First Law

Chapter 6 Fun Experiment

Karen smiled awkwardly, and retracted her outstretched palm.

I chatted a lot with Bunker, the history of Gold Glitter Town, the races in the wasteland, and the heroes of the kobolds.

Although the southwest of the wilderness is loose, it has a clear rule. Forbes firmly controls all races by relying on water and other necessities.

The six Forbes are in charge of all the businesses in this area, and all the income of the ordinary tribes will eventually fall into their pockets.

Bunker admired Churchill very much, saying that he was a special businessman, at least he knew how to protect his customers, unlike other Forbes, who blindly squeezed money.

Karen mostly listened, and he understood the benefits of listening.

Boss, are you hungry? Bunker realized that he had said too much, walked to the corner and took a yellow bread from a kobold woman, Fill your stomach.

Karen chewed and nearly spat it out.

He swears that he has never eaten such an unpalatable thing, like eating sand, and the crumbs pass through his throat, as if a knife has been scratched once, and the pain is unbearable.

But the sound of his chewing still attracted the attention of all the kobolds, especially those who were leaning against the wall and dozed off, they all looked over eagerly.

What is this.

The nest cake, made of thorn bark and some langmu powder. Bunker's eyes fell on the half of the nest cake left in Karen's hand, and he couldn't help swallowing.

You didn't eat either? Karen was not a fool, he could naturally see the other party's hunger.

No, I've already eaten. Bunker hastily turned his head, trying not to look at the cake.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Karen stuffed a whole piece into her mouth, chewed it several hundred times before swallowing it, and said after a while, It's okay. But her voice was hoarse.

Old Bunker hurriedly walked towards the woman kobold in the corner, and after arguing for a long time, he took a small glass of fresh water, Hurry up, you will get stuck if you are not careful.

Thank you! Karen clearly heard the voice of the dispute, and even saw Bunker move his hand. He knew that there was a high probability that a kobold would not be able to drink the glass of water he drank.

Looking at these kobolds that he hated in the past, he felt cute for no reason, When we get to the surface, I'll treat you to a good meal. Fresh water passed through his throat, and his speech became normal.

Bunker just listened to a joke, and leaned against the wall of the well and began to doze off. During this difficult time, falling asleep is bliss.

The bottom of the well was getting darker and darker, which proved that it was almost evening, and a piece of cake would not do anything. His stomach was growling, and he was very thirsty. Now he was eager to go out for activities.

Old Bunker got up and looked at the mouth of the well, and then sat back down. He could tell with his eyes when he could get out.

This is life, he has a lot of experience in the wasteland, all the kobolds listen to him, Karen didn't ask, he knew he listened to him too.

Sure enough, after Bunker watched the sky again, he respectfully said to Karen, Boss, I'll carry you up.

After a whole day of exposure to the sun, the wasteland is like a melting pot, and the soles of the feet are about to melt when they fall on it, but at least they can touch the ground.

One by one, the kobold Kaisu rushed to his thatched huts and tied up some wild grass for processing underground. This was their only handwork.

It smells so good. Karen sniffled, it was not an illusion, it was really fragrant, like stewed beef, it came from his thatched cottage, and he walked quickly to the thatched cottage.

I saw Nicole was surrounding an iron pot, with emerald blue flames slowly spraying out from the palm of her hand. Under the blessing of the flames, the lid of the pot was pulsating, and every time it pulsated, a scent came out.

Nicole, what's in it? Karen asked impatiently.

Beef jerky, boss, you haven't eaten all day. The temperature here is high and consumes a lot. You need to eat meat. I processed the beef jerky you brought and made a beef stew. Nicole opened the pot,

The heat was steaming, and the aroma diffused out. In less than a moment, a large group of kobolds had gathered around the thatched cottage.

Even those adult women stared at the big iron pot like children, and they blew all over the floor.

It's so delicious, is this swan meat? Mundo squeezed to the front and asked in a low voice.

Karen couldn't help laughing, there is no swan meat, but it is really delicious, one day he ate a nest of pancakes, he was very hungry, now he can't wait to eat it with an iron pan.

Nicole put the beef stew on a plate and put it in front of Karen, Boss, you can enjoy it.

Karen picked up the fork, and he swallowed so greedily, but he suppressed the impulse again, shook his head, and put the fork aside, Nicole, can you transform it into beef soup?

Why, beef stew tastes better.

No reason, just do as I say, okay?

Of course, it's very simple, just add some water. He said to Li Wen who was in the distance, Li Wen, I need water.

Oh! Li Wen said lightly, then brought a bag of water over and poured it into the iron pot with a bang.

Wait! Karen said quickly, Where did this water come from? It seemed that the only water was given to those kobolds.

It came from an experiment. Li Wen said calmly.


Could it be the cocoa experiment? Didn't the water run out?

Li Wen, how can the experiment get water?

It's very simple. I saw that Mr. Churchill just said that water is very scarce, so I simply distilled the water in Coca-Cola and took it out. It's not complicated.

Distillation? What do you mean? Karen was completely at a loss.

Well, heating the liquid to turn it into steam, then pouring out the steam to cool it down and turning it back into a liquid, the impurities mixed in the water will naturally be discharged, this is just the simplest experiment.

What Li Wen said was extremely simple, but he didn't know that Karen's heart was already terrified at this moment. He didn't care if it was a shit experiment, as long as he could get water, it was a good experiment.

He can personally understand how precious water is.

Can sea water also extract drinkable water? He tried to keep his tone calm enough to avoid scaring the skeleton.

Of course, as long as you control the boiling point, you can get water very easily.


Karen put his arms around Li Wen's head and kissed him hard. This is really an extraordinary skeleton who knows such a complicated alchemy experiment. Gold Shining Town has a beach. If sea water can really extract water, why would it care about such a little bit of fresh water? .

Nicole, put all the water in the pot, I'm going to treat you today.

Kobold Bunker had never eaten such a good thing. In his impression, this was a sacrifice that only gods could want to use. Seeing the little kobolds beside him swallowing the soup with all their might, he couldn't help speeding up. speed of swallowing.

Each of the 32 kobolds in Shining Gold Town used the largest clay bowl and shared a large bowl full. No one spoke, because talking would affect the speed of drinking soup.

One bowl per person is a really big bowl.

How does it smell? Karen smiled while sitting next to the kobold, and now he felt that the smell of the kobold was not so bad.

Hmm... delicious... um... um... There was only one persistent hmm, and the rest was swallowing, Boss, what the hell is this?

Beef soup, haven't you ever eaten it? Karen laughed.

No, I haven't eaten such good food since I grew up. You are the most generous mayor. Bunker complimented, and suddenly felt something was wrong, Boss, you are going to leave, right?

The soup is all boiled with water, and each of the 32 kobolds has a bowl. Only a broken pot would waste so much water.

What nonsense are you talking about, don't worry, I've taken root here, but this soup is not in vain, you have to do something for me.

Bunker immediately became vigilant, he felt that Karen's matter must be very difficult, What's the matter.

Karen threw out a dozen water bags, Fill these with water?

What? Where can I get you some water? Bunker was about to cry.

Look at you, sea water, pack it all up for me before dark.

Bunker let out a sigh of relief. Although there is a distance from the coastline here, if you send a few young kobolds, you can basically do it before dark. Just do what you say, and divide the water bags directly.

Perhaps it was because of the ox head soup that the kobolds were not so afraid of Karen. The women moved some tables and chairs into the room and took the initiative to clean up. The young and strong laborers repaired the dilapidated houses. There are several decorative ornaments hanging in the room.

But no one stepped forward to disturb Karen. They were told by old Bunker to earnestly implement the three major prohibitions proposed by Karen.

Karen didn't pay attention to the kobold's changes, and concentrated on watching Li Wen distill the fresh water. As soon as the fresh water was obtained, she tasted several sips herself.

Drinkable and not bad taste.

Li Wen, tell me, isn't this a great alchemy experiment? Karen didn't give up. This small experiment is ordinary, but if it is magnified tens of thousands of times, then the problem of water shortage in the wilderness will be solved directly.

No, this is the most common thing in chemistry. As long as you are a chemical engineering student, you can basically know it.

Then tell me what chemistry is, is it the same as potion making? It's easy to learn.

It depends on aptitude, and most people can master it. Li Wen is a little annoyed by this master, he seems to understand nothing, is it difficult?

Distillation, isn't it just the process of evaporating water according to the temperature difference, then exporting the water vapor, and then cooling it? He has emphasized it thirty times, but he still insists on this issue.

He is a chemist and needs to study chemical experiments instead of giving lectures like a junior high school teacher.

Tell me the specific details of distillation again. By the way, first tell me what water vapor is.

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