Finally Come

Chapter 791

Chapter 793: Hatred Three [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 793 Hate Three [gogo! come on! 】

With a “dang” sound, Kuwu pierced the sword light of Tai Dao fiercely, making the sound of metal collision.

The two brothers of Sharingan are looking at the weapons of both sides.

At the next moment, the Chakra Blade burst out with a dazzling yellow light. It was Sasuke who led Chakra on the Chakra Blade and released a huge electric current to it.

In fact, when Itachi saw Sasuke, he had already noticed Sasuke’s weapon. He lifted the Chakra on his feet and immediately jumped out of the range of the electric current released by the blade of Sasuke Chakra.

Sasuke took advantage of this opportunity to also pull out another Chakra blade. The two Chakra blades crossed in front of him, one long and one short, carefully guarding Itachi. He knew that his brother Itachi was definitely not so easy to deal with.

During the three years with Orochimaru, Sasuke practiced swordsmanship hard, and Sasuke swung his swords to the fullest. If anyone can suppress him, only Orochimaru who gave him swordsmanship and Princess Rain Shinobi Village, the legendary master of swordsmanship.

“Sure enough, it’s improved, but it’s not enough…” After speaking, Itachi disappeared in front of Sasuke. Even if Sasuke opened Sharingan, only an afterimage could be seen. Itachi’s physical skills were also very powerful.

Itachi pounced directly on Sasuke, and Sasuke looked at the Itachi flying on him, and he split the swords at Itachi like a conditioned reflex without thinking about it, and the distance between them was less than 30 centimeters.

Itachi swung his Sharingan to Ultimate, and the six black jewels were spinning at high speed. Sasuke’s movements became slower and slower and were broken down. Gradually, Sasuke’s movements were just like the characters in the slow motion shots in the movie, probably the same. One frame per second was so slow, but Itachi also showed a gratified smile. Without Sharingan, this move would be enough to cut him into three sections.

But this smile reflected in Sasuke’s eyes and it was a naked ridicule. Sasuke immediately enlarged the Chakra input into the Chakra Blade, and the blade was thicker, and the Chakra blade located below was lifted upwards, and Sasuke was going to Cut the ferret in the middle.

But Itachi has adjusted his posture and turned around in the air. With his head close to the Short Sword above, and the Chakra blade below his chest, he squeezed out of the gap of less than thirty centimeters and flew all over him. When it came out of the sword net, the Chakra blade also arrived, and the two swords crossed into an X shape.

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Sasuke locked his eyes tightly on Itachi’s body. Itachi stepped on Kusanagi’s sword with his left foot and kicked Sasuke’s face with his right foot. Sasuke immediately leaned back and Sasuke felt it. A cold wind blew past, and it turned out that Itachi’s right foot was touching the tip of Sasuke’s nose. Sasuke secretly cried out fortunately. If this kick is true, he must have fainted on the spot.

Sasuke squeezed the ground with an etheric knife, steadied his body, lifted Chakra with his feet, turned his back, and thrust the blade of Chakra with his left hand to the head of Itachi. Itachi’s head tilted to the left and escaped the blow. Sasuke immediately Turning the thorn into a slash, it cut off to Itachi’s head. Itachi ducked his head and avoided the blow. Sasuke saw that the blow was unsuccessful, holding the sword with his right hand, pulling the sword and slid towards Itachi’s abdomen.

But Itachi did not retreat and grabbed Sasuke’s back collar, dodged the blow with an upside-down, and jumped behind Sasuke.”Stupid brother, haven’t I taught you that Shinobu can’t be left to the enemy?” At this time, Itachi still didn’t forget to strike Sasuke.

Sasuke is no longer the one who used to be uncomfortable. At first in the woods, it was because the enemy met with jealousy, but now Sasuke has completely calmed down.

Sasuke didn’t answer Itachi at all, a backhand sword, Chakra’s blade stabs at the Itachi behind him along the sound, but Itachi escaped the blow first, and took advantage of Sasuke’s unsteady center of gravity when he swung the sword backwards, and grabbed it. After Sasuke threw him out fiercely, Sasuke dragged a long dust on the ground.

As he was sliding on the ground, Sasuke plunged his swords deeply into the ground and stabilized his body.

At this time, Sasuke was facing Itachi, and Sasuke immediately retracted Taito from his waist, leaving only the Chakra blade inserted on the ground, and then “Zi-Wu-Shen-Wu-Mao…” multiple handprints Sasuke made in one go, the one in Sasuke’s Sharingan Gouyu was also spinning at high speed, and Itachi stared at Sasuke firmly.

Sasuke’s right hand squeezed his left hand, and countless thunder Chakras gathered in Sasuke’s left hand instantly, and then the current began to spread throughout Sasuke’s body.

“Chidori Stream!!!” When Sasuke yelled out his name, Sasuke’s body was now wrapped in a billowing electric current, and the whole person became an electric man.

Sasuke pulled up the blade of Chakra with his left hand, got up and rushed towards Itachi. Using the conductivity of the blade of Chakra, Sasuke fiercely inserted the blade of Chakra into the ground not far from it. The surface split instantly, as if being Glass shattered by force is average. Chakra, a powerful thunder system, immediately rushed to Itachi, and it was inevitable that it had to jump up.

“Haha…” Itachi heard Sasuke’s triumphant laugh. Itachi looked at Sasuke blankly in front of him, but Sasuke looked at Itachi triumphantly, and then with a sound, Sasuke’s sword was inserted into Itachi’s chest. It turned out that Sasuke took advantage of the moment Itachi jumped up, let go of the Chakra blade, pulled out the sword from his waist and stabbed it at Itachi. That common sound was the unique sound of iron penetration.

Sasuke firmly grasped the hilt with both hands, and further pierced the Kusanaru sword into Itachi’s body. It fell to the ground fiercely, blood gushing out frantically from the wound on the back of Itachi, and instantly stained the neighborhood red.

Sasuke still didn’t let it go, his knees pressed tightly against Itachi’s abdomen, and his hands pressed hard again, thrusting the sword into the ground again, fixing it to the ground.

“You really have grown a lot, Sasuke.” Itachi said weakly.

“What are you trying to say? Uchiha Itachi!”

“You think you can kill me, it’s just your own obsession!!!” Uchiha Itachi swept Uchiha Sasuke from the corner of his eye and said, “Just like you did before, you think I’m a gentle brother. The obsession is the same!”

Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes and recalled the old Uchiha Itachi. A smile crept up to the corner of Uchiha Sasuke’s mouth, but Uchiha Sasuke immediately opened his eyes and the smile disappeared.

“I’ve always played the role of the brother you said to look forward to… I wanted to make sure of your strength…”

“Small trick, it’s almost time to do it now!!!” Uchiha Sasuke was kind to his back. It turned out that Uchiha Sasuke had already seen through Uchiha Itachi’s illusion..

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