First Law

Invincible Chapter 480


Alice came out from behind the door. She was wearing a relatively avant-garde pajamas, which are said to have special effects in certain aspects. This is a common dish for many couples. She also hopes that Karen can be as quiet as everyone else. Sitting in a small room, listening to music, drinking coffee, and occasionally some red wine.

But this is a little extravagant.

There was no music in the room, except for the faint sound of breathing that was her footsteps.

Outsiders were not allowed to set foot in this office before the whole big project started.

Alice first poured a cup of creamy coffee, and when she came to Karen, there were some pictures of Surveillance Eyes scattered on the ground.

The advantage of the continuous development of the Surveillance Eye is that it can show the most delicate things on the Aegean Continent. Just a glance, Alice's heart beat violently.

It was a city-state, and a group of creatures with magical arms were standing on the tower and cheering loudly. Behind them, a golden-blue flag was fluttering in the wind. In the center of the flag was a flower of gears, which was the flag of the Alchemy Continent.

However, in another photo, the flag has completely fallen, and three creatures are defending the flag like a triangular cone, trying to prevent the flag from falling. Behind them are corpses hanging on the On the city tower, lying on the steps, or simply leaving half of the body on the city wall, the other half disappeared.

Alice hurriedly looked away, put the coffee on the balcony not far away, and when she looked at Karen again, she found that her husband was staring blankly at her shadow.

Are you okay? Alice asked with concern.

It's okay! Karen simply replied and stopped talking.

The coffee is ready! Alice said more carefully. At this moment, he actually felt that Karen was a little strange. Although she was still Karen, the indifference shown in her expression was extremely rare.

I want wine, Alice! Karen simply corrected the other party's mistake, I want to get drunk.

Alice ran over and hugged Karen in her arms. When she saw Karen, she was very distressed, like a pendant being gouged out and gouged out in her heart. The indifference of the other party was like a big boy forcing himself to be cruel. Same.

I heard that there are rebellions in the three city-states on the east coast...

She didn't say anything about it. In less than half an hour of the rebellion, the entire city-state was directly razed to the ground by the ultimate weapon. As shown in the photo, the city-state can maintain its appearance, which is already a very ideal ending.

It's okay, your husband isn't that fragile! A smile finally appeared on the cold face, and he gently combed the hair on Alice's forehead, To be honest, this is much better than I expected, any To move forward is to sacrifice, at least a large part of the creatures are obeying the orders of the town of gold.

Alice couldn't understand, but she could feel the transformation of the man in front of her. This coldness represented a greater responsibility.

Karen, no matter what you do, we sisters will always be with you.

Karen understood, and didn't say anything else. He took out a piece of information at random, and attached three photos of the seabed to the information.

The photo shows a wide basin, with a steel plate laid in the center of the basin. In the center of the steel plate is a teleportation array, and robots are drilling out of the teleportation array.

Below the photo is a simple appendix with a sentence 'The base point is completed! '

When I saw this sentence,

Karen's smile, which hadn't faded away, finally showed another trace.

This killing is worthwhile, and it is also what his entire lord must do.


Quick, quick! Newly joined the factory, prepare the diving suit, and get ready to go into the sea!

What is the Orc factory doing? When will the robot we need arrive! Contact me immediately!

The energy supply of Desa City must be guaranteed, and the project cannot be stopped because of energy problems.

Encountered unknown marine life in the basin, request expulsion!

Such shouts filled every corner of Gold Shining Town, especially in the coastal areas, almost all shouting at the top of their lungs.

Red Hoof's method is very simple. He didn't directly build factories on the seabed, but let these factories take the initiative.

After finding the subsea basins, they clearly divided them on the map according to the size of each factory, and assigned the construction tasks of the subsea area to the factories.

There is no manpower, so to speak, there is no shortage of manpower on the Aegean Continent.

If you don’t have any materials, you can find a way by yourself. As for energy, communicate directly with Desa City.

As long as any factory fails to meet the targets, the management qualification of the factory will be directly banned, and capable replacements will be replaced.

Under such high pressure, each factory sent core personnel to search for land on the seabed. After delineating the land, they immediately issued recruitment orders in each city-state, and sent them directly to the seaside after recruiting members.

This is only the first step. After getting sufficient personnel, it is necessary to communicate with Desa City to ensure energy supply.

After all, it is impossible to rely on manpower to build a factory on the seabed. It must be produced by machines. In this way, it is even more necessary to purchase a sufficient number of working robots.

These are just the beginning, they still need the configuration of the factory itself, and order the main materials of the factory from the East Indian Continent.

As a result, a large number of people entered the East Indian continent through the teleportation array, and began to work hard in various dwarf forging shops.

Master, as long as your forge meets our construction task this time, I promise you that you will supply all the materials for our factory in the next ten years.

We are a space component production factory, and all of our products are high-precision components. Naturally, we need all kinds of precious metals. It just matches your forging factory. It is definitely the best quality to cooperate with us.

Master, I beg you, for the sake of my visiting for so many days in vain, let the two of us reach the terms of cooperation.

The dwarves were completely insane. After they received a round of intensive smelting tasks, the entire teleportation formation seemed to be flooded, and the creatures from the Aegean continent rushed out frantically.

As long as it is a qualified smelting shop, it will be blocked by bees.

Those who got the order secretly rejoiced, while those who didn't get the order ran like mad dogs on the East Indian continent.

The world has really changed!

Yeah, I didn't expect us to be so popular!

The dwarves sighed while forging iron, and now they have an order that can be built for two years, but this is not possible at all. The demand in the Aegean Continent is strong, so they must send more people.

I heard that the price of minerals has increased!

Yeah, it's time to go up, don't worry, those creatures in the Aegean continent don't care.

The dwarves were full of joy, especially when they learned that some dwarves with outstanding abilities were invited to participate in the construction of the underwater city, which made these dwarves full of enthusiasm.

Karen's wrist is really hard. It's only been three days. Didn't you see that the seabed has been laid with steel. I heard that those magicians are designing the shield. After seven days, the entire city-state will no longer have seawater. gone.

I also read it. No wonder it needs so much steel. It turns out that the city walls are all made of steel. I heard that the flames of the furnace controlled by the Queen never go out.

I've been exhausted for the past two days. I really don't know when I can go to the Undersea City for reference. By the way, have you heard that some dwarves have obtained the resident status of Gold Shining Town?

This sentence instantly attracted the attention of the dwarves. After all, they are no longer in the stage of working behind closed doors, and they have a deep understanding of the high welfare of the residents of Gold Shining Town.

Impossible, isn't it that only creatures from the Aegean continent can obtain the residents of Shining Gold Town?

Yes, we are from the East Indian Continent. No matter how good the relationship between the Queen and Karen is, it is impossible for us to leave the continent.

Some didn't believe it, suddenly a dwarf said.

This should be true. Residents of Glittering Gold Town have dual identities. They can enjoy the benefits of Glittering Gold Town without leaving their mainland identity. I heard that our dwarf master Jin Hammer has become a special consultant for Undersea Factory City. In order to thank him For the support of Gold Shining Town, the residents are specially given titles.

Everyone's eyes were shining, as if they had already enjoyed many benefits.

Don't think about it, it's our turn for this kind of welfare. You haven't seen any creatures who come to us to order materials. Are they amazing? Let me tell you, even they dream of obtaining this qualification.

Everyone nodded in unanimous agreement, and could only take this idea as a joke, but before they finished the second piece of iron, the queen of the East Indian Continent ordered it to be sent in.

All living beings in the East Indian Continent are required to actively strive for the status of residents of Gold Glitter Town. In the next month, Karen will grant the title of resident status to the dwarves based on their performance in the submarine factory city.

All the dwarves looked at the seal under the order, and it was indeed Queen Ma Mazi.

When the East Indian emperors ruled in the past, they pursued talents recognized by the Kenneth Association, and titles have always been their evaluation criteria.

But the queen ruled the mainland, but asked everyone to win over the residents of Gold Flash.

Is the standard of the Kenneth Association not counted? I am a title smelter! \u0026lt;/tent\u0026gt;

The first method of death \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

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