Finally Come

Chapter 288

Chapter 288 The Identity of the Missy【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

The 288th chapter the identity of the eldest lady [seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

“Do you know that before you, there is a zero burial.”

Jue Yin coldly looked at the beautiful girl who was sitting on the ground not far away with a warm smile on her face.

“Why have I never… never heard the key say…”

Forget about Nagato and Kisame, Xiaonan and Long Key can say nothing, but they have never heard the slightest bit of information about this matter.

The three of them were surprised and couldn’t help looking at Jue with curiosity.

“Because this is a taboo! The taboo in the adult’s heart!”


The Taboo of Dragon Key…

The taboo of the leader who is extremely secretive to the strong god-tier.

“Hai? Can you say it? If this is an adult’s taboo… if you don’t say it… actually…”

“This kind of juncture must be said! You will not leave unless you tell it, especially you, zero burial…”

This juncture?

These four words are deeply inserted in Nagato’s heart… Is there a relationship between the two?

“Because your previous zero burial betrayed the organization, no… it’s better to say that she has never regarded herself as a zero burial…”

Absolutely sighed, seeming to miss this…

I think of running under the sunset that day…balabalabala…(What a mess)


Women are women after all, and their sensitivity to vocabulary is too high. Xiao Nan noticed this third-person address for the first time.

The three of them were a little stuck at the same time. They seemed to have thought of something. Kisame turned his head abruptly and glanced at the girl on the opposite side. While pointing at Miss Longyue, he looked at Jue in doubt.

“The previous generation of Zero Burial has the strength to fight with adults, but the strength is naturally better than that of adults. This is absolutely undoubted. Every time she fights with adults, she always recruits and kills, and adults just let Let her.”

“In my opinion, it’s an adult who can’t do it.”

“But even then her strength is extremely strong.”

He ignored Kisame and continued.

“Hey! Mr. Jue, what do you mean by letting? It’s like a cat playing with a mouse! Well, the last sentence is a rare truth, as far as your personality is concerned.”

A sound of Tsundere reached the ears of the three with an unhappy voice, Jue’s face twitched, it seemed that the owner of this voice had no choice.

The owner of this voice is naturally Miss Long Yue’s.

“Hai… this woman… won’t be…”

Nagato’s face became stiff… and his face turned blue when he screamed…

Jue’s face went dark and nodded…


Kisame has no idea what to say…

“The betrayal organization should kill her even more! Even if the strength is not as good as her!”

Nagato looked cold and spoke plainly.

The identity of the previous generation zero burial made Nagato feel the pressure.

This sentence immediately made Kisame sober back. Kisame was the most unfamiliar with this kind of person, and he looked at Long Key with murderous intent.

“So scared, so scared~”

“Puff…hahahaha…”Long Yue pretended to be scared, and it didn’t take long before she couldn’t stand it and laughed, covering her mouth, as if she was holding a smile but couldn’t help it.


Nagato Kisame glanced helplessly at each other.

This girl, the two of them seem to have no choice but to take her.

“Wait, absolutely! You said you can’t get the key? Why can’t you get it? Why? You said they are not in that kind of relationship! Bastard!”

The more Xiaonan thinks about it, the more wrong…

Long Key is not the kind of person who will show mercy because the other party is a woman.

“Of course it’s because he likes me more than you! Sister Xiaonan~”

“You crazy girl…I…”

“Miss, don’t make any mess…”

His face twitched, his acting was also very tired…but his boss seemed to want to put more pressure on him, could it be because he was lazy just now?

Seeing Xiao Nan’s breath is not smooth… Nagato’s murderous eyes, definitely felt that he shouldn’t agree to this plan in the first place…

“Baihu, don’t get excited, you also listen to Zero Burial Nandou. This is what I want to say.”

“Don’t you… don’t you think she is… familiar…”

Absolutely sighed…this is the end, he must go on vacation…well paid vacation…

“Familiar? If you say that, indeed, I feel that way the first time I see the other person.”

Nagato thought about it carefully and said.

“Who knows such a crazy girl!”

Konan seems to be about to Blacken…

“Yes, so did I, but I’m pretty sure, I’m definitely seeing this person for the first time.”

Kisame was Anbu before, and he had a unique method for facial recognition. Although he was familiar with it, he was sure that he had never seen this girl.

“This gorgeous look… as long as I have seen it once… I will never…&”


Kisame suddenly thought of something… her eyes widened suddenly, as if she had figured out something incredible…

“Hai…what is the relationship between him and…sir…”

Although this sentence has been asked before, Kisame’s tone seems to be a little different this time…

Kisame’s face turned black… and her speech became intermittent…

He never said anything, and shook his head with a wry smile.. He probably guessed that Kisame had already thought of…

Kisame suddenly understood the meaning of Jue.. His expression collapsed suddenly..

“Nantou? What’s the matter?”

Kisame has a murderous shark smile all the year round. It is incredible that such a high-quality ninja shows such an expression. Nagato feels the strangeness of the house.

Xiao Nan stared at Kisame, not letting go of any detail.

Kisame looked at the joyous eldest lady who was playing with insects from a distance, and said with an ugly face: “The kind of person who looks gorgeous, will make a deep impression once seen, and will not be forgotten again. Of his cognition… there are only two…”

“One…the one in front of you…there is another one without me saying that you should know who it is…”

…Dragon Key…

Without Kisame’s explanation, Xiaonan and Nagato immediately understood.

“This girl… is Key’s relative?”

Xiao Nan’s mouth grows big and exclaims…

The elders seemed to be stunned, standing still on the spot…but the corners of their mouths seemed to twitch…

If it is the relatives of God in his mind… Then, what are they doing here…

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