Finally Come

Chapter 756

Chapter 757 The Next Conference【gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 757 The next conference [gogo! come on! 】

“But…” The root ninja also had a chill in his heart.. How could this be asking for money.. This is terrible.. What the hell is doing with so much money… I heard that Rain Shinobi Village is not short of money. .

However, the ninja saw Danzo’s cold look at him, and finally sighed helplessly… and stopped talking…

“Hey… how much is written on it… Look at the expression of old man Danzo… it’s almost like a dead mother…” Jiraiya walked to Yin’s side and patted the other’s shoulder, whispered, but around People also set their ears up to eavesdrop.

Silver sighed and looked at Jiraiya with a chill..

“Okay.. When I didn’t ask…” Jiraiya rarely looked at the silver picture, thinking it was a secret, and spread his hands.

Yin did not let Jiraiya go, looking at Jiraiya with a serious expression… the atmosphere around him suddenly became cold..

“Hey hey hey… Didn’t I just ask something terrible…” Gin’s look immediately frightened Jiraiya..

However, Yin slapped Jiraiya on the shoulder heavily, and slapped Jiraiya as pain. Then Yin looked at Jiraiya with a cannibalistic expression and said, “Hey…you…that hand just now. .. deducted booger, right.”

Everyone: “……”

“You…how do you know… ah, it’s wrong… what are you talking about, I don’t understand…” Jiraiya was surprised… and immediately pretended to look at the crowd without knowing anything. The egg hurts.

“It’s still your way.. Booger skills are very deep.. Kongnong Yelu…” Yin looked at Jiraiya with big eyes.

Seems to have been discovered, Jiraiya didn’t intend to pretend to make a laugh and said, “Where is… not as exaggerated as you said.”

“Wait…it’s not right…you just took a picture of me, right…” Something seemed to have occurred… Jiraiya’s expression also began to become savage.

“Ahhaha?” Yin’s expression stuck… and then pretended to be the same as before.

“The bastard of Rain Shinobi Village.. I didn’t react just now because of strength. Your hand…has been snot-buckled, right.. It’s so powerful, it’s so loud. Jiraiya gritted his teeth and looked at Silver.. I didn’t expect that he was still a bad move.

These two people…The ninjas around seem to have re-acquainted these two people…

The trio of silver-haired comedians really deserves its reputation… Both of them are like that… If there are three of them… I can’t imagine that scene at all…

“Okay, okay.. I tell you it’s not enough.. Actually, I don’t know how much.. Every time the numbers are random.. I told you… I walked down with the lady all the way, and finally arrived at you Konoha… don’t you know that Tsuchikage’s old man’s expression just made me laugh…”

Yin’s words made everyone dumbfounded… After a long time… Wu Ying has been pitted all over? So… it’s not the problem of lack of money in Rain Shinobi Village… It’s just the personal interest of a certain princess!

Everyone looked at Danzo with sympathy. At this moment, the old man who was originally annoying seemed not so terrible anymore.

The two voices were not small, Danzo naturally heard it… the corners of his mouth twitched… but when I thought of the other shadows, there was a lot of blood, and my heart became a lot more balanced.

So.. Human beings…when they are pitted a lot, they will have a strange M character. You see, now they don’t think about being pitted by the eldest, but they are getting pitted. It’s the problem that others are being scammed more often…

In other words, subconsciously, Wuying already feels that it is a habit to give money to the princess, an objective truth that is the same as eating and sleeping… This is a character that can only be developed after experiencing how fucking history…

“I don’t know what’s going on with Konoha…” Danzo thought, although the winning ticket is already in hand… but with the support of this person, the position of Hokage makes me 100% talented.

“Mr. Danzo, you are a fat sheep like Mr. Sarutobi.. Oh no.. A good sheep with a gentle personality.. Yes, this time there are two reasons. One is that the next film convention will be held in four years. After that, several other movies have agreed. Anyway, I’m bored in the village.. Oh no.. That.. Although there are many things in the village, this matter is very important, so I’ll come in person.” After speaking, Long Yao pointed to his lips with a slender piece, and nodded very cutely.

This rain shadow… is unexpectedly cute… The Xiaoqiangs over there are attracted, especially the little girls, who have been deeply fallen by this cute expression, eyes They all looked at the eldest lady over there with love.

“Master Yuying really races high!” Little Sakura and several little girls jumped hand in hand while shouting strange excitement…like a young girl who had seen an idol star.

