Finally Come

Chapter 493

Chapter 494 Annihilation Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 494 Annihilation [Seeking flowers evaluation! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

“I don’t have any doubts about your strength, but this time we are not trying to defeat each other, but to kill everyone. Therefore, it is inevitable that some people will take advantage of carelessness to escape, even though the outside has already been surrounded. It’s…” Itachi continued, as if thinking of something.

“It’s really cruel… Suzaku… this is your own clan…”

Kisame seemed to sympathize with those who were about to die, but the tone was completely mocking.

“Suzaku is right… In that case… Summoning Technique…”

Long Key touched his chin. In fact, he didn’t want to do this completely. Because of his own physical identity, he didn’t make much shots. It would be bad if he was found out. He originally planned to do so. Secretly used Summoning Technique, but since the other party has already said it, there is no need to cover up.

Among the somewhat surprised eyes of several people, a smoke and dust passed, and a man wearing a black background and a big red cloud with a mask on his face appeared in front of him…

“It’s Tenshindo… It’s not fun this time… even in the Six Paths of Samsara, his strength ranks among the top…”

Although the words were not funny, none of the people present showed a smile that seemed to be funny.

The gods who just came out habitually wanted to bow to Long Key, but when he saw the mask on Long Key’s face, the pupils of the gods shrank in his eyes, and looked at the members of Akatsuki nearby. It seemed that Thinking of something, he just nodded towards Long Key.

Seeing the gods seem to ignore a few of them, several Akatsuki members seem to have taken it off.

“It’s still the same as before… It’s really unsatisfactory.”

Hidan whispered something to Deidara. To say who is most familiar with Tenjin here, except for Dragon Key, it is not the old members of Kakuzu, but Deidara and Hidan who have been trained by Tenjinto Nagato in the past few years.

As if hearing something, Tenshinto’s eyes looked at the sneaky Hidan and Deidara. The two shook their bodies and immediately one pretended to be playing in the mud, while the other whistled and looked at the sky, saying that the sun is so beautiful today.

Long Yao’s face turned black when he looked at it, and it seemed that Heavenly God Dao had a great shadow in their hearts, but asshole! It’s night now! Where is the sun beautiful!

Itachi looked at the newly-appearing gods and lowered his head to think, Samsara Six Paths was far more terrifying than in his heart. The gods of the gods that appeared in the battle five years ago seemed to be better than those of Akatsuki’s members. The strength is stronger, it seems that this reincarnation Six Paths is not the most powerful among the six.

This organization… is too dangerous.

“Then, let’s start the action.”

Long Yao nodded and looked at several people.

Itachi left here first…

Several other people also slowly walked towards the territory of the Uchiha clan… This seemingly beautiful night will be covered in blood.

“Master Key.” After Tianshen Dao also left, Long Key was originally standing alone, and a body in the ground next to him slowly bulged out…

“You don’t have to worry about Suzaku. You can order from the other people, but don’t destroy those precious things.”Long Yao didn’t look back, his body slowly turned into a spiral nest and disappeared here.

With Long Key’s departure, Juuna’s face showed a slightly cautious smile, as if he was really ridiculous for the destruction of this clan, and once again…incorporated into the land.

“Then, we are the furthest, let’s go first.”

When I arrived at the entrance of the Uchiha clan, the entrance within the clan had already been washed away by blood. It was very quiet at this time. Sasori said slightly, and then left with Deidara first.

Tenshindo didn’t speak, and with a big wave of his hand, a real red space appeared, and then after the figure of Tenshindo entered, the red crack was slowly stitched back, and it disappeared completely.

“Then I’m leaving too, Suzaku didn’t wait for us until she waited.”

Itachi, who arrived here first, was the first to leave. Kisame seemed to think of a very interesting development and showed a terrible smile. At least in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a terrible smile.

Now only Kakuzu and Hidan are left here.

Kakuzu didn’t seem to be busy or in a hurry, and seemed very leisurely, but Hidan couldn’t wait to speak, “I said Kakuzu, can’t you hurry up.”

“Huh… what’s the hurry, so you’re still a kid.” Kakuzu snorted coldly.

“Hey.. We are the most recent. If we are the last one to finish by then, we will be laughed at by Deidara’s idiot again.”

Kakuzu was taken aback when he heard the words, and after thinking about it, his figure seemed to have become much faster.

Seeing this, Hidan laughed loudly, and quickly followed behind with his sickle on his back.

What Hidan said is not wrong. If Akatsuki says that it is not allowed to fight with each other, it does not mean that the relationship between the members of the group is very good. On the contrary, there are many conflicts between them, but there is a Nagato who has been staring at it. So, they are usually not easy to say anything, so if they are held in a joke by other groups, there is no way, so this possibility must be eliminated.

“Hidan, what are you doing so slowly, hurry up!”

“Hey hey hey… I just didn’t know who said don’t worry…”

Hidan looked at Kakuzu in front of him speechlessly, his pace quickened again, and the two of them crossed the street at once.

“Who are you?! This is the territory of the Uchiha clan!”

Not long after they walked, the two ran into the Uchiha clan patrolling squad.

“I said, isn’t the area we are in charge of is an ordinary area? How strict? Ah. Kakuzu,”

Hidan froze for a moment, then looked at Kakuzu suspiciously.

“Idiot, do you think it is a little ninja village? This is Konoha’s Uchiha clan, hurry up, I don’t want to be left behind, you don’t want to be laughed at by Qinglong.” Kakuzu said coldly, holding the ground in his hand. The grievances have dispersed from the body, and the huge black lines immediately surrounded the ninjas of the team.

“Oh, listening to your tone, do you seem to have a feast with that puppet? I don’t think your relationship is very good?”

Although using a very frivolous tone, Hidan arrived in front of the group of ninjas in an instant, and the sickle in his hand was chopped down. The two ninjas were split into two from the waist by the sickle, and the blood was splashed over Hidan, but Hidan Instead, he issued a more arrogant smile. ..

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