Finally Come

Chapter 471

Chapter 472 Morning Star [go! go! Come on! 】

Chapter 471: Star of Dawn [go! go! Come on! 】

Nick’s face began to look unsightly. Now the impact of Long Key’s words was too great. Now so many cameras are broadcasting live.

So, those people in the military really…think that they won, so they immediately like to publicize the results of the American victory? A moment ago, a nuclear bomb was launched to bomb the city.

As for the retreat of the Holy See, it is said that Dragon Key’s order, although the previous fight against the Zetaru army killed and injured a lot, but the rest, now that they survived, Long Key was ready to let them go back.

After all, this is also the power of the Holy See, and the Holy See has served itself so loyally for so many years.

“Humans…what a greedy creature…seems to have an unsatisfied desire, but they don’t have a mind that bears that power…

Weak but very greedy, such a bad kind of life…”

Long Yao seemed to be feeling something.

“Doesn’t you even dare to reveal your identity when you say such a grandiose remark?” Nick looked at Long Key with some sarcasm.

“Why not dare!

Brilliant Venus, shining dawn! My god’s name is Lu Cifer! ”

An incredible scene suddenly appeared in the sky.

The black and white rays of light dazzled everyone’s eyes. Two extremely extreme rays of light appeared on one person at the same time, so contradictory, it seemed so natural.

Slowly, the sky began to change…

It was obviously still daytime, but it was suddenly dark, and above the sky, the shining stars were shining brightly in the sky.

“Lu Cifer?! The Devil?!” “Is this a miracle?!”

Yes…At this time, there is no need to hide anything, the suppression of the power of the world? A part of the power of the world has been stolen through the branch line and transformed with Xue Yan.

The originally transformed and stolen world power can slowly become Dragon Key’s own power, but it can only be transformed in this world, and it takes time, and Dragon Key does not have so much time now, so please ask Xueyan to It is transformed into another manifestation of power.

Just like now.

What Dragon Key uses now is the power of the real Demon King Lu Cifer, although the power of Cifer is so far out of reach compared to the real Lu Cifer.

However, this is a power that only Lu Cifer can use. Lu Cifer’s theocracy represents more than just the sun. The power of his divine power is the entire star!

“Lu Cifer… as expected… is this the true power of the gods…” Nick looked at the sky with a little fear…

“This is no longer in the category of humans.” Rogers said.

“Even if it’s a real night, it’s impossible to see such a beautiful and clear night view over New York… That is to say, this is what the other party has created… what a terrible power… or it’s just an illusion…”

Tanasa, the black widow, said.

But is it just to create such a magnificent scene for others to see? Is this really the case? Nick looked at everything in front of him curiously.

Gradually, people in New York found something wrong..

“The stars… seem to be… getting bigger and bigger…”

“No! The stars are falling!”boom!

As I remembered the first explosion, one after another stars fell to the ground. There was a war in New York just now, and the ground was cratered again.

The silver-white light faded slowly in the pit, and people all over the world held their breath…

Fallen angels with wings on their backs and armors engraved with ancient patterns slowly floated from the pit into the air.

The dark wings and cold eyes all said what kind of ruthless angel this is.

“God… Angel…”

Nick took a breath of cold air…watching more and more angels floating in the air, some with swords and spears, and some with sharp blades that have never been seen in the record.

The angels just stayed quietly in the air, and a pair of eyes began to burst into flames in those dark eyes. The angels began to have spirituality. All the angels looked towards the surrounded Dragon Key with zealous eyes. .

“Wait a minute! We don’t want the Rubik’s Cube!” Nick immediately made a wise decision.

“It has nothing to do with whether you want a Rubik’s Cube or not.”

“My army! Can you still remember the joy of victory back then, can you forget the anger of being sent to hell back then.

Thousands of years of slumber did not make us forget our original mood…Come on, take up the weapons in your hands and make the world fear once again!

No one can stop us! Not even gods! Give the world pain! ”

Long Key first raised his own Heavenly Cloud Sword, and the humans around seemed to have been frightened stupidly, and could only stand in a daze and watch Long Key speak to the angels.

“For Your Majesty!” “All for Lu, Lord Cifer!”

The massacre has begun…

This is a merciless slaughter in all aspects…

Whether it’s an army… civilians… even non-human beings… the angels faithfully carry out the orders of their king… slaughter everything…

“Ding Ding Ding!”

The cannonballs of the plane and the machine guns of the soldiers hit the angels as if they were meaningless, and there was no trace of them.


A series of dark energy blades mercilessly slaughtered every human life.

“Help! Help!”

Fear… a huge fear enveloped this city. If the alien attack just now was just a panic, the irresistible enemy in front of us now only feels fear, endless fear,

“What do you want to do…” Nick looked at this doomsday-like scene and regretted his previous behavior… The enemy’s strength is too strong, even the Hulk who is known as the invincible Hulk. Was defeated in the battle with the angel and fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

“Is it just to bring fear to humans? Well, enough…”

So far, the enemy has not died or even injured any angel. This huge difference in combat power makes Nick feel desperate…

“Six Paths Secret Technique. A meteorite falls from heaven!”

Long Key did not speak, but pointed to the sky, and then laughed…

Above the sky, a huge meteorite that obscured the sky appeared over New York…slowly descending. ..

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