First Law

Invincible Chapter 488

Since it works, Karen will try it anyway.

Sky Island began to mobilize. Because of Karen's personal experiment, first-class magicians such as Colbert and Cabras followed Karen closely, and monitored the whole process at the same time. All magicians participated to ensure that when problems arise can be resolved quickly.

This kind of action naturally aroused the interest of Sky Island. After all, this kind of action that mobilizes the entire continent is rare in Shining Gold Town. More importantly, this kind of action will mobilize a group of people.

Not one person, but a group.

The first time to capture the magic flywheel of the Alchemy Continent made the elves the mainstream mages in Gold Glitter Town, and the second time to capture Hellfire alive made the forces of Sky Island undergo a major reshuffle, which raised the status of human mages by a large margin. Colbert settled in Sky Island, completely establishing the dominance of human magicians.

An action is naturally a change!

This kind of action can reveal those truly capable creatures, and even a small opinion in it will become the focus of the mages.

What is the point of wanting to rise in the town of gold is not ability, but opportunity.

Karen once said, Even if a person with ordinary abilities can seize opportunities when they arise, the benefits he can obtain are unimaginable.

And this kind of big action to mobilize the entire sky island is to create opportunities in batches.

Some old people on Sky Island naturally waited for such an opportunity to double their worth, and those victims who joined Sky Island later wanted to stand out in this operation by virtue of their past experience, and even the Undersea Factory City will also take this opportunity The video of action is introduced, hoping to make more talents appear in the factory.

On the top of the towering snow mountain, there is no more violent cold air flow. Thirty aircraft in the sky block the air flow from all directions, so as to ensure the stability of the climate in Aijiaer Snow Mountain.

As for the foot of the mountain, there is already a dense forest of tents, and the observation platforms and tracking points of each magic tower must set up bases here, so as to establish contact with the trackers at the top.

The entire Aijiaer Snow Mountain is like a giant elephant surrounded by countless ants. This natural moat that once traversed the orcs and the wasteland has become the most difficult problem with the rapid improvement of the technology of Shining Gold Town.

Ten years ago, staying at the top of Aijiaer Snow Mountain was a miracle, but now there are thirty-two observatories on the top of the mountain, and thousands of creatures gather there.

In the middle of the top of the mountain, a state-of-the-art drilling rig is under rapid construction, and at the same time, there are two transverse tunnel entrances on the north and south sides of Aijiaer Snow Mountain.

The three passages must all be poured into the center of the snow mountain, and the interior of this snow mountain is the heart of the entire Aegean continent.

There is no need for Karen to worry about these preliminary preparations. He is still discussing the specific events of the Core Fusion Center on Sky Island, and the passage inside the Snow Mountain has already been opened up ahead.

As Griffin brought the smelting method of the fusion core continent back to the Aegean continent, the operation officially began.

When Karen entered the interior of Aijiaer Snow Mountain through the southern tunnel, there were already a group of magicians waiting. These magicians were building different magic circles, and in the center of these densely packed magic circles was a snow-white heart-shaped stone .

The surface of the stone is covered with various vine-like patterns, and the patterns extend from the stone in thin strips like steel wires, extending into the crevices of the mountain to connect the entire Aijiaer Snow Mountain together.

Is this the heart of the continent?

Colbert greeted him with a smile, Yes, boss, this is the most precious thing in a continent. This heart is full of vitality and vitality. It is the youngest heart of a continent I have ever seen.

Karen can't feel any vitality, it's nothing more than a stone, but this stone is different, according to the method of melting the core continent,

This stone is connected to the soul of the Lord of the Continent, and it can also be replaced on the body.

You only need to pick the stone from Aijiaer Snow Mountain according to a specific operation, and then transplant it to Karen's chest, then the stripes on the surface of the stone will be connected with Karen's blood, and Karen will become the real controller of the mainland , can easily mobilize the changes in the mountains and rivers of the entire Aegean continent.

Although removing the heart is no longer a problem, the thought of having a heart of stone makes my head numb.

This is also the reason why he is least optimistic about the Heart of the Continent, especially now that he really sees this stone, the idea of ​​transplanting the Heart of the Continent into his body is completely broken.

