanzo-sama’s hair was burned in half, but it was miserable. Seeing Hanzo-sama like this, we couldn’t laugh later.

However, no one dared to say this in front of Hanzo-sama. ”

“No, it’s just that you stupid laughed in front of Hanzo-sama, and ended up being locked up for more than half a month by Hanzo-sama.”

A ridiculous tone came out of the crowd, who turned out to be a person who knew the situation back then.

The ridiculed senior seemed a little embarrassed and touched his head.

This makes the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village laugh.

“I also heard something about Missy.”

“You have heard so much.”

Suddenly a deserted voice came in his ear.

However, the senior ninja from Rain Shinobi Village didn’t seem to care much. He just asked someone in the crowd and proudly said: “That is, I was knowledgable at that time.”

But slowly noticed that the Rain Shinobi Village ninjas in front of them didn’t seem to smile anymore, and they were a little bit open. Anbu didn’t know when they had already stood by their side, looking at him sympathetically.

He seemed to see the mocking look in Akai’s eyes.



The ninja turned his head abruptly, only to find that Miss Longyue was looking at him tenderly, just about to say something, but was kicked far away.

“What nonsense is this young lady’s temperament always good. Don’t listen to him. He is a lie, but I am very gentle.”

With a bright smile, Long Key looked at the Rain Shinobi Village ninja in front of him tenderly.

This look… doesn’t deserve the action just now… it’s really gentle…

The ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village looked at the predecessors who were flying into the distance. They were still excited about the story. At this time, they were foaming at the mouth and out of breath.

Everyone swallowed…


But no one dared to say anything anymore…

The gold and silver behind the Dragon Key are all looking at the Rain Shinobi Village ninjas in front of them with murderous eyes. They don’t care what they plan or plan. Rain Shinobi Village is not Rain Shinobi Village. Dragon Key is their reborn master. These people just now But I listened with relish.”Gold, silver, don’t need to be like that, they are all their own…”

Everyone was shocked by the aura of the two behind Long Key…

What are you kidding? Hanzo-sama’s aura is nothing more than that…

Looks like this, it seems to be just the bodyguard of the eldest lady? Or servant?

“Yes, Your Highness.”

After listening, the two of Jin and Yin withdrew their aura, and once again became ordinary people standing quietly behind Long Yao.

“His Royal Highness?”

This word surprised everyone.

“Oh, I forgot to say, I am the princess of Kawa no Kuni.”

Long Yao told the truth with a smile.

That’s right, it’s the fact that he killed the royal family members of Kawa no Kuni and controlled the daimyo of Kawa no Kuni, and made the daimyo think that he had only one child, that is, his dragon key, and he was Dragon Key has absolute authority and compliance.

With the status of a royal family and the title of Hanzo’s granddaughter, Master Rain Shinobi Village must be a lot easier.


What a big identity…

Rain Shinobi Village is from Kawa no Kuni, this is a member of the royal family…

Princess princess! The hotness in the eyes of the female ninja and the male ninja has become even greater.

“Ahem… Miss, let’s next…”

Akai looked at the three people with red clouds on the black background that were not far away, and asked.

Hearing Akai’s words, everyone in Rain Shinobi Village also changed their expressions and looked at the three people on the opposite side with hatred!

Long Yue shook her hair, turned her head and looked at the three people up and down pretending to be curious.

“It turned out to be Xiao, it’s really troublesome.”

Long Yue opened her mouth and looked a little disgusted.

How does she know? !

The three of Nagato were shocked, Akatsuki’s movements were very secret, how could anyone know it, and heard that the other party seemed to look down on Akatsuki very much.

Kisame didn’t speak, but Samehada had slowly grown bigger.

Nagato’s momentum skyrocketed, and he looked at Long Yue with a murderous expression.

Xiao Nan also looked at Long Yue coldly.

The powerful momentum formed a gust of wind blowing towards the dragon key.

Long Key didn’t make any movement, the two gold and silver behind them took a step forward, and with a flick of both hands, they offset the strong wind brought by this momentum.

These two people…

Kisame stared hard.

“The information from Samehada, there is a lot of horror about Chakra on these two people.”

“How does it compare to you?”

“Compared to me!”

Nagato is silent. He knows how much Kisame’s Chakra is. The two people’s Chakra is no less than Kisame, and the strength can be imagined.

“How do you know Akatsuki.”

Although Nagato asked that, he marked Longyue with death in his heart.

“I… I guessed it…”

“……………….” ..

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