Finally Come

Chapter 648

Chapter 649 Luo Hui! [Gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 649 Luo Hu! [Gogo! come on! 】

“It doesn’t count as being awake, because I have been semi-awake, so I don’t remember what happened.” Xue Yan seemed to try to think back, but couldn’t think of anything.

“That guy is a true god!” Long Key said solemnly.

“How is it possible?! How could there be a true god, still here? Are you okay, Master?” Xue Yan asked Long Key in a panic.

“It’s weird.. There is no evil to me, on the contrary, it helped me a lot. Although there was a deal with him, I am still very surprised. His attitude is not as simple as a deal.”

For the black-robed people, Long Yao has always held an attitude of being grateful but still vigilant. He is convinced that no one will be good to another for no reason. Of course, the kind of Virgin is an exception… But the Virgin? Can people with this kind of character live in that cruel world and become a true god? And the black-robed man feels like a Virgin at all.

“Describe what he looks like.” Xue Yan thought about it again and again.

Then, Long Yao told Xue Yan about the first and second trips to Kunlun Mountain, and also said about the temperament and ability of the black-robed man, as well as the mysterious runes and the words of the black-robed man. Came out.

“He should not only be a true god, but he is also quite famous and powerful among the true gods. Otherwise, he won’t know those things. There are three that meet these conditions.” Xue Yan thought for a while, and simulated in his head. A figure of a black-robed man appeared.

“Which three?” Long Yao asked curiously.

“The incarnation of the underworld, the true god of the underworld, Titan, and Tartarus, as the supreme god of the underworld, disappeared after a generation of war. Even Hades did not dare to call himself the underworld but Pluton because of Hades. I felt another existence in the underworld that was Tartarus.

Tartarus, the incarnation of darkness, was the most terrifying existence in all ages of ancient Greek mythology. There was no doubt that the true god, and later the so-called god king was just a child in front of him.

But it shouldn’t be him. “Finally, Xue Yan said that again, making Long Yao’s face a little dark.

“Why isn’t it him?” Although he felt very fucked, Long Yao still asked.

“Hey! You just thought of something very rude in your heart! Right!” Shit, Xue Yan seemed to feel this emotion for the first time.

“Why, we are Isshin the same body. If you say you are not talking about me.” Long Yao’s mouth twitched.

“Don’t…don’t say anything Isshin is the same body…” Xue Yan’s tone began to become shy.

Hey…Why haven’t you turned this stalk over yet…

“Hmm, it’s not his reason, because he, as the ruler of the underworld, is almost integrated with the underworld, so he can’t leave the underworld at all, even if he is a clone! Therefore, it is definitely not him!” It seems that he can feel the dragon key. With a strange look, Xue Yan quickly continued to say that she wanted to change the subject, but this trick was very useful.”As for the second… Cifer…”

“Yes! This is what I think too. He has changed the rules of Cifer in this world. If he is Cifer, it is obviously the most likely.” Xue Yan did not finish saying that Long Key immediately interjected. In fact, this is also a dragon. The key point of view, after all, the more original things, the easier it is to change the rules.

“Impossible, he can never be Lu Cifer…because…” Xue Yan stopped as she said this.

“Because of what?” Long Yao said strangely, why didn’t he say half of it..

“Ah… long-winded.. long-winded.. It’s not if you say no, no reason, anyway, it’s not…”

“Okay…no, no…what about the third one?”

Hey… why did Tsundere get up all of a sudden… girl…

“The third one is the most likely, because he said that his body is on the plane of the Primordial Wilderness… You should have heard of Luo Hu…”

Luo Huo! ? Long Yaosi uttered…this name…how could I have never heard of it…

In the early days of the Han Dynasty, the Demon Ancestor of Luohu instigated the disputes among the three races because of his own selfishness, making the predecessor and the unborn.

Why was the later West so barren? Isn’t it because Luo Hu almost detonated the spiritual veins there? The entire Honghuang was almost dying because of that great catastrophe… how could such a great killer Shenlong Key not know.

“Hey… this kind of person… I can hardly imagine how difficult it is for him to ask me to help…” Long Yao twitched..

It was Hongjun who sealed this guy, right… it was Hongjun!

“I said.. Since Xiaoyueyue, since you know what he told you, there is no need to be so afraid.. Let’s put it this way, if the true god is the strength of 9S, then now, under that catastrophe, all eras have The existence of Almost died into these divided eras and new worlds.

In other words, you will never meet those between 1S and 7S,…that kind of strength is impossible to survive that catastrophe. ”

“In other words, if you encounter it, it must be the quasi-sage of 8S and the true god of 9S.. It’s really good news…”

The corners of Long Yao’s mouth twitched even more…

“No. There are no one in 8S. The true gods almost never appeared in that era. Do you think you could meet them? What happened to the Primordial Plane? The Primordial World is just one of the planes of the First Age. , Do you think Hongjun’s identity is just Hongjun, cough cough…Anyway.. Anyway, what you want to guard against is the hunter.. You got the white light and the black light on this plane, yourself The strength of has also increased a bit. At that time, it will spend some points to steal the rules of the world and some time energy to help you perfectly blend. Your strength has doubled! If you go back and get the fruit of the sacred tree… .. Seemingly realizing that she said something that shouldn’t be said, Xue Yan shut up and said other things..

Hongjun is more than Hongjun?

Long Key was still a little curious at first… But then his eyes gleamed right away… His strength in this world is about 2.5% of the power of the road Cifer, that is, the full strength of Hokage, the black light is 1.5% white Light 1%, plus I have broken through 0.4%, although I also know that black light and white light can only emit full strength in this world, but there is a complete integration of Xueyan.. Wouldn’t it be that my strength is at least 5.4%, almost doubled!

And because black light and white light are the attributes of one light and one dim, there is no physical imbalance… um… the 0.5% extra black light is a bit troublesome, but instead of increasing it by 0.4%, I think of a way to increase it to 0.5% If it is transformed into the power of light, there is no problem… ..

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