Finally Come

Chapter 509

Chapter 510 Suzaku vs Hungry Kidō Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 510 Suzaku VS Hungry Kidō【Seeking evaluation of flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Looking at the hungry Kidō in front of him, Itachi felt the real pressure in his heart to face a powerful enemy for the first time. It was not the insurmountability of Dragon Key, nor the evil feeling of Akatsuki that made him hate, but the inability to see clearly. Impenetrable, an inexplicable pressure.

“Your luck is really good.”

Just when Itachi focused all of his attention on the hungry Kidō looking for flaws, Hungry Kidō suddenly said this.

“How do you say it.” Itachi asked calmly.

“Because just relying on combat power and attack power, I can say that it is the weakest among the Six Paths of Samsara.”

The weakest one? Itachi couldn’t help looking sluggishly at the hungry Kidō in front of him. The aura on the other party was definitely not something that ordinary Kage-levels could give out. In this way, is it just the weakest one among the Six Paths of Samsara? But soon, Itachi took this expression back.

“Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique.”

Preemptive strike.

At this level of battle, it is very difficult for any flaws to appear. Itachi knew this in his heart, but he still waited for a long time. Finally, he discovered that this kind of horns is impenetrable, and the opponent seems to be even better than him. Or in a hurry, in that case, it is worth preemptive strikes to take advantage!

“Ahahahaha, I know… I know… Suzaku really uses ninjutsu…”

Hidan, who was watching the game above, quickly laughed after seeing Fire Style, but seeing his companions all looked at him disgustingly and noisy, Hidan immediately shut his mouth again.

“Shut up, Hidan.” Kakuzu said to Hidan ruthlessly.

Hidan is indeed noisy, but it makes Itachi smell something wrong in his words, ninjutsu? What’s the meaning? But Itachi quickly understood, because when the 10-meter fireball was about to touch Hungry Kidō, Hungry Kidō just raised his hand slightly. The Great Fireball seemed to be absorbed by something, but disappeared in an instant. It’s all clean.

“Huh?” Nagato was slightly surprised.

“What’s the matter with zero burial.” Orochimaru looked at Nagato’s surprise and couldn’t help being even more surprised, knowing that Nagato rarely showed other expressions.

“Compared to five years ago, when the absorption capacity was about the same as mine, now it is much faster than me… how did it do it…”

Nagato paused, and finally looked straight at Hungry Kidō’s white palm.

Nagato is very eager for the improvement of strength. He has tried some methods, and finally found that they are all useless. He concluded that maybe the current strength has caused the bottleneck, but it is the absorption speed of the same Kage-level hungry Kidō. But it was much faster than myself, and it didn’t seem to be what I thought.

“The speed of absorption…”

Orochimaru’s eyes flashed… as a master of ninjutsu, he is naturally the Master who has done a lot of escape techniques. It seems that this absorption technique is not as simple as he thought…

The so-called absorption ninjutsu is not invincible in Orochimaru’s eyes. There is a critical point for absorption and output. The faster the absorption, the higher the ninjutsu it can bear. Obviously, Orochimaru saw it. In this regard, Kidō is better than Nagato.

“Fire Style…disappeared?”

Itachi looked at the Great Fireball that had disappeared completely in front of him with some surprise, and then looked at Kidō who was hungry as if nothing happened, No…Then it should be some kind of ability that can absorb ninjutsu… Isn’t this the ability that the opponent can ignore the escape… It is really a troublesome ability…

“Fire Style, Fire Dragon Ball Technique.”

It was another long fire dragon, roaring while rushing towards the hungry Kidō.

“I said, is Suzaku crazy? Or is he stupid, didn’t he see it?”

Hidan looked at Itachi’s behavior with contempt.

“No.. He just doesn’t believe whether the other party has the ability to absorb, Santai, a ninja of your type may not understand, like me, if you meet a ninja like Hungry Kidō, the first reaction is not to believe it. Second? If I can, I will run away right away…”

Kisame shook his head. As a Water Style master, he knew better than anyone else the horror brought about by the absorptive power… If he could, Kisame would never want to fight this ninja for the rest of his life.

“Sure enough… it seems that I didn’t think it was wrong…”

Once again, Itachi saw the fire dragon that was still the same as the Great Fireball before, and disappeared. Itachi was almost certain now.

“Fire Style, Fire Dragon Ball Technique.”


Itachi stared at the fire dragon coming towards him with both eyes. His Sharingan saw very clearly that the other party didn’t have Jie Yin at all. Could the other party have Ninjutsu without Jie Jie?

No… there is no such ninja in the world… that is to say, can you directly return the absorbed art and attack it immediately… This is no longer a problem to explain…

“The first time I saw this ability, it reacted with Suzaku.”

Looking at Itachi’s somewhat stunned face, Kisame showed a smile of understanding. Uchiha is a natural Fire Style expert. If Fire Style can’t play a role at all, it is very missing…

“Since Fire Style is useless… then…”

Itachi’s figure flashed, his hands were constantly swinging like a phantom, and various hidden weapons and shurikens flew out of his position.

“Really be careful…it’s wise to use the shuriken to test, if Suzaku is going to fight melee…”

Nagato expressed a touch of appreciation…

Hungry Kidō’s absorptive capacity is more than just ninjutsu. If your body is touched, Chakra will also be sucked away…

Seeing the successive shurikens, Kidō stared blankly, then swayed his body casually to avoid the attacks of several hidden weapons that seemed to have no dead ends.

“Nice avoidance.” Sasori’s eyes lit up when he saw it.

Puppets also mainly use hidden weapons as a means of attack, so for the hungry Kidō can be so easily more than the Uchiha clan’s shurikens.

“The shuriken of the Uchiha clan… it’s not that simple.”

Under Sasori’s puzzled expression, Orochimaru shook his head and revealed an evil smile.

Sure enough, just after the shuriken crossed the hungry Kidō, Itachi’s mouth showed a smile, and then pulled with both hands, some invisible thin wires were tied to connect the shurikens, and the shurikens were pulled. , Shot at Hungry Kidō’s back again from the rear. ..

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