First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 496

You seem very happy! Karen asked coldly.

Colbert was taken aback. He had never felt such a cold tone. Ever since he joined Gold Shining Town, the boss had been kind to him. He could feel that Karen was disgusted. At the same time, he knew He didn't restrain himself, and enjoyed the compliments from those strong men just now.

Especially at the party, Mo Luo expressed his affection for him more than once, and even extended an olive branch if there was no connection between them. The Far East Continent was very interesting to him.

It's something Colbert enjoys.

But at this moment, he felt that something was wrong. The arrival of these strong men was not a congratulation, but a temptation instead.

Merging the Heart of the Continent did allow Karen to control unparalleled power, but it also allowed him to enter these strong competition lists. The seven people who arrived today have absolute influence in the Far East Sea, and they have controlled the entire world for many years. Control of the Far East Sea.

Karen's rash insertion clearly broke the balance.

Boss, do you think I shouldn't be close to Molo? Colbert asked proactively.


Karen snorted coldly, but Alice next to her asked unceremoniously, Colbert, do you really think we care what those people think, we don't care what happened to Asuka, now we have to reassure ourselves of what we want Life, it's ugly to look so dry, and, besides, I want coffee, a beautiful dress, and my make-up.

Nasha was more gentle, but at the moment she seemed unable to control her temper, Colbert, you should know that we elves value appearance the most, but now we are all undead, you can go out and see, who else is there? The elves are willing to live on this continent, do you think we should live like this?

It took a long time for Colbert to come to his senses. It turned out that Karen was not angry because of competition, but because he had not fulfilled his promise. He seemed to remember that when Karen was completely integrated into the heart of the mainland, he would not affect the other party. quality of life.

Now that he has power, but the whole continent seems to have become a mummy, and even he himself is somewhat disgusted with this kind of life.

Immediately understood, he laughed and said: Boss, these are not problems at all. Our current body imitation technology is very mature, and we can completely imitate our own body according to the previous appearance.

How to imitate, haven't you seen the horror of this continent, as long as we are here, everything will be completely boned. Alice still asked.


It's very simple. Colbert said calmly: The skeletonization of the Aegean Continent is very serious, but the Fusion Core Continent and the East Indian Continent have not been affected by us. At worst, the shells we produce will be sent to their continents. , Mistresses, I must remind you that these bodies can be designed according to your own wishes, and I can guarantee that the bodies produced by our Scarlet Tower are absolutely top-notch.

Thinking of being able to design her own appearance as a reminder, Alice didn't object that much just now, but Nasha disagreed, The Fusion Continent is not good, I can't bear to stay inside the Continent all day, and the civilization there is already quite mature. There are a lot of creatures, the Aegean Continent is so big and there are so many creatures, there is no room for us to live.

That's right, the East India continent is also very crowded, maybe we all have to squeeze in. Alice analyzed very pertinently.

Colbert didn't dare to offend the two women. He was well aware of Karen's doting on his woman, and now he had finally acquired the power of the undead.

This is not only possible to work endlessly on the Aegean Continent, but also as long as there is a supplement of undead energy on the Aegean Continent, you can live and die.

To put it bluntly, this is a kingdom of immortality. In addition to these benefits, he can use the power of the soul tower to extract his soul from the bones, and then design a perfect body by himself and integrate it into it. Experienced in the entire Far East Sea.

As long as a certain magic circle is set up for the soul, it can be instantly transferred to one's own body when the body is destroyed. This is definitely the best way to go out and explore.

The most important point is that the body he designed is not only a low-level creature like a human being, but now there is one. The phoenix that Karen captured for him is a very good material. Using the flesh and blood of the phoenix, it is constantly moving under the agitation of magic power. Breeding, you can successfully obtain a phoenix shell.

His immortal soul fused with the body of the phoenix, what kind of power that would be, I dare not imagine.

Two mistresses, you are completely worrying about it. Our Aegean Continent has already been able to absorb other continents as its own derivative continents, just like absorbing the East India Continent and Fusion Core Continent. Although they have not fully integrated into the Aegean Continent , but has begun to revolve around the Aegean Continent, and has begun to rely on the energy of the Aegean Continent. Now the boss is the Lord of the Northern Sea, ruling the entire northern region of the Far East Sea. Didn’t you see how many congratulatory Continent Lords there are? , as long as we transform these continents into our derivative continents.

Colbert said persuasively, and looked at Karen from the other side, Boss, this is your right. As long as you give an order, they will obediently give up their continent.

I don't think so. Karen sneered, The moment the Aegean Continent stands up, these continents can be summed up, but only the East Indian Continent and the Fusion Core Continent, I don't think many people are willing to control themselves The mainland of China is for nothing.

Colbert smiled awkwardly, that was indeed the case.

Those who can become the lord of the continent are all hero-level characters, especially those who survived the Asuka Disaster are the best among them.

How can these existences tolerate a restriction suddenly appearing on their heads, not to mention that the former Aegean Continent was unobtrusive and watertight.

Boss, you can actually come by force in many cases. Colbert said boldly.

The overlord of the north was not appointed by himself, but from the fallen angels. To put it bluntly, the entire northern part of the Far East Sea belongs to Karen, and he can expropriate any piece of land as long as he wants.

Karen shook his head. He understood Colbert's intentions, but he was not overbearing. In Karen's mind, both parties should be beneficial to each other, so they could be together.

The reason why the East Indian Continent and Fusion Core Continent revolve around the Aegean Continent is because it can obtain incomparable benefits from Gold Shining Town.

Colbert smiled wryly, Boss, I have another solution, just in case you don't have the guts.

any solution?

Colbert pointed to the sky, How about Floating Cloud Continent? In fact, if we can take it as our own, with the current ability of Jinshijin Town, the civilization created will definitely be much more advanced than that of the Aegean Continent.

Kolbert is right, Karen, didn't you say that the area of ​​Floating Cloud Continent is not under Aegean? Alice echoed.

Nasha hesitated and said, Karen, from the analysis of the collected land samples, the fertility of Floating Cloud Continent is at least fifty times that of Aegean. This is a continent with extremely rich nutritional value. If plants are planted on it, Great for growing.

Karen did not give a clear answer. Judging from the situation in Fuyun Continent, it is indeed the most suitable for the current situation, but these people ignore Dior's most important point.


These creatures of unknown origin have not been deciphered so far, and the Floating Cloud Continent is still the old nest of these birds.

Let me think about it.

Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Colbert immediately said: Boss, what is there to consider? Our skeletalization is no longer afraid of birds, and now we are fully capable of annexing Floating Cloud Continent. Restraint, the advantage will be missed.”

Yeah, Karen, what else is there to consider about such a simple matter. Alice was also anxious.

Karen suddenly fell silent, Let's go first, Colbert, you concentrate on developing the body, and convey the content of this meeting to everyone, don't panic, Alice, communicate with the Soul Tower, let They set up a factory that can refine souls as soon as possible, and as for Nasha, please appease the elves, and if possible, communicate with the elf queen.

Seeing Karen's firm attitude, the three had no choice but to leave. It was not until these people left the clubhouse that Karen asked not far away, What do you think?

As his voice fell, a skeleton suddenly grew on the ground, and at the same time Karen's shadow elongated and melted into the skeleton.


A black flame suddenly shot up in the skull of the skeleton, twisted his head a few times, sat down on the bone chair next to Karen, and said lightly:

They're naive!

Impossible? Karen asked hopefully.

Skeleton nodded, It's impossible, those flying birds won't die at all. I told you, they don't belong to this world, and things that don't belong to this world have no ability to exterminate them here. For such a simple reason, don't you Don't you understand?

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