Finally Come

Chapter 316

Chapter 316 Sober Up Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 316 Sober up [seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Why did the war come? Why did the autumn leaves fall? Your sister at the back is related to science and no one cares about how you fall in autumn leaves, but the issue of war is one of the contents of this meeting.

With unclear thoughts, Hokage and Raikage followed the other three shadows to the gate of Rain Shinobi Village again.

At the door, there was already someone sitting there, and Yin who was with everyone immediately came to the rain and stood quietly behind him.

“Yuying? Isn’t this just a little girl?!”

When he arrived at the entrance of the village, Raikage took a look and found a beautiful figure sitting in the middle.

What elegant blue silk, white face, and angel’s smile were all omitted by Raikage. Although it has long been known that the eldest lady of Rain Shinobi Village is a woman, she is still a young woman, but if she really sees it, it’s better to let Raikage. The mouth can’t close.


I realized that no one paid any attention to myself. I turned my head and realized that the people next to him almost all had different expressions, and most of them were awake after being slightly immersed in Long Key’s face.

I was not awake, and was pulled by the friends next to him, and he immediately recovered, but his face was still a bit flushed, even with some female Anbu, although he was shy, he looked at Long Key’s face, and his eyes sparkled with meaning. The light.

“Master Raikage is here to ridicule me, Kim…”

Long Yao smiled indifferently, and cast a glance at Jin on the side.

Jin’s eyes flashed, and he came over immediately, smiled evilly, leaped directly to Raikage’s face, and gave Raikage a face-to-face blow.

Um? ! This strength? Don’t underestimate it.

Five Shadows had already reacted, but no one was going to stop Jin’s actions. They also wanted to see how strong this blond man was.

On Raikage’s side, Killer Bee and Darui were the first to wake up. Killer Bee and Darui just wanted to do something, and another silver figure appeared next to them, holding a strange pattern in their silver hands. The weapon struck the two with a strange smile.

“Big Brother!”

“Bi, take care of yourself and don’t underestimate the other person.”

Raikage yelled, his momentum suddenly changed, and he also hit Jin’s position with a punch.

boom! Puff!

Two voices came out, and everyone was awake now when they were not awake, and found that Raikage’s seat had become a pit.

Silver hit it for a while, looking at the angry expressions of Killer Bee and Darui, regardless of them, and walked behind Long Key indifferently.

“A lot of strength…”

Sarutobi looked inside the giant pit, his eyes a little surprised.

Raikage’s body was intact, but Kim’s arm was a little red and swollen, but it immediately returned to its original appearance.

Can it be as powerful as Raikage…

Although Kim lost to Raikage this time, Raikage is known for his strength, and this Kim, who knows if he has other abilities, maybe he is just stronger.

However, there are not one or two of the entire Ninja World that can confront Raikage head-on in terms of strength.”Master Yuying, what does this mean, isn’t it a talk?”

In a strange confrontation, Fengying and Tsuchikage sneered at Raikage pretending to look like I hadn’t seen it, but Mizukage on the side nodded but still had some meaning. The killing intent in their eyes grew bigger and bigger.

Sarutobi’s face went dark again, and he could only come forward on his own.

“Oh, oh, it’s not that I think everyone’s spirits are particularly good, it’s just for everyone to wake up.

Master Raikage’s power is unknown, Jin, apologize to Master Raikage. ”

Long Yue held her small mouth, astonished, as fake as he could.

Jin saw Long Yue’s expression, shook his body, looked at Raikage in front of him arrogantly, and said arrogantly, “Master Raikage, offended.”

“Nothing, since it is for everyone’s sobriety, then these are all small things.”

Raikage frowned, the blond guy was beyond his expectation, his eyes motioned to the people in Leiyin Village behind him.

Although Raikage was okay, Kim’s actions still angered Killer Bee and the others. Raikage carefully looked at the surrounding movement.

Except for Hokage, the other three old ghosts look a little weird, especially the two guys Fengying and Tsuchikage.

Raikage’s eyes reached Killer Bee and the others. They were obedient and did not move, but they were a little wary.

These two people are a bit familiar… Raikage looked at the two gold and silver in their minds becoming more and more strange.

“You…you two…what’s the relationship with the golden horn and the silver horn!”

Suddenly Raikage let out a loud roar, staring at the two standing behind Long Yue in horror.

“Golden horn and silver horn?”

Sarutobi also remembered. He felt a little familiar before. Now he saw that Jin and Yin were also two brothers. Hearing what Raikage said, he immediately understood something.

“Oh? The two flashes that killed you at the Cloud Shinobi Village of Hokage and Raikage? Raikage, what are you so excited about, aren’t these two lunatics already dead?”

Tsuchikage frowned. The golden horns and silver horns could be regarded as murderous, but didn’t it confirm that the two were dead? Even if there were no accidental deaths, how could they have lived for so long.

“Old Tsuchikage don’t know don’t talk nonsense, the silver-haired and blond-haired one over there is almost the same as the golden and silver horns on the record.”

Raikage looked at these two dignifiedly, while Long Key still had a strange smile.

“It’s just that they are a bit like that, Raikage, are you too nervous.”

Feng Ying shook his head. He is a younger generation compared to Tsuchikage and Hokage. Like Mizukage, he has not experienced the incident of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Although he has heard of it, he is not particularly concerned about it, but it can let Raikage. With such an attitude, it seems that the golden horn and the silver horn are much more fierce than recorded.

“If it’s just like, I wouldn’t be like that, but the silver-haired one, you are holding the weapon that Silver Horn held back then, the divine tool called the Seven Star Sword. This is a magical tool used by Sage of Six Paths. I will not admit it!”

Sage of Six Paths’s magic weapon? !

This is big news, Fengying and the others looked at the things in Yin’s hands with jealousy.

This is a good thing, but a few people immediately threw this emotion out.

Looking at the eldest lady who was doing over there, she still looked plain, and a few people knew that it was basically impossible to take it away.

Not to mention Dragon Moon, it’s really for you. The Six Paths magic weapon requires a lot of Chakra to maintain. Ordinary ninja, just hold it and Chakra will be sucked out after a short time.

That is, gold and silver talents with Nine Tails Chakra can use it so smoothly. ..

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