First Law

Chapter 493 Karen Stands Up

The first time I saw Karen, he was leaning on the recliner, staring blankly out of the window, looking extremely melancholy.

On the screen not far away, it was the scene of undead warriors fighting against Asuka. Under the attack of undead spears, Asuka seemed to have collapsed.

On the wooden table under the screen is a sand table, which is piled up with the completely transformed Aegean continent.

The continent that used to be colorful and vibrant is now completely covered in silver and white. From the perspective of the mountains and rivers, it is like a skeleton. It is a bone giant lying on the Aegean Sea.

Boss! Colbert greeted in a low voice.

Karen glanced listlessly, and asked lazily, Are you here?

Colbert nodded, but found that there was nothing to continue. He came here this time to ask Karen for advice, but when he came, he found that the other party needed comfort more than himself.

Karen, have you encountered a problem? Colbert asked proactively.

Almost. Karen's voice was still lazy, The Aegean continent is changing very quickly. You can see that he is growing according to himself.

This is normal!

Normal! Karen sat up suddenly, Do you mean that there are also other continents?

Of course, merging the continent means that the continent is controlled by you on the one hand, but on the other hand, you are integrated into the continent. After the fusion is successful, you can mobilize the continent and give it unique rules and powers, but at the same time, the continent will also absorb your thoughts. , The entire continent itself will grow according to the structure of your thoughts, such as the fusion core continent, it is not surprising that it looks like a multi-armed man from a high altitude. Colbert explained patiently.

But the undead situation here is more serious than I imagined. Now it has been reflected that many creatures can no longer leave the Aegean Continent. After they leave, they will suffocate because there is no undead energy.

Colbert smiled, Boss, this is more normal. This is because your integration has improved. The continent itself is changing, and of course the creatures on the continent are also changing. We are part of the continent. You know better than me. Much more, it is precisely because of this change that we have gained strength comparable to Asuka, and while gaining strength, we always lose something, which is a good thing, don’t you think too much.”

Karen couldn't help laughing, he didn't think too much, but he didn't want the undead to be so thorough.

When he first took control of the heart of the continent,

He is also excited about the ability to use the power of the mainland, and the creatures on the Aegean continent can also obtain the abilities of the undead themselves, and they can leave the Aegean continent and become normal creatures to enjoy life again.

But in just one month, many creatures were unable to transform from the undead form. Even if they left, they would suffocate due to the lack of nourishment from the spirit of the undead.

Many circumstances surface, the entire Aegean continent is rapidly becoming a pure undead continent.

Indeed, with the increase in ability, the creatures will not be tired, they can work in the factory day and night, and study magic non-stop, but what is the use of these.

The nobility of creatures is because they know what life is?

What's the point if it's all these shriveled undead by then.

Karen didn't want to wake up and look at these mummies until night, day after day.

At the beginning, he felt that there was a problem with the integration of the heart of the mainland, and then the sequelae appeared.

If time could be turned back, he would rather not master this heavy method. Wouldn't the high-frequency vibration of the U-shaped tower also withstand the impact of the bird?

Boss, the congratulatory letter from Fusion Continent has arrived!

The screen flickered for a while, and a series of text appeared.

Congratulations to the master of the harp for successfully merging the heart of the continent. At the same time, thank you for your huge killing of birds in the northern part of the Far East Sea. I am very happy to have such a powerful ally like you.

Colbert looked at Karen, but the other party didn't respond at all. He clicked the search button on the screen and found that there were more than a dozen letters, including one from the Far East.

Mr. Karen Heise, your unique killing of birds in the far east and the north of the sea has successfully attracted our attention, and he has given you the privilege of being the master of the North Sea.

Lord of the North Sea!

Colbert's eyes are wide open. This is equivalent to the highest leader in the Far East, the sea and the north. He is a well-deserved hegemony. In the history of the Far East, there are very few canonizations of this kind of hegemony. Such a sensational event , Karen actually secretly concealed it.

The more you look down, the more shocked you are. These are invitation letters from the Northern Continent. They all hope that Karen can establish the Far East Sea Alliance as soon as possible to jointly resist the invasion of birds.

Bestowed by the Far Eastern Continent and recognized by the surrounding continents, this is a well-deserved overlord.

The only thing Colbert wonders now is what exactly did Karen do when he became the lord of the continent again.

But when he saw the special letter from the Far East Continent, Colbert couldn't control it anymore.

Dear Mr. Karen, in view of your acceptance of the traitor Colbert in the Far East Continent, we respect you. From now on, we will withdraw the arrest warrant for Colbert and formally restore his reputation in the Far East Continent. The legal status of the mainland, I sincerely request that you come to the Far East Continent as a guest, the lord of the Far East Continent, Mo Luo.

Personal letter!


The true overlord of the Far East Sea.

This name makes Colbert unable to sleep peacefully at night. This person can cause a major earthquake in the Far East Sea with just a word, but now this kind of existence actually sent a private letter to Karen, and clearly pardoned himself. sin.

Colbert looked at the letter while looking at the depressed Karen, and finally couldn't help asking, Karen, what did you do?

He already had a premonition of an absolutely sensational event, which shocked Mo Luo, who was thousands of miles away.

It's nothing, I just stood there for a while.

Stand up for a while?

Colbert thought about it carefully, but he didn't feel that this sentence had any special meaning. Suddenly, he noticed the difference in Karen, and took a closer look. The so-called him was not this Karen, but the one who had already integrated into the mainland. Mechanic Karen in .

So the so-called standing for a while, could it be...

You let the Aegean stand up? Colbert asked in astonishment.

Karen nodded innocently, I just thought about it to see if I have this ability. I didn't expect that the Aegean Continent would really stand up and become what it is now.

But why didn't I feel it? Colbert figured it out before he finished questioning, they were too young.

Compared to the Aegean Continent, they are too small, just like bacteria on living beings, no matter how they change, they will not be rejected.

In addition, Karen must have stood up for a short time, so she didn't feel it.

But when a continent stands up, it must be captured by the surrounding continents and the Far East continent. This kind of ability has completely surpassed the general level. In other words, Karen at this moment is completely comparable to the gods of ancient times.

Colbert didn't dare to imagine what kind of scene it was. On the vast sea, a continent stands tall and straight. What a terrifying picture it is.

After the shock, it was immediately replaced by surprise.

Boss, it's developed, we're developed, the Aegean is a free continent! Colbert exclaimed excitedly.


Yes, freedom, just like Floating Cloud Continent, you can lead us to walk freely, so that many disasters can be avoided, and at the same time, we can constantly search for resources. This is the ability, the ability that many people dream of. Colbert somewhat He couldn't control himself, he didn't expect that a piece of continent he picked at random would have such a special ability.

This is not a continent, but the foundation of the world's strength. He can even feel that the continuous transformation of the entire continent into undead is itself in line with this ability.

Boss, you can try it now, or take two steps in the sea. Colbert excitedly wanted to try.



Every transfer will make the undead stronger, and it will be impossible for the creatures on the mainland to return to normal. This is not the life I want first.

Colbert was completely stunned. Karen actually disliked her own abilities. It was like exchanging a sword for rice grains.

But he can't force it, he knows Karen's stubborn temper, if forced, maybe Karen will have a whim and cut off the connection with the heart of the mainland.

Boss, if I can help you get the life you want, will you accept it? Colbert said desperately.

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