First Law

Chapter 74 Finalize the corpse sale

One hundred thousand!

Karen froze in place, he never thought that the word 100,000 came out of this woman's mouth. What he wanted was not pennies or Chinese cabbage, but a corpse.

And what the Queen of Spades said was that a single month can provide so much. Now, Karen has to carefully consider the weight of this woman. Compared with Cody and the other four, his ability is much higher, even very high. Possibly beyond Kabul.

Karen suppressed her excitement and pretended to be calm and said, No, the price is too high. Even if I buy a skeleton from a necromancer, it will be cheaper than this, 6 pence. This is the highest price I have ever paid.


Seven, the highest. Karen emphasized again.

8, Southwest Wolf, I can guarantee that some of the corpses are in good condition. Ashley emphasized.

Seven and a half, the final price. Karen bargained unceremoniously, but he knew that he could still bargain, even down to the digits after the half, such as 723, 724, these delicate decimal points, you must know These numbers are multiplied by 100,000, but it is not a simple decimal point.

Ashley didn't make a final bargain, and raised her glass, It's a pleasure to work with you, Karen Heise, I believe we will still be as happy as we are today.

Karen was a little puzzled. This was the first time the other party called her name. Compared with the title, the name seemed a bit more friendly. She raised her glass and clinked together.

To be honest, Qatar prepared a little too much red wine, just as he predicted, sweet with a grape flavor, like a girl's lips.

After a successful negotiation, drinking this stuff is definitely the most wonderful thing.

After clinking glasses for the first time, there was still more than half of the bottle left. According to the rules of Qatar, the entire bottle of wine needs to be drunk after the transaction. In his opinion, this is a kind of respect.

This time, Karen took the initiative to pour the wine, and the delicate palm of the other party was like a newly ripened lotus root in autumn. Just touching Karen lightly, it brought a lingering fragrance.

At this moment, Karen was more and more sure that this woman was a stunner, ten thousand times more stunning than imagined.

Can we meet? Karen offered the invitation.

The Queen of Spades shook her head, We will meet when it's time to meet, I think now is not the time. She drank the wine in the glass, stood up and smiled at Karen, You are very special, It is said that you are a man with four pupils, I really want to see it with my own eyes.

With a giggle, he turned and went straight out the door.

Karen was left alone in the room, but the fragrance was still overwhelming, as if the other party hadn't left.

Seeing that there was not much red wine, and smelling the fragrance on the back of his hand, the hormones in his body were ignited like dynamite for a moment, and he unconsciously recalled the other party's delicate face, and smiled helplessly. It's also crazy.

After cleaning up the rest of the red wine, he also stood up and walked out.

It is still the familiar aisle, the familiar street, the familiar city of Qatar, but now it is completely different in Karen's eyes. He seems to see through the real value behind this dilapidated city-state.

He found Qatar and paid the pence that needed to be mortgaged, and then walked down the street to his rented courtyard.

Where is Ah Zhen? Karen asked, looking at Xingbada who was manipulating the triangular circle.

Go back to his sister.

Karen turned around and went directly to the fish market, and heard Ah Zhen's familiar laughter from a distance. Sure enough, two women were sitting in the fish shop dealing with the silver grouper that had just died.

Old Ah Zhen saw Karen, and instinctively wanted to call him 'Boss', but when she realized that she was Karen's girlfriend, she immediately changed her name and called, Allen, why are you here?

Oh, a letter from home told us to go back. Karen walked over and smiled at Ah Zhen's sister, Sister, this dead fish is also for sale. It's not authentic. That joking look is really like a family.

Go, go, what do you know? Didn't you read the Holy Storm Empire's circular just now? Now this thing is valuable.

Order? What order? Karen asked.

Ah Zhen rolled her eyes, It was just passed on by the Holy Storm Emperor's Department. In order to resist the necromancer's persecution of the empire, all dead bodies are required to be handed over to the empire and destroyed in a unified manner. Anyone who violates the law will be imprisoned for a minimum of 15 days.

Karen was taken aback, the Ministry, it can't be so fast, you know he just reached an agreement with the Queen of Spades, The fish have to be handed over too?

Isn't that right, everything, this is a rule, don't worry, the empire will give a certain amount of subsidies according to the size of the corpse, and you can get half a penny for this dead fish. If it is the corpse of an orc slave, I heard that you can get it. 3 pennies, now many slave owners are scrambling to slaughter orc slaves, just to take advantage of the empire.