Danzo’s face is dark and can’t be dark anymore… He just heard the fat sheep, right?

It’s useless even if you change your mouth! Maiden!

Also.. All Ninja world knows that the princess of Rain Shinobi Village is famous. No matter who you lie! You just want to play it out, right? Right!Even so, Danzo’s mouth twitched for a long time before he could control it, and said with an understanding smile: “No problem, Konoha is okay, so what’s more?”

“Oh, that’s it. We wiped out a Konoha’s rebel before, and found that he had your Second Hokage Thunder God Sword in his hand. It seems to have been stolen. We are thinking about returning it to you. Brought it.”

With that said, Long Key took out a sword hilt, and after Chakra blessed it, the hilt was activated like an ion light blade, and a blue thunder light appeared, turning it into a complete thunder sword.

“This.. That’s right.. This is Lord Second Generation’s Thor’s Sword!” Several Anbus all exclaimed when they saw the Thor’s Sword. The same goes for those Xiaoqiangs who saw this weird-looking weapon for the first time. .

“This. Can you really give it to us?..” Danzo’s eyes were the same, and then he seemed to think of something, a little hesitant.

“Of course, do you want either? Mr. Danzo.” Long Yao blinked and nodded sincerely.

“I always have a bad feeling…” Jiraiya watched the weird conversation between Danzo and Long Key… looked around, and finally set his sights on Gin’s body.. Others heard Jiraiya’s words for a while. It’s strange…but some Jōnin who are familiar with the lady’s character seem to have thought of something…then all their faces went dark.

“Of course…but…” Danzo nodded affirmatively, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Long Key.

“Yin, you heard it, get out the contract quickly.” “Good lady.”

Sure enough…. All four of Jiraiya Asuma Kakashi Guy had unexpected expressions of pain.

“Huh? Isn’t it a gift?” At this time, almost everyone understood.. Only Naruto showed a puzzled expression.. Everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Although you are a normal person who thinks…but, this time the transaction is not a normal person…

Danzo felt tight when he heard the words, and quickly changed his words: “But! Your Highness…like me, Konoha and Rain Shinobi Village have been dating for many years.. So the old man is in charge…This sword was given to Rain Shinobi Village as the two of us. A symbol of friendship between the villages…”

“This way… not good… after all, it is the relic of Konoha Second Generation…” Long Yue looked reluctant.. To put it bluntly, this sword is really useless…

“No, no, no… Since this sword was found by His Highness… it means it was God’s will.” Danzo quickly retorted… but in his heart he said countless apologies to his teacher Second Hokage.

“That’s it.. That’s okay.. But if Mr. Danzo changes your attention, please feel free to contact.. The price is the same..” Long Yue reluctantly stuffed the Thor’s Sword back… The lady seemed a little bit uncomfortable. Happy, it may be that the goal has not been achieved.

“Uh… the old man understands…”

Danzo left a drop of cold sweat…but he started to curse in his heart…

It’s not that I don’t want this sword. I want this sword more than anyone else. It’s really the price you paid… Konoha can’t afford it…

“Black belly…”

This is a definition everyone gave to the princess.. Even the children understand at this time… This princess… is so different from what they usually see in fairy tales!

But it seems that there are always people who are not afraid of death… seem to have said what is in their hearts…

“Why are you looking at me? Just now.. Just now, what did I say.. What? Uh…” Jiraiya looked at the people around them with dead eyes and looked at herself… His whole body was numb… Then suddenly I thought of something… a pale smile… that smile is so weak and bleak…

“Yeah…” At this time, a girl’s voice that sounded like a natural sound appeared in Jiraiya’s ear..

The sound was soft and beautiful, as if the spring breeze was blowing on the face, and like soft water waves. It was so calming and fascinating… But in Jiraiya’s ears, it was simply the voice of the devil.

“Don’t slap your face!” Jiraiya hurriedly covered her face.

“Oh… Didn’t you even ask for mercy to explain this time?” Long Yue looked at Jiraiya unexpectedly…

“Then…that…is it useful?” Jiraiya moved a hand away slightly, exposing an eye and looking at Longyue hopefully.

“What do you think?” Long Yao looked at Jiraiya with a smile on his face.

Snapped! boom! tear!

“What a painful experience it takes to have such a familiar experience…” Kakashi looked at Jiraiya whose cheek was stepped on with a sorrowful face.

“Agree…” Asuma and the first class also agreed. ..

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