Which of you wants to be the master of the continent? Karen glanced around and asked mischievously.

Colbert thought that Karen was joking, and emphasized: Boss, the heart of the mainland is the essence of the entire Aegean, you are really willing.

Karen nodded seriously, If you want, I will give it to you.

I can't ask for it! Colbert quickly refused, Boss, not everyone can ask for this thing. To us, it is just a stone, and only the rulers who are truly recognized by the mainland can have it, because your soul is completely fit.

But I don't want to use this technique now. I prefer my fresh little heart to a stone. Colbert, can you think of a way to control the heart of the continent without removing the heart?

No, no one in the history of the world has been able to do it. Colbert said seriously.

Karen glanced around, and everyone shook their heads, obviously agreeing with Colbert's reasoning.

The atmosphere inside the cave was dull, but it was full of excitement outside the cave, especially when Karen frowned, many magicians jumped up happily.

If nothing else, Karen is in trouble.

What they are most afraid of is that Karen has no problems. If they are all solved by the magicians in the cave, there will be no room for them to play, and where will opportunities arise.

Hurry up, hurry up, the boss doesn't want to replace it with his own heart!

All the Heart of the Continent methods provided by Fusion Continent have been announced. If you can find a way, hurry up and find a way. How to control the Heart of the Continent without transplanting a heart? This is a real opportunity!

I am from the Lava Magic Tower. As long as anyone can help the boss solve this problem, we will provide a ten-year employment contract for senior magicians.

Aijiaer Snow Mountain is still relatively conservative, but when this news entered the submarine factory city, it has completely changed, and it has become a problem that must be solved.

If it is solved smoothly, you can get a magic tower and have a full-time factory in the seabed city.

The magic tower is equipped with a factory, which is the largest industrial group in Jinshi Town.

Even if you don't know magic, you run to the library and flip through the magic book, hoping to find a good solution with good luck.

The words Heart of the Continent spread to every corner of the Aegean Continent in less than half an hour. Later, the aunts sweeping the streets by the side of the road would gather together to discuss possible solutions.

An hour later, 100,000 suggestions were sent to Karen.

Looking at the full list of suggestions, Colbert really couldn't tell.

This is a rigorous magic project, not a low-level subject like someone's food being bitten by insects, many of them just come here to try their luck.

But it is such a boring proposal, the magicians around seem to be hunting for treasure, one by one, one by one. The immeasurable treasure comes.

Is this still a first-class magician?

The method of Continental Heart has matured. Whether it is Fusion Continent or the Far East Continent, if you want to control Continental Heart, you must transplant it into your body, so that souls can blend and form a perfect fusion body.

But these magicians just want to find a new method from the established methods. What are they? Are they better than those researchers in the Far Eastern Continent? Are they better than those historical powers? Even they have not improved The method, can these laymen with only a little bit of magic theory be able to decipher it?

This is alchemy engineering, a very rigorous field.

But now these magicians have no rigorous thinking at all, and even top magicians like Cabras will come up with one or two inferences from time to time, send them to Karen, and explain some of the principles.

Dissecting the Heart of the Continent!

Decipher the structure of the heart of the continent, and let the factory city under the sea recreate a heart of the continent.

What kind of bullshit inference is this, but it is this kind of inference that is still recognized by some magicians, and they even want to start experiments.


Colbert vetoed these proposals in front of Karen, and patiently explained the uniqueness, particularity, and complexity of the heart of the continent, and brought out the tragedy of the heart of the continent in the Far East.

Boss, I think this inference is reasonable!

Colbert smiled wryly, but it was also reasonable, his ears were callused from hearing these two words, even if there were, it would be unreasonable.

...Although the Heart of the Continent can allow the lord of the continent to control the continent, since the lord of the continent is generally a living being, and the size of the continent itself is greatly different, it will be transformed by the mainland to a large extent. Strictly speaking, the transplanted The master of the continent is very likely to become a part of the continent, and may eventually be completely assimilated by the continent...

Colbert's heart skipped a beat. Looking at the strange magician who was reporting to Karen in the distance, and Karen who looked suspicious, he panicked completely.

These people speculated wildly, speculated, and even guessed the worst side of the heart of the mainland.


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