Fire Game

Chapter 150: Cryptography

The players were eagerly looking forward to piercing the autumn waters, but the weak and small figure never appeared.

Because they didn't know the threat of the evil ghost lurking in the dark corner, all eight of them stayed rationally in the hotel lobby, and asked the hotel staff to help buy dinner.

During this period, the police and reporters didn't ask them to find out about the situation, and it didn't stop until it was getting late.

Even if the police tried their best to block the news, it was still in vain. I don't know who leaked Qi Pengcheng's expression when he died, coupled with Yang Xueqing's bizarre method of death by drowning in the rooftop water tank, there are rumors that there are unclean things in the hotel.

Of course, players will certainly not care about this.

"Will the mother and son not come back today?"

Seeing the sunset and the moon rise, night fell quietly, and the anxious Zhang Meilu didn't know the taste of her food.

"There is nothing we can do if he doesn't come back."

Zhu Chaoyang had a good appetite. He looked up at Zhang Meilu, who had just moved a few chopsticks, and grinned.

"Let's eat more. After all, no one knows if this is our last meal."

No matter if it is pretentious, at least this son is not cowardly, at least he is definitely more courageous than the average person, just talking about the state of mind that he can make fun of himself when his life is hanging by a thread is enough to make most people fall behind.

"Crow's Mouth!"

But Zhang Meilu was obviously not so open-minded, and immediately glared, "If you can't speak, don't speak!"

"Just kidding, don't be angry."

Zhu Chaoyang laughed, tolerant and easy-going.

Zhang Meilu still stared at him.

"Look at the beauty Liu, she is not afraid, what are we afraid of?"

Zhu Chaoyang glanced at Liu Xiazi and concealed his three-point surprise with a seven-point mocking tone.

Following his words, everyone's eyes moved to the same direction subconsciously.


The girl who looked a little too delicate like a cartoon character was too calm at this time, chewed slowly, and had an unmoving heroic spirit. Where does she look like the person with the highest "hatred value"?

Not right.

She wasn't so calm before.

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Liu Xiazi was not shy, only a little puzzled.

"Miss Liu, aren't you afraid?"

Zhang Meilu asked curiously.

Given the current situation, this girl should be the most dangerous person among the players.

But why does she act like nothing?

At such a young age, he was so indifferent to life and death, did he not care about his own life?

Of course Liu Xiazi was afraid, but she believed in Ye Xin.

Ye Xin said that she only seemed dangerous, but she might actually be the safest among the players.

With Ye Xin's character, he should not be able to deceive himself with rhetoric.

Of course, this is a little secret between their boss and their bodyguards. You can't tell these teammates that I'm not afraid. If something goes wrong, it's yours first, right?

"Afraid, how could I not be afraid."

So Liu Xiazi nodded his head, and at the right moment showed a look of worry that other players seemed reasonable.

At this time, Zhu Chaoyang saw the lady at the front desk waving to him, so he got up and walked over.

"What happened to Linlin?"

"Are you waiting for that little boy, Xiaoxin? If so, there's no need to wait. They used to go out to see a doctor and didn't come back for the whole night."

"Okay, I know……"

Zhu Chaoyang was interrupted by the other party before he finished speaking.

"I'll let you know as soon as he comes back."

Zhu Chaoyang smiled dumbly, nodded, and walked back to his seat.

"We don't have to wait. The front desk said that the little boy might be resting in the hospital and won't come back."

"He doesn't come back, what shall we do?"

Zhang Meilu said anxiously, "The evil spirit will definitely not give up."

"Why don't we match the password?"

Zhu Chaoyang had an idea, "This way it won't be able to fish in troubled waters."

"It seems like a way."

Xu Ke nodded.

"But this is... too childish, isn't it?"

Zhang Meilu asked suspiciously, "Are you sure the evil spirit won't know?"

"I'm not sure."

Zhu Chaoyang is very frank, even if it is now certain that the evil spirits are not around and should not be able to hear them, no one can guarantee whether the evil spirits have "mind reading skills".

"Can you think of a better way?"

Facing Zhu Chaoyang's gaze, Zhang Meilu hesitated and was speechless.

"Sister Jiang Wan, Brother Li, what do you think?"

Zhu Chaoyang looked at the two bosses in the team again.

The little boy doesn't know when he will come back, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, they can't stay here forever.

Separation is inevitable.

But as long as they act separately, even if the time is short, Li Gui may seize the gap and enter while taking advantage of it.

So before the little boy returns, a temporary solution must be found.

"Whether it works or not, in this situation, this is not the way to go."

Li Shouzhi was not in a hurry.

"You can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Zhang Meilu also felt that the words made sense, and quickly asked: "What code do you want?"

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger, the Pagoda Town River Demon." Zhu Chaoyang put his hands on his knees, leaned forward, and lowered his voice: "What do you think?"

Even though it is at stake now, Zhang Meilu is still amused.

"No, it's too casual, three-year-olds know this code, you're trying to kill everyone."

"The password is not simple, but it is not important. If the evil spirit can read the mind, no matter how complicated the password is, it will be useless. On the contrary, if it cannot read the heart, the simpler the password, the more suspicious it will be. It's a little hesitation and it's enough for us to find out."

It does sound reasonable.

"Okay, that's it, let's go, go back to rest."

Zhu Chaoyang stood up on his knees.

"Everyone, don't run around tonight, it's better to stay in your room and ignore whoever knocks on the door."

In the elevator, Li Shuze warned.

"Brother Li, don't We understand."

This time, Liu Xiazi did not let Ye Xin **** her upstairs. After a few days of experience, she began to study hard to adapt and become independent.

If Liu Xiazi was the third last to get out of the elevator, Jiang Wan and Li Shuze, who lived on the fifth and sixth floors, had to keep going up.

There are three people living on the fourth floor, she, Qi Pengcheng from 409, and Tsui Hark from 406.

The corridor is very quiet, but the scene that was originally very ordinary now has people's heart skipping, especially when passing by 409, which has been sealed, both Liu Xiazi and Tsui Hark quietly speed up their pace.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Although there is only one room number apart, the two rooms are not in the same corridor.

After Xu Ke entered the room, Liu Xiazi turned a corner and quickly entered his room.


The door was shut tightly.

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