First Law

Invincible Chapter 517

In this extremely urgent moment, the stubbornness in Karen's bones worked, but what method could he use.


All the undead spells, the affinity of the undead, and the research power of the gold-shielding town were useless. In the end, what remained in his mind was running, which he was least willing to practice these days.

He made himself bow, lean forward, step forward, and though it was hard work, he could feel his soul doing it, taking the first step in this berserk energy.

But with this small step, he actually felt energy flowing out of his body, and a new energy was born. Although it was only very slight, it was still felt by Karen.

He didn't care about reminiscing about this feeling, he took the second step, and the third step, his whole legs started to move as if he couldn't control it, and in the end he completely became like a hot wheel.


There is no such thing as running fast and fast on the sea, but at this moment there is a kind of calm, as if there is no energy around, he only feels that he has become the most extreme thing at this moment.


At this moment, he actually thought that Cabras had mentioned light, and it was this feeling that all the resistance in the world seemed to disappear.

Running, running non-stop, he could even see faint traces of crystal grains walking side by side with him, as if he could swim upstream from these crystal grains as long as he moved a little faster.


This feeling is inexplicable, but he subconsciously knows that this is time, something that the creatures are looking for but can't find, but at this moment he clearly perceives it, and even grasps the knack of traveling through time at this moment.

Karen, who was running continuously, suddenly stopped, his thoughts ran through the entire Aegean continent, and he completely merged with the Aegean continent almost instantly, as if he was the entire continent, the giant comparable to the world, and at this moment he It stands at the northernmost point of the Far East Sea.

He wanted to take a step, to retest his speed.

But just thinking about it like this has already appeared in the southernmost part of the Far East Sea.

This definitely did not take a blink of an eye, without detection, he knew that it was definitely not more than 0.5 seconds.

He didn't know it would be so wonderful,

It's really unbelievable that something that I didn't even dare to think about has become a reality at this moment.

Boss, you did it! Cabras' voice suddenly came from beside Karen, and he was continuously distorted in the gray mist, like an S-shaped electric wave.

Great, you have broken through the limit, bone fission is indeed the truth! Colbert's voice also came out, floating in the chaotic turbulence, like a ripple.

Karen! The voice was soft, like a kitten.

Karen would never forget this voice, Alice called him that when she saw him for the first time, but there was nothing around, except for the constant rolling air current and the sound of energy explosions.

At this moment, the Aegean Continent has completely disappeared. There are no factories, no research centers, no Golden Town, no wasteland, and no Gold Town.

This is a huge energy group, sometimes turning into an ellipse, sometimes turning into a huge energy giant.

Alice! Karen called softly, he was most afraid of the disappearance of his beloved woman.

I'm here! Alice responded quickly, I don't know what I look like now, but I am aware, Karen, I can't see you.

I can't see it either. What about Maria, what about Nasha, and where about Ma Mazi! Karen cried anxiously.

But there was nothing else around except for Alice's voice. Karen's new life dropped to freezing point in an instant. He had experienced the destruction of his soul. In that instant, his body and soul completely disappeared, leaving only his poor consciousness.

And that consciousness seems to have merged with the bone fission of this continent, becoming an inseparable part.

Alice couldn't feel him, but as the master of the Aegean continent, he could clearly feel Alice's existence. Even though he didn't know what form the other party was in, he could feel it.

It's just a feeling, a feeling of being connected by blood.

He searched all over the Aegean continent with his feeling, but there was nothing but Alice. He found Red Hoof, Churchill, and Black Moore.

But there was no one he wanted to find. With the passage of time, Karen's thinking had become infinitely large. He could even feel the thoughts of ordinary creatures and pinpoint the location of an ordinary creature.

He checked one by one from the crowd, and there was nothing but Alice.

Boss, we should accept reality! Colbert's voice appeared in Karen's ear.

He has been helping Karen adapt to his current body these days, and according to the statistics of the creatures on the entire continent, only one tenth of the creatures retained their minds during this disaster.

Colbert, I order you now, I want to see Maria! Karen said very seriously.

People are already dead! Colbert retorted, but in an instant, he suddenly thought of a very important thing, Boss, why don't we travel through time, we don't belong to this point in time, if we can If we go back a bit, we might be able to find Maria.

Karen's heart brightened. That's right, they came back here under the influence of the tears of time. He has now mastered the speed of light. As long as he exceeds this speed, he can swim upstream.

If the positioning is accurate, it may be possible to return to the point where the disaster struck.

Thinking of this, Karen no longer hesitated, and immediately asked Colbert and Cabras to formulate a specific shuttle plan.

The plan is extremely simple. As long as Karen's speed reaches the extreme, time can be reversed, but it should be noted that Karen must control his speed. If he can go back to the original era at once, then he wants to go back to the desired time. time, it is not so easy.

To locate a point in the long river, I am afraid that only the existence of the Goddess of Time can do it.

However, what Karen is most afraid of is not that it cannot be done. Everything needs to be tried. Besides, they can even master the most difficult time travel, let alone positioning.

Soon, the entire Aegean continent took action, especially at the moment when they knew that Karen was going to travel to the continent before the change, many creatures highly agreed.

After all, in this mutation, 90% of the creatures died, and among them were the relatives of these creatures. If there was another mutation, they would be able to tell the details of the mutation process one by one, thus greatly increased survival rate.

After Cabras was ready, Karen stood in the north of the Far East Sea. According to the theory he mastered, as long as Karen's speed was fast enough, he could quickly travel through time.

Boss, start!

Karen adjusted the mainland muscles to the limit, and went through the details of the shuttle one by one in her mind. Finally, the figures of Maria and other women appeared in her mind, and then she took a big step.

call out!

Time and space change, and light energy flows.

When Karen came back to his senses, he found that he was still in the same place, and there was still a surging and majestic sea in front of him. The sponge was constantly undulating under the gravity of the Aegean continent, forming waves of rolling waves.

After calming down, Karen couldn't feel better at all, because he found that he was still in a state of fog, and the entire Aegean continent was still in a high degree of bone fission.

He didn't make it!

Colbert, what's the matter? Karen yelled angrily, but there was no response from the surroundings. He had to call Cabras' name, but there was still no answer.

After a while, a pleasantly surprised voice came from the side, Boss, we succeeded. Bone fission is indeed the way to end the transformation of the continent.

It's Colbert's, very excited.

Karen was a little confused, but he remembered that Colbert had said this sentence earlier, and now he repeated it again.

He came back to his senses in an instant, he succeeded, to be precise, he did time travel, but he didn't travel to the desired time point, he just traveled forward a little bit in the simplest way.

But at the same time, he became puzzled. Colbert seemed to have lost his memory. He could not remember what happened in the future at all.

Could it be that he's the only one who remembers? Karen murmured in a low voice, and began to patrol the entire continent. One after another, creatures were discovered, and various statistics were calculated, and everything was developing according to the original situation.

Maria, Nasha, and Ma Mazi didn't show up.


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