Karen didn't know what to say, but he was sure that this order was completely caused by the agreement just now, but such an efficient work efficiency made Karen look sideways.

Karen, why are you so dazed, are you also waiting to kill something for money? Ah Zhen's sister laughed beside her.

Karen was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't tell that it was a joke. In his opinion, this is likely to become a fact. Thugs don't just exist in the wasteland. Will this business bring the Holy Storm Empire into crisis?

Shaking his head and smiling wryly, what is he worrying about, there are a lot of things in Jinshi Town that have not been resolved.

Sister, do you think I'm that kind of person? He smiled at the two women, I'm sorry, but the mercenary group sent an urgent letter just now, telling us to hurry over there.

In such a hurry, didn't you mean to stay for two or three days? Sister Ah Zhen said reluctantly.

I can't help it, the superiors are urging me, or I want to play for two more days. Karen winked at Ah Zhen, as he said, there are many things now.

As long as the ship of the Queen of Spades comes over, the Gold Coast is still a big beach. Even if the mounts can walk off the ship, at least the beach must be able to dock a giant ship. At the same time, it needs to deal with griffins and corpses, and even deal with the golden bat. Kim Jin's harassment.

Sister, I really have to go, or Allen will really blame me. Ah Zhen put down the dead fish on hand, took out a stack of pennies and put them on the table, which was rewarded by Karen in Desa City, I don't know when I will come next time. Qatar City is expensive, so you should take these first.

Sister Ah Zhen hurriedly declined, Ah Zhen, what are you doing for this, take it back, I have this fish shop and I can already support the family, besides, isn't your brother-in-law also earning money outside?

Ah Zhen stood up and smiled, Sister, you can take it. The mercenary group is in charge of food and clothing. I don't spend money. Your health is not good. Qatar is robbed by robbers every three days. Keep some money and rest assured. , well, you don't have to refuse, Aaron is in a hurry, we have to go.

After speaking, he pulled Karen and walked out without giving him a chance to say goodbye.

It seemed that every time she left her sister's place, she was always in such a hurry. She was about to ridicule her, but suddenly she heard a rush of footsteps, grabbed Ah Zhen and went straight to the corner, just in time for four big men to rub her against her. Passed over and went straight into a farmer's house.

What are you doing?

boom! boom! puff!

After a while, poked his head out of the door, looked left and right and saw no one, waved a few gestures towards the room, and saw two people came out with sacks on their shoulders, and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

Karen looked down at the scarlet blood on the ground. Obviously, in just a few seconds, two murders had already occurred.

Killed? Ah Zhen asked tremblingly.


What, are you saying that the four big men were emperors just now? Ah Zhen asked in disbelief, How did you know that?

That gesture is only used by the soldiers of the Holy Storm Empire. I saw it in Maria's legion. Karen sighed. He had already guessed something, but he didn't want to believe it. Walk on the street.

The street is still bustling as usual, but three new shops have been opened on the street, Corpse Acquisition Office, Corpse Appraisal Office and Corpse Maintenance Center. The three are close together, covering the entire building.

At this moment, many guests gathered in front of the building.

Boss, those four big men. Ah Zhen suddenly raised her head and pointed at the four burly men at the entrance of the corpse purchase office.

Karen quickly pressed down the opponent's hand. He didn't want to cause trouble because of Ah Zhen's contempt. These four didn't look like the kind of good people who could casually break into ordinary people's homes and start killing. It should not be an ordinary character.

He knew his business had changed the empire a bit.

Let's go! He couldn't control what happened to the Holy Storm Empire, and now he just left Qatar City as soon as possible to see the freighter of the Queen of Spades.

Fortunately, at least the street was calm, but with bodyguards like Griffin, few dared to provoke Karen.

After leaving Cartel, Karen rushed to Hongye Village and asked Kamble to expand the number of bodyguards. If possible, it would be best to hire a mercenary group to provide defense.

Karen asked the guards to take the letter to the town of Gold, and set off directly towards the Gold Coast. At noon the next day, he finally saw the golden sand and the blue sea, but looking at the dilapidated crocodile mouth in front of him, I couldn't help feeling sad.

The river channel is more than ten meters wide, and the shoal at the bottom can be seen at a glance, and the reefs outside are exposed from time to time.

Not to mention the port, even the small pier of the Golden Lion Fortress is incomparable. Looking at this so-called natural port, Karen felt that she was too impatient.

I don't have the strength to build a port at all.

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