Finally Come

Chapter 314

Chapter 314-The Late Konoha【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 314 The Late Konoha【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

After thinking about it, Raikage didn’t care too much. It was very difficult for people in this position to get in touch.

Not to mention this strange Kirigakure, maybe it’s really just a rumor, and this Fourth Mizukage doesn’t seem to be very annoying.

Although Leiyin Village is a military power, Konoha’s brand has been overturned in several wars. The most annoying fourth Raikage is Konoha’s ninja.

Thinking about it this way, Raikage laughed, the sound was like practicing a lion roar, only making the ears of the ninja present a little buzzing.

The only ones who didn’t cover their ears were so few.

“It’s not too late for Master Mizukage, um… I don’t think Tsuchikage and Fengying are here, oh?…you…you are not the one who delivered the letter…”

Raikage smiled at Mizukage and expressed kindness, but Raikage’s kindness is what he felt. The impact of this smile made Kirigakure’s ninjas look at Raikage a little bit badly, only the first Fourth Mizukage sits directly in Mizukage’s position and ignores these things.

And Raikage’s words also attracted Mizukage, and Rain Shinobi Village sent a letter to the golden-haired man who really surprised him.

Rain Shinobi Village, when has such a powerful ninja been?

And the one in front of me, Fourth Mizukage was taken aback and discovered that the color was wrong before he realized that it was not the blonde hair, but this strength…

Fourth Mizukage is a little bit late… Rain Shinobi Village’s performance is a bit more difficult on the surface..

Yin yelled to himself when he heard it. He opened his eyes and looked straight at Raikage, until he looked at the Killer Bee next to him and felt a little irritated, then said slightly: “The letter is delivered. , It’s my eldest brother.”

After speaking, I said nothing.

“Big brother…”

Raikage looked at the silver hair, always felt like she had seen it somewhere, but she couldn’t remember it, she felt that there was a pimple in her heart.

“What about Fengying and Tsuchikage in your village.”

Fourth Mizukage shook his head. He didn’t have the thoughts of Raikage. He looked at the ninjas in Tuyin Village and Shayin Village that were still facing each other and asked.

Baki gave the ninja in Shayin Village a look. He understood that with Mizukage and Raikage here, this fight could not be fought anymore. He looked at Mizukage and said, “Master Tsuchikage relies on the old and sells the old, so Master Fengying can’t see it. It’s a fight.”

“Oh? There is such a thing, but Tsuchikage is getting older.”

Mizukage was taken aback, then laughed. As long as it doesn’t involve Kirigakure who died, he would be very happy.

“Hehe, it’s not the reason why the people in Shayin Village are poor, why? If you are poor, everyone in the world cannot be rich?”

Huang Tu sneered, and things seemed to involve the coffin again…

“Shayin Village is not easy…”

Raikage thought for a while. There are yellow sands everywhere in Shayin Village. It is a bit sad to talk about the economy as the worst among the five ninja villages….

“With that said, I don’t seem to see Konoha.”Fourth Mizukage looked around, closed his eyes and felt it, and finally said.

“Konoha? Haha, these guys who think they are tall and tall must have arrived last. Even if you Kirigakure traveled across the ocean, Konoha should take a good lesson.”

Speaking of Konoha, Raikage didn’t have a good face. The Third Raikage died after fighting for three days and three nights under the siege of Konoha’s ninjas.

Mizukage has no hatred for Konoha, even before they were Konoha’s ninjas, but Raikage, he somewhat understands, he is very two people, if you fight with him, he might fight with you, so Shrugged to show his agreement.

“Ahem… Lord Raikage…”

“It means Konoha Konoha urinates… oh… no, come on…”

Raikage turned his head and found out that Third Hokage Sarutobi happened to be there when he said it. It is always bad to say bad things about others behind it, especially Raikage, who thinks he is a member of the noble group of people who thinks he is righteous. , He just made a haha ​​and pretended that nothing happened before.

Sarutobi’s face went dark, and Konoha’s several shadow guards, including some indifferent Jiraiya, were a little irritated by Raikage.

Who is this? Don’t everyone in Leiyin Village say they are upright? What kind of stuff is this?

“What about Raikage, Mizukage, Fengying and Tsuchikage?”

Sarutobi looked at the side. He saw Anbu in Shayin Village and Tuyin Village, but there was no trace of the two big men.

“The two of them, here, have you seen it over there, playing mud and fighting over there.”

Raikage may have inherited some of his father’s thinking and talking…well, although it is the truth, it always makes people feel very uncomfortable to hear it in his mouth…

Playing in mud or something, it is obvious that Fengying and Tsuchikage are compared to children. Besides, these two people can’t hold back at all and start with a little bit of small things.

“You Yuying, we are all here, do you want me to find her…”

Fourth Mizukage pretended to be indifferent and looked at Silver, who closed his eyes, but the brain was rapidly moving and the corners of his eyes were also watching everyone’s movements.

This rain shadow made the court immediately quiet, Raikage also looked at Yin, and Sarutobi looked at Mizukage thoughtfully and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Yukage, although he knows that one day will happen sooner or later, but now give him this title, what does the fourth Mizukage mean? There is no border between the country of water and the country of river.

And Yin, who was the focus of attention, said calmly: “The eldest lady is taking a bath, Master Mizukage is going to do it herself, but at his own risk.”


Mizukage’s face blushed. He looked at everyone including his own ninja, and the look in his eyes was a little wrong. He just asked, how did he know that Long Key was taking a bath…

As for whether Long Key is really taking a bath or not, that’s what Liang said.

“Ahem, Master Mizukage, he’s still a young man after all, well, understandable and understandable…”

Sarutobi saw Mizukage a little embarrassed. After all, he used to be an alliance, so he still wanted to say something to comfort him.

“Hahaha, Master Hokage, this is the first time I have seen someone so comforting…”

As soon as Sarutobi finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. Raikage over there laughed directly, and Mizukage’s face became even more embarrassing…

“Jiraiya, what are you going to do…”

Sarutobi’s face turned dark and saw Jiraiya secretly preparing to leave where to go. ..